Veggie bashing

NGMama Posts: 384 Member
Oh my goodness, I am so sick of seeing nasty stuff on the boards. I'm not a vegan who preaches at people but I do share information with people who are interested. I'm really tired of hearing people knock all veg*ns as a whole. Like in any group, there will always be those who rub people the wrong way, but FFS, there are omnis who do the same.

I wish people would just back off and stop judging vegan diets, especially when they're often not even sure how we get our nutrition or why we make the choice. So, to those in the group who stood up on the main boards today, well done. It all made me too angry and sad to even be able to be reasonable in a discussion.


  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Oh my goodness, I am so sick of seeing nasty stuff on the boards. I'm not a vegan who preaches at people but I do share information with people who are interested. I'm really tired of hearing people knock all veg*ns as a whole. Like in any group, there will always be those who rub people the wrong way, but FFS, there are omnis who do the same.

    I wish people would just back off and stop judging vegan diets, especially when they're often not even sure how we get our nutrition or why we make the choice. So, to those in the group who stood up on the main boards today, well done. It all made me too angry and sad to even be able to be reasonable in a discussion.

    Thank you. I never know if participating in those fora helps or hurts.
  • Well said hun x i dont go on the boards because i hear so much negativity surrounding what is written x cant be bothered im just happily having a steady downward trend and remaining positive through and through x vegans rock always, compassion and love in all food makes me smile x
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Yeah it's irritating. I don't know if this the ignorance or arrogance that irritates me more!
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    I also stick to just the vegan/vegetarian groups because they are like a save haven! Plus, I've been on MFP for almost a year now and the general discussion/nutrition groups tend to get repetitve after a while... starvation mode, eating back your workout calories, how to get six-pack abs, etc., etc.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    I don't talk about health AT ALL with omnis b/c I've had it go terribly awry and been accused of pushing veganism/ vegan propaganda, etc. It's ridiculous. When omnis talk about health related to food no one goes ballistic on them telling them to keep their extreme diets and propaganda to themselves. Heck, I have a "meat eaters" list on facebook that I hide all health articles from because of their rabid attacks.

    I leave the correcting of the vegan ignorant to someone who is much more diplomatic. ;)
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I generally don't bother with non-veg forums, the reaction is just HOSTILE. Seriously, vegans are the friendliest, kindest people I've ever met, but you'd think they were homicidal maniacs the way we get treated online. There are some sick, angry people our there, who are just best avoided.
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    I understand your frustration! I personally tend to think it best to keep out of those kinds of discussions. Even just reading it grates me the wrong way. More often than not people tend to be resistant to learning anything about veg*nism, and discussion never seems to be civil online and on an anonymous forum like this.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    That's why I think it's best to respond to those with genuine interest that there are groups devoted to this subject where they can ask their questions.