Day 2

schume89 Posts: 118 Member
It isn't day 2 quite yet in my time zone but I have to work early and won't be able to do it until sometime in the afternoon tomorrow. I wanted to start a spot for everyone to post how they are doing so far! Hopefully the next time I log on this thread is full of people finished with day 2!

Great job so far everyone that made it through the first day!


  • jnburke4j
    jnburke4j Posts: 16
    Day 2 seemed a little harder for me...maybe because I was a little sore from my workouts yesterday..? It was still a great workout!! I did 7.5 pound weights today instead of my 5.
  • I did it straight after my Zumba class this morning and boy did I nearly turn it off 10 mins in haha! Hopefully manage a push up tomorrow as I really struggle with them and the bicycle abs at the end!
  • giggles1973
    giggles1973 Posts: 143 Member
    About to start day 2... I've gone through the whole thing twice but I want to do it with you guys... I was using 3 lb weights but useing 8 lbs now my shoulders are killing me :) yay!! Good luck everyone :)
    Are you guys doing anything else? I think I'm going to do elliptical as a warm up for 40 min... We will see how tired I am lol
  • just finished day 2, was a little harder today as i am saw from yesterday but i actully enjoy it wich is suprising!!
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    Planning on starting day 2 this afternoon. Wonder how it will be??
  • sillysongs
    sillysongs Posts: 6 Member
    Got my Jillian on this morning....
    And, excited to see the scale move this morning! (water weight, I'm sure... but moved none the less!).
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    I will be doing day 2 after work today. Good luck to all of you!
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    Had some running around to do this am, so I didn't have a chance to get it in yet. I will update you guys when I do it.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    Nice! Weight loss, is weight loss in my book! Lol.
    Got my Jillian on this morning....
    And, excited to see the scale move this morning! (water weight, I'm sure... but moved none the less!).
  • sillysongs
    sillysongs Posts: 6 Member
    I agree!
  • gimmewellness
    gimmewellness Posts: 81 Member
    i didn't start yesterday as I had to go buy the DVD. My hubby ran out late last night to get it for me. He woke up early to do it before work. I'm training for a Spartan Race so this morning I started a running program and now some Jillian. I found the jumping jacks the worst!! I have a meniscal tear in my right knee, so probably after the 30 days I'll be wrecked. lol

    Go Team!!!
  • jnburke4j
    jnburke4j Posts: 16
    About to start day 2... I've gone through the whole thing twice but I want to do it with you guys... I was using 3 lb weights but useing 8 lbs now my shoulders are killing me :) yay!! Good luck everyone :)
    Are you guys doing anything else? I think I'm going to do elliptical as a warm up for 40 min... We will see how tired I am lol

    I'm doing this, and her Yoga Meltdown. Also, I run 3 days a week (MWF), do circuit training with the Marines 3 days a week (MWF), and swim 3 days a week. I'm in the Navy and am getting ready to leave for boot camp in July. :)
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    About to start day 2... I've gone through the whole thing twice but I want to do it with you guys... I was using 3 lb weights but useing 8 lbs now my shoulders are killing me :) yay!! Good luck everyone :)
    Are you guys doing anything else? I think I'm going to do elliptical as a warm up for 40 min... We will see how tired I am lol

    I'm doing this, and her Yoga Meltdown. Also, I run 3 days a week (MWF), do circuit training with the Marines 3 days a week (MWF), and swim 3 days a week. I'm in the Navy and am getting ready to leave for boot camp in July. :)

    Congrats! My older daughter just finished her 4 years and came back home this fall.
  • Scared for day 2! I am so sore. Its funny I can work at the gym doing 40 mins cardio and then 30 mins strength yet I have never been as sore doing that as I am today!
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Wow, am I out of shape. For me, this was day 1 since I didn't get the DVD until last night. I took it pretty easy on the ab part since I had 3 lap incisions cut in there in Dec and they still hurt. I'm not sure if it the muscle just needing to get in shape or if it the incisions themselves are not quite healed. I often get random pains in them. Hopefully in a week or so I will be able to keep up with Natalie.
  • stacygb
    stacygb Posts: 69 Member
    I am going to skip level 1 and go to 2 today.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    Done and done. I must admit, it was harder this time around. Not sure why though. Jillian said that it gets easier as they days go on, I sure hope so. Because as of now, they seem to be getting harder. Lol.
    Had some running around to do this am, so I didn't have a chance to get it in yet. I will update you guys when I do it.
  • My arms are killing me from yesterday. Should I just not use the weights as much for today's workout or try and work through it?
  • amphora
    amphora Posts: 43 Member
    Haven't done my Day 2 yet (still early on the West Coast!) but wanted to share this link from a discussion on the message boards that was posted today in case you missed it:

    Thought it was interesting. Though, clearly, more power to you if you can do all 30 in 30 days! I know I will have to take a break this weekend (travelling) so I was happy to hear she didn't intend it to be 30 days straight anyway.
  • DOne with day 2! A little easier except my thighs were killing me!