Just joined the group

After not liking the way I looked in pictures and after being told by my doctor that I am considered borderline obese I decided it was time for change. I joined MFP on February 29th and I am doing this program alongside a weight loss program under the guidance of a doctor and dietitian. When I joined MFP I had more than 40lbs to lose, more than my age. I'm hoping I will be able to get the support I need to stay focused and on program as by my 41st birthday I am hoping to be back down to 135lbs. So getting there by June 1st and maintaining this new weight will be optimal:smile:


  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Hi. How's the weight loss going? Your goal is the same as mine! I want to get down to 135 before August. Good luck with it and keep posting!
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    Good luck and welcome
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I'm hoping to reach my goal by June 1st or at least somewhere close to that date!
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    I'd like to get to my goal by August. I figure if I lose it slowly, then I will keep it off. I started my weight loss journey in October last year, with Weight Watchers. My goal was to lose 56 pounds, and so far I have lost 20.
  • Callidreamr
    Callidreamr Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome! Good luck on meeting your goals, just in time for summer :)