What are you doing to do after P90X?

FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
Hey everyone! Just curious if y'all have plans already for what is next...I'm thinking about doing a hybrid of P90X and Turbofire. The worksheets are on beach body's web site :) They have a number of combinations (P90X and Insanity, etc) - just curious if anyone plans to do a hybrid after this or if you'll do something completely different?


  • I'm almost 100% I will go from week 13 recovery straight into a p90x/insanity hybrid. I don't think I want to do straight Insanity as I think muscle is important if you're 6'2". String bean no es bueno.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    I will move on to Cathe Freidrich's STS program which I have done in the past. It is a 12 week program (weight training). I'll continue to do turbofire for my cardio and get a run in here or there.
  • I am on my third round of P90X but I average 3-4 times a week. I am just maintaining and eating healthier than ever! I plan on getting Turbo Fire to try out a fun and up beat routine... Just need to get through school before I commit my time to a new routine!
    Great question
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    Im doing a hybrid of P90X and Insanity right now; I plan on one more round of P90X along with 60 days of Insanity (but the insanity will be all the Max work outs). After that round, going to P90X2 and probably sticking with Insanity since I do that first thing in the morning.
  • azbutterfly1324
    azbutterfly1324 Posts: 74 Member
    My husband and I are planning to do one round of Insanity after completing p90x, then starting p90x2.
  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 859 Member
    After this round I plan on taking April to recover and do some other things, run more, try some other workouts, but generally give my body some much needed rest. Then come May I will be doing a round of P90X+, I already have the dvd, and they look pretty crazy. They all run about 45 minutes, but they don't have a lot of the chatter that the original ones have, so its pretty much go go go. Really looking forward to the switch.
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I think I will start another round of P90X Classic. I just started P90X Classic (day 10) and some of my workouts need modifications. I think if I do another round of P90X Classic it will eliminate most of those. I am thinking I might start running 2-3 miles, 3-4 times a week to get more cardio on less cardio driven workout days. I started P90X at 248.8 and today I was down to 243.2. I am hoping for a weight loss of almost 50 pounds but even 30 is a good start for me. I hope to achieve my goal weight by the end of the second round or at least very close to it. I have a long way to go but I am waking up on the weekdays at 4 AM and working out. Going well so far.
  • Timarling
    Timarling Posts: 80
    Excellent goals. Keep up the good work. 4AM requires far more intense motivation than I think I could muster.
  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    Do Classic again.
  • bengibson3
    bengibson3 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on my last week of P90x and will starting Insantity next week. I'm thinking about doing the doubles but I'm not sure if I'll have the time. Was it difficult?
  • gilliland_a
    gilliland_a Posts: 27 Member
    I dont know about insanity. I have seen the ads. I like p90x more because the muscle build.

    I do doubles- runs on lifting days. I think offsetting the lifting with some good cardio creates a strong balance. I have had great results thus far, so I think I will just start wk 1 again after week 13.
  • MissesJai
    MissesJai Posts: 48
    I'm in my last month so I plan on doing another round of P90X but do a hybrid with Insanity. Once that's over, then I will probably start doing Krav.
  • Dimpszz
    Dimpszz Posts: 40
    After I finish, I'm going to go back to working out 3-4x a week then I will start the Brazilian Butt Lift
  • I have about 2 and a half weeks left then I plan on taking a week to run only then doing p90x classic but instead of cardio days run with a long run on the yoga day...
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    I am in week two of the P90X/Insanity Hybrid. After that, who knows, maybe P90X 2.