Month of April Daily Mini Challenges Sign-Up

Here is the official posting for the April Mini Challenge. Each day there will be something that each of us needs to complete to help keep us motivated to stay on track. If April goes well, hey, we might consider continuing in may. Below I would like you to post some things that you struggle with, and we can turn those into things we can work on to achieve. When we have enough ideas, I will put them together for a mini challenge!


  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    My biggest challenge is eating at night. I put my child to bed and go straight to the fridge. I try to eat good around her so I wait until she is asleep.
  • rdt1972
    rdt1972 Posts: 3
    I think this is a great idea! My biggest challenge is fitting in workouts. With going to school full time along with its homework load, having two teenagers with their activities as well as church activities... it is very easy to just keep working or being taxi driver and not making myself take the time to put in a 30 minute workout. I think that's my biggest struggle.
  • Great idea! My biggest struggles are fitting in time to workout and snacking off of the kids' plates. With 4 kids under 5, it's so hard to find time to get in a really good workout. First thing in the morning, I'm exhausted from being up with the twins, then late at night, I'm exhausted from chasing them all day, lol! I'd love some things to do WITH the kids, but that might not be great for the group, since not everyone is a mommy/daddy ;) Just my own personal struggles!
  • msmegas
    msmegas Posts: 10 Member
    I like this idea. My biggest challenges are snacking at night, cravings, and emotional eating or eating when bored.
  • sarahp840
    sarahp840 Posts: 11
    My biggest problem is following through with things, I always end up quitting at some point. I start off really motivated then I start slacking off.
  • I struggle with eating healthy pretty much, most healthy organic things are expensive.....
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    I definitely have night time snacking issues, although in the last last 12 months of dieting I make my snacks pretty healthy and the workout thing down to a science so there are no issues there...also, I don't think I eat enough protein or veggies. I hate veggies. lol
  • Shannonbayer
    Shannonbayer Posts: 78 Member
    Endurance. I can get my self motivated to start exercising, but I peter out towards the end of my workouts. I keep pushing to get through it but I'd like to be able to increase the time.
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    I seem to have problems with varying my workout. I do the same thing, elliptical and weights (kettle bells) I think I really need to mix up my cardio