New member to group

Hi, My name is Jan and I am a new member to your group. I have been on IP for about 2 1/2 months now and love it! It does get boring some times and I'm always looking for ways to help. At this time I am down 39 lbs. and have 78 to go. Looking for a diet buddy that is on the program. I weigh in on Mondays.


  • Congrats Jan, great progress for you! I'd agree it gets boring, or as I tell friends very VERY routine. I got to the point that I was pretty set in which meals I had every day; about the only thing that varied were my evening meat/veggie. Good thing was it made it easy not to cheat as I knew what was coming and to expect but sure did make me happy when I phased off and added some flavors back to my diet. Keep up the great work!
  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome! I've had the same problem. I started in Sept 2011. I bought most of the cook books. Some good ideas in them.

    I spend at least one day each week-end trying new recipes. So far, I like making chocolate cake out of the chocolate pancake mix. (...well, really, I like anything that involves chocolate!) And I like making "wraps" with the plain crepe mix. I've also discovered some veggies that I didn't know I liked so well... zucchini, kolrabi, spinach.

    Good luck!
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    I'm new to IP. I started yesterday with my inital weigh in and "grocery shopping" . So far it seems ok to me since I was on a low carb high protein way of eating before starting. The food hasn't tasted that bad surprisingly. I'm hoping to try and knock off at least 60lbs and then re-evaluate and go from there. I've seen so many people that have done so well with the diet and hope that I'm just as successful :smile:
  • Welcome and Keep up the good work!! I just got into stage 2 and am in LOVE with Ideal Protein! I can't believe the difference it made and quickly!
  • Hi everyone! I recently started IP and MFP March 4th. Up until these last few days, IP has been a HUGE struggle. I cheated everyday but still lost weight. It was hard going from eating whatever was around to eating a limited variety of foods. These last few days have been easier and I think it's because I'm realizing this lifestyle change isn't going to be that bad...I've been researching recipes and have tasted majority of the IP foods. Any hints to get through cravings?
  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    Any hints to get through cravings?

    Anything you are specifically craving?
  • Candy bars mostly...I used to grab a snickers every time I went to the grocery store. That's the biggest thing.
  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    My BF has been taking Daxitrol (non-prescription supplement) for cravings. Got it from IP coach, but can also find it on-line. It is a little pricey, but your only supposed to have to take it for a while (1-2 months) to work.

    I tend to eat all of the IP chocolate foods. I especially like the PB Choco bar. That seems to hit my craving for candy bars.

    Good luck!
  • I have been on the IP diet since January 16. I have lost 32 pounds and have 23 more to go. I would love to be at my goal by the end of May. I find that this is a pretty easy diet to follow ( after the first few days). Love the Chocolate drink mixes made into shakes with a little Walden Farms strawberry spread. I imagine it is a chocolate covered strawberry blizzard from DQ! Good luck to everyone!
  • schifdy
    schifdy Posts: 5
    Have you tried the Ideal Protein Bars? They work well for us.
  • Hi Everyone
    new to ideal protein and new to myfitnesspal... did weightwatchers for 6 months, lost 30 lbs, then nothing for 4 months... regained 15lbs in pas 2 months (hello stress)!

    started IP last monday, and have dropped 4lbs so far... official weigh in tomorrow ... 60 lbs more to go... didn't think i was going to make it through the weekend, then tried the shirataki noodles that have been sitting in my frig for the past month (was too chicken to try them). The smell is as awful as could be--triggers my gag reflex... blah...

    Well... i rinsed and double rinsed and soaked and rinsed and soaked in a bit of vinegar, and rinsed again! then i dry-fried them in a nonstick pan, then stir fried my veggies... Soooo Good! and sooo filling! didn't realize they would continue to swell once eaten! portion control! but it was good to feel full and not hungry for a change!

    grateful to find a dedicated thread for IP... think i'll need support
    thanks again
  • kelrun
    kelrun Posts: 12
    I just started IP Last Tuesday and as of yesterday I am down 4 lbs and 3.75"!!! YAY!

    I will admit the first two days was HELL. But now I am feeling great!

    I started at 142 lbs and was 138 on the docs scale. I am pretty active and love to work out, and I am finally feeling the energy to work out with the calorie deficits. I love that. I am looking forward to hearing all about your experiences. :)
  • revcat08
    revcat08 Posts: 9
    The dark chocolate pudding helps with my chocolate cravings. Sometimes I add a splash of vanilla flavoring to it. You could probably add some fat free/sugar free chocolate pudding mix to the cappuccino shake; hmm, I think I'll try that one! Good luck. I've been on IP since March 1.