8 week results of TF w/ PICS

IcassI Posts: 248 Member
Hey ladies! I started Turbo Fire on January 23rd with a goal to lose 31 lbs and reach my goal weight of 135 lbs. I have been 135 lbs before so it is a number I know that can be achieved. This is the second time that I have lost weight in my adult life. In 2005 I was 170 lbs and got down 145 lbs about a year or so later. I was a Bally's member and did kickboxing and strength training classes while moderately watching what I ate. After a big event that I was aiming to lose the weight for, I stopped working out and I ate whatever I wanted since I felt like I didn't have to deprive myself anymore. Needless to say I gained all of the weight back. For me, 170 is the weight where I think to myself something has to be changed, I think a lot of people have a weight or size where they say enough is enough. For me that's 170 and a size 10 pants, I didn't want to go any larger. This time around, I am aiming for a lifestyle change and I am not losing weight for any occasion, I just turned 30 and I didn't want my 30's to be about oh I wish I was this weight or this size blah blah blah.

Below are my 8 week results on Turbo Fire. I have lost 16 lbs and not sure how many inches as I never took measurements. I am pretty proud of my progress thus far but still have a lot of work to do. After looking at these pictures I need to really focus on trying to incorporate the weighted gloves in more as I want to get rid of the back fat! Lol! I am so ashamed of my before photos and how I really let myself go, but I am hoping this will give someone motivation to keep pushing play!

Oh and I am 5'3"





  • MzTate81
    MzTate81 Posts: 63 Member
    Great job you look good keep up the good work
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Great work!!! You are doing an awesome job :) What a huge difference!
  • MrsPrettyInPink6
    MrsPrettyInPink6 Posts: 29 Member
    AWESOME!!!!! This inspires me! Keep up the good work!
  • Wow! Great job and keep up the good work!
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    You look amazing! This is great progress...keep firing :) It is working!
  • Helen_Ch
    Helen_Ch Posts: 37 Member
    I definitely see a big difference! You are doing great!!
  • jaszmyn
    jaszmyn Posts: 66 Member
    WOW!!!! You should be really proud of yourself! It dfefinatley motivate me to keep pushing play. I am taking progress pics next week after 4 weeks. So I hope to see even HALF the results that you did! FABULOUS!!! Share your other tips as well.
  • jaszmyn
    jaszmyn Posts: 66 Member
    how tall are you?
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    how tall are you?

    I am 5'3"
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    Thank you ladies for your wonderful encouraging words. :flowerforyou: MFP has been a motivating resource for me as well as this group. It is great to have other people to talk to that are working towards the same goals I am as well as using the same exercise program. That really helps!

    I really don't have any tips to offer that hasn't been said before. For me I take it a day at a time and I am proud when I make the right choices. I think it helps that my family, friends and co-workers are super supportive. I don't have anyone in my life criticizing me for my food choices, for having to work out or trying to encourage me to eat bad because they are.
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    I'm picking my jaw off the floor right now! Girl, those pictures are AMAZING!!! Look at the results of your hard work for the last 60 days!! *Squee*
  • gobichick
    gobichick Posts: 16
    AWESOME! Looking hot! Keep up the work!
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    Awesome! Amazing! What a big difference in your stomach area and every where. You can really tell you have lost inches from every part of your body. Are you going to do it again?
  • lushunn32
    lushunn32 Posts: 107
    Keep up the good work. You look amazing
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    Awesome! Amazing! What a big difference in your stomach area and every where. You can really tell you have lost inches from every part of your body. Are you going to do it again?

    I plan to do the entire 20 weeks. So it will be exciting to see what my results will be after then. I have been taking pictures every 4 weeks to assess my progress.
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    Awesome job! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I started TF yesterday and want to complete the 9 week program (prep schedule). I am on Day 2 and love it. I am doing Jillian's Killer Bun and Thighs along with it for the extra push.
    Please friend me so that we can support each other.
  • SCPSL05
    SCPSL05 Posts: 42 Member
    Way to go!!! You look great and I bet you feel amazing! Keep up the great work!
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    OMG! Look at that tummy! You are doing such a great job!!! Please keep up the good work!!!! I hope you're really proud of yourselff! :)
  • sandywerks
    sandywerks Posts: 94 Member
    Wow. Great job! I am in the second week of a TurboFire/Chalean Extreme hybrid and I really like the TF days - they really get me jazzed up. I like the weight days too, but the TF workouts are fun!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Wow, you're doing awesome!!!!!!

    I'm hoping that this program helps me lose the inches, lol it's not looking good for me thus far, lol