Any tall ladies needing around 100 lbs?

MNA76 Posts: 1,541
EDIT: Any tall ladies needing to lose around 100 lbs? (I'm not trying to give you my 100 lbs, LOL)


I'm 6' and a currently weigh 273 lbs. My highest weight was 302 lbs. Since January, I've lost 29 lbs. I'm trying to get down to somewhere between 180 - 200 lbs. I was just wondering if there are any other tall ladies with similar stories. I could use some friends with the same experiences.


  • pkiesch
    pkiesch Posts: 259 Member
    hey girl! congrats on the 29 you've already lost! I'm posting you the pictures of my success story; I was 292 at my highest (in 2005/6) and now I'm 175, down 117 lbs! I'm also 6' tall, so hopefully the pictures will put it in perspective a little bit more


    SLOW and steady really worked for me!
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    Thanks. I appreciate the perspective. I'm not in a big hurry to lose all the weight. I figured that I've put up with being big for quite some time, so I can be patient. Plus, I want to give my skin time to catch up with my weight loss. Also, I am trying to focus on getting healthy, in addition to losing the weight.

    The only way to go, from here, is down (lbs).

    And CONGRATULATIONS!! You look great!!
  • Psychoanalytic
    I'm 6'. My weight has yo-yo'ed a LOT. I was at my biggest 5 years ago at 280ish. I then dropped down after some hard work to 180, then after I met my better half, I bumped up to 250. I'm down to 236 now and am working on mini-goals to put myself back to the 170-180 range. I was recently diagnosed as a diabetic (luckily just barely above the borderline mark though.) They put me on an antidiabetic medicine that makes my tummy ANGRY so that's my motivation to lose weight :) Feel free to add me, but please heed the warning that while yes I'm fun and pretty awesome, I'm also obnoxious, cuss a lot, and motivate via tough love. :p
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    I'm 6'. My weight has yo-yo'ed a LOT. I was at my biggest 5 years ago at 280ish. I then dropped down after some hard work to 180, then after I met my better half, I bumped up to 250. I'm down to 236 now and am working on mini-goals to put myself back to the 170-180 range. I was recently diagnosed as a diabetic (luckily just barely above the borderline mark though.) They put me on an antidiabetic medicine that makes my tummy ANGRY so that's my motivation to lose weight :) Feel free to add me, but please heed the warning that while yes I'm fun and pretty awesome, I'm also obnoxious, cuss a lot, and motivate via tough love. :p

    Sent you a request. That just happens to be everything I'm looking for in a friend. ; ) You'll understand once you read my about me section.
  • ajh1014
    ajh1014 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm also 6' tall and currently have 261 posted (I'm currently not weighing myself until 3/21 - my 2 month MFP anniversary). I'm 48 years old have yo-yo'd my entire life. This has been my highest weight so far. When I turned 30, I weighed in at 155. It about killed me to keep that weight. Now, after two kids, I have hit a real high - or low, depending on how you look at it.
    I have 80 listed as my goal, but that would just put me into "onederland". I could probably stand to go another 20 below that.
    I have logged in every day since starting. I am now a slave to MFP and not Facebook!
    Feel free to add me. I only have 2 friends - people I personally know and we are in this together.
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    5'11" 1/2 here...I have a huge issue with my Thyroid (having it removed a few years back) and have battled with my weight ever since. I am about to turn 37 and am at my highest weight ever. At last weigh in I weighed roughly 331 and honestly, it is making me feel the worst I have ever ever felt. My lowest weight, prior to the Thyroid diagnosis was 161. There are now two of me.....HELP!!! My goal is to get down to around 175. Having been on MFP for so long I had given up almost all hope but finding this wonderful group and all these fantastic ladies has given me a rejuvenation of positive thinking! I sure do hope that I can stick with it and do it this time and having all the help I can get will be a huge benefit!!!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hi there. Well my story is similar to most of you. I'm 6'0" and at my highest I was 324 lbs. I'm currently 196lbs. The 1st time I loss weight I got down to 192. Then I regained to 246 lbs. That is when I joined MFP and got down to where I am now. I got down to 196 last May. I've been basically playing around with losing & gaining the same 10 lbs for about 7 months. I just decided this March 1st to get serious once again. This website has been a life savor for me. Granted I loss weight before MFP but I didn't do it the correct way and mentally I wasn't ready to keep it off. So below is my before and after pics.

    Me at 324 lbs and 196 lbs
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I'm 6' and now 186. I've lost just under 92lbs since Jan 2011 and I probably have another 10-20lbs to go. I'm not sure yet as I've never been this size before so it's a voyage of discovery.

    I've developed a whole new lifestyle over the last 15 months - deciding to be fit and healthy, not just "not fat".
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Hey I'm 6' and when I started this I was 264lbs, I'm currently at 241lbs. My goal weight is 175lbs so not quite the 100lb mark but close enough.

    Feel free to add me I love friending tall ladies
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I'm 5'11" and I was 270 when I started. I'm around 228-230 right now on a huge freaking plateau and I hate it... I'm looking at losing 100 to 110 pounds... maybe more. with 40 down since August I'm not doing to shabby but I'm starting to get burnt out. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  • Psychoanalytic
    Well anyone is free to add me, so long as you heed my warning stated above lmao <3 I'm terrible about checking back on forums lol
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    I started about 6 weeks ago at 351 and have lost 24 pounds. I am having trouble with some social gatherings and with weekends. I do try to work out 4 times a week and log food each day. I am 5'11." I do tend to be a little blunt, but I don't cuss :-) LOL
  • mslindsay
    mslindsay Posts: 93 Member
    I am 6'1" and when I started I needed to lose 140pounds to get to 180s. I am not sure yet how much I really need to lose. Right now I am 298lbs (out of the 300s!) and always looking for new friends to encourage and get encouragment from.
  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    Hi all, At my highest weight I was 273. I have yo-yo'd a few times before I really made the decision to change my life. I decided that small goals would suit me best and I rewarded myself with new clothes and other non-food rewards along the way. My first major goal was to get down to 199 as I hadn't been under 200 pounds in over 10 years. I reached that goal and kept going! I got down to a "healthy" weight and struggled to lose any more so I decided to try maintenance for a while but I am now up 9 pounds. I am currently 173, hoping to get down to 155-160 so that I have some wiggle room. I gladly accept new friends but I am not super reliable about making comments. I just joined a 30DS challenge and I'm on day 2 so I will be logging every day for the next 28 days! Feel free to add me and good luck to you all! x
  • cupkate30
    cupkate30 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there. Another Glamazon here checking in. I'm 6'0, size 11 shoe and just weighed myself for the first time in awhile this morning. Boy was I shocked to discover that I now weigh 244 lbs, which is my highest yet. I have been slim for most of my life. I am tall, but I have a small frame. I would like to lose exactly 100 lbs. I put on this extra 100lbs over the past 4 years. I changed careers to a desk job, got married and just stopped exercising and the weight just crept on. Being tall, I can gain 20 lbs. easily and have it not be too noticeable. Well I guess I did that one time too many. I'm planning on doing the 30DS and mixing in some Zumba and C25K. I would like to be in Onederland by my birthday in June. Good luck to all of you!
  • MamaLutt
    MamaLutt Posts: 66 Member
    I started off NEEDING to lose 71 pounds, but I want to lose more like 90.
  • lauralye82
    lauralye82 Posts: 11 Member
    I too am a tall gal, 6'3", and need to lose over 100 lbs. I'm down to encourage, motivate, communicate, and trudge forward with any and all on similar paths. I'm totally new to the community/social part of MFP, so please tall friends,friend request me, I'm getting all turned around going from posts to profiles to groups etc ;-)
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    I'm 5' 10 and 3/4. So 5' 11. lol! At my highest weight the beginning of this year I was 289. I have since lost 20.6 lbs. I would like to be around 175 and I will go from there if I want to stay there or not. I prefer to be curvy like the pin up girls of the 40's. So I have 93 lbs to go now. Anyone feel free to friend me. Just please let me know you are in this group.