
Introduce yourselves and tell us a little about you and your goals.


  • dixieglfla73
    Hi, I'm Terri, going on 40 and looking to get back into shape and not feel so OLD when the time comes! My goal is to lose approx 100lbs and hopefully enter a marathon by 2014. I have two beautiful daughters, work a FT M-F job which makes working out tricky sometimes, but have found that with a little discipline at home, I don't need to spend $10/month for a gym membership!! Would be nice to find some walking friends for the local area to help maintain my determination. Everyone needs an accountability partner sooner or later!
  • mortaleyez
    mortaleyez Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Nate. I'm 32 and looking to get back into pre "adult" shape. Over the past 12+ years I've gained more than 100 pounds and have quite working out. My goal is to lose about 100 pounds. which I will have to really focus on since I work a FT M-F desk job.
  • dixieglfla
    Hi Nate, 100 lbs sounds like a lot but I'm hoping it's really not.........didn't seem so hard to put it on does it??

    BTW I created this group but just deleted the account because I remembered my old one I had! So hopefully they don't delete the group too.........if so, just look dixieglfla up and friend me and we'll star another.

    I've started slow by trying to walk for my breaks at work and walking a mile twice a week over a nearby bridge at work. Nothing major but a start anyway, how about you?
  • mortaleyez
    mortaleyez Posts: 11 Member
    I know I can get the weight off, but I've really got to stay focused. My wife is also tracking and setting goals; she's been doing amazing! It's really an inspiration to me as well. I am planning to walk about 1½ miles 4-5 times a week and watch my caloric intake. Best of luck!
  • dixieglfla
    Good for her, trust me it's alot easier when you have others to do it with you!! My hubby is already the same weight as he was in high school so I don't get the support from him I'd like. I think it would be much easier to go walk or ride bikes if I had someone to do it with. Right now I have a couple ladies at work I walk with for our breaks and we walk the new bridge in Titusville 2x/week. I think it's easier not that it stays light longer, I live in MI so used to when I got home from work it was dark, now I have time to go work in the yard and burn calories that way! Good luck to you guys too!!