
What are your goals??? Weight loss? Fitness? Toning? Mine are all of the above!!!


  • Jennicia
    Jennicia Posts: 479 Member
    To be healthier all the way around. Have it become a life style...stop wishing I could be skinny and JUST BE SKINNY! :)
  • kcsirois
    kcsirois Posts: 5
    I want to look like I did in high school
  • Heathervescent
    Heathervescent Posts: 22 Member
    I'm right there with both of you!!! I'm tired of not being able to wear half of my clothes because of my problem areas. And I'm almost to my high school weight!! About 5-7 pounds to go!! Hope I can keep it all off this time!!!
  • toagirl
    toagirl Posts: 41
    *Good health
    *Look good in my clothes
    *Walk around in my swimsuit with out jiggling:wink:
    *Be a hot mum (I have teen age children now and I have felt like a frumpy mum for the past 17 years. It's time to get HOT. Get in shape now, stay in shape, and when the time comes I am going to be the hottest granny there is :bigsmile: )
  • lovetobethin86
    lovetobethin86 Posts: 202 Member
    To be healthier all the way around. Have it become a life style...stop wishing I could be skinny and JUST BE SKINNY! :)

    My thoughts exactly!! I guess people would say I'm skinny already but its the problem areas (thighs) that are the problem....they just don't want to shrink:(
  • donnaferraiuolo
    donnaferraiuolo Posts: 17 Member
    to be happy, healthy and toned...turning 50 in October!!
  • Heathervescent
    Heathervescent Posts: 22 Member
    People already say I'm thin too. Any time I talk about exercise or eating a clean diet I get weird looks and rude comments. I feel like its all about how we feel about our bodies that matters. I'm an apple shape so I look skinny in clothes and have skinny arms and legs. But when the clothes come off, there's those few extra pounds hiding under my shirt and jeans :(
  • donnaferraiuolo
    donnaferraiuolo Posts: 17 Member
    I also get looks when I say I am watching my weight because I am very small framed and same here dressed I looked slim but there is some places that could get toned.
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    I want to be healthy as well. I have young kids and really want to keep up with them... without having to stop and catch my breath. :glasses:
    I'm also recently divorced and just getting back into the dating game. Confidence has never been my strongest quality. Being able to unleash my Skinny ***** - and believe in her - would help a LOT. :love:
  • Heathervescent
    Heathervescent Posts: 22 Member
    You look AWESOME Donna!!!!! I can't believe you're 49!!! You look much much younger!!!
  • Heathervescent
    Heathervescent Posts: 22 Member
    One thing I have learned in life is the importance of being confident. Guys love a confident woman. If you walk around like you are all that, guys WILL take notice!! :)
  • Jane1320
    Jane1320 Posts: 20 Member
    I want to look like "Wonder Woman" again my nickname when I was in my 20's....Has anyone read the "Skinny *****" diet book? Sorry, but I hated it....the woman who wrote it are really *****y..I found it totally degrading, not funny and not helpful....I like the idea of an alter ego though...can you tell?...but really make the fantasy a reality.
  • sgrzech2009
    sgrzech2009 Posts: 5 Member
    My goals are to feel better about myself, run faster and set a good example for my two little girls
  • Heathervescent
    Heathervescent Posts: 22 Member
    I love all of your goals!! We can do it, too!!! Persistence, discipline and a "fake it til you make" it attitude will get us there!!!
  • Heathervescent
    Heathervescent Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, I did read that book. What a complete waste of time and money!!! They basically want us all to become tree hugging hippies who are totally vegan and if you choose not to live that lifestyle then you are a fat disgusting slob who deserves to die. Or at least that's the impression I got :/
  • kkrobins
    kkrobins Posts: 37 Member
    Great health, I wan't to become a RUNNER!
  • Heathervescent
    Heathervescent Posts: 22 Member
    You ARE a runner!!! You decide what you are and you make it happen!! What you visualize you will materialize!!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    I want to be a skinny bi*ch, plain and simple! I am sick of being a size 14 (uk). I am tall 5ft 9ins, and generally feel big all the time. suppose it doesn't help that my nickname was 'big chick' as i was growing up. i was slim, by no means fat, but my sisters/cousins/etc are all petite, so I was considered large compared to them.

    Now i want to join their gang, i'll never be petite but I can be a skinny bi*ch