What's your favorite/least favorite workout? Is it what you

sarahmoyta Posts: 23 Member
I'm loving Kenpo X. I definitely thought I'd like yoga better, but it turns out that's my least favorite!


  • My least favorite has definitely got to be the yoga x mainly because i shattered my wrist about 6-7 years ago and it bugs me with the constant pressure in the moves. Other than that its somewhat entertaining.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Yoga is my least favorite and Kenpo is my favorite.
  • Plyometrics and Kenpo are my favorites; they're fun and you move the entire time... I like the second part of Yoga but the first 45mins kick my butt, so yoga is my least favorite unfortunately
  • phatty4dayz
    phatty4dayz Posts: 125 Member
    Plyo and Kempo are my favorites too. I HATE YOGA!!!! Actually, I refuse to do it. I know, I know... "follow the program exactly how it's laid out". But I'm sorry, Im not doing Yoga X. I'd rather watch paint dry. It's so boring to me and as soon as I get the hang of one move, they switch into another move and I get frustated. I just can't take it. So... I do Cardio X on Yoga days now. *shrugs* Its better than nothing...
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I'm glad I'm on the same page as everyone else, I LOVE kenpo, HATE yoga. hate hate hate hate hate it, to the point where I skipped it this week :-\ Next week is my recovery (HA!) week, so I get to do it twice...yayyyy *sarcasm*
  • MrsOat
    MrsOat Posts: 9
    Oh man! I just started and haven't gotten to the yoga day yet. It's tomorrow morning. I'm not looking forward to it! But will give it a go. I generally like yoga, so I'm hoping it doesn't drive me nuts. :)
  • mmccarp
    mmccarp Posts: 9
    i dont like the yoga part because i feel goofy doing it. i still do it and do the best i can. but i feel goofy. i like the arms workout and the kenpo
  • EricD90X
    EricD90X Posts: 4
    Favorite: Kenpo. It's just so fun and simple.
    Least favorite: Yoga. It takes forever and it's repetitive and I always fall down on the balance postures.