I want my body back!

Hi there :)

Been lurking here for a while and thought it's maybe time to introduce myself...

I'm 34 and I live in Ireland with my hubby and our 4 kids. My kids are 8 (girl), 3 (boy), 2 (girl) and 5 months (my homebirth boy) and apart from breastfeeding the little one exclusively still, I'm very much in a mind to get my body back for myself for a change!!!

I started here on mfp nearly 6 weeks ago and lost 13 lbs so far - amazing what just tracking the food did to my eating habits! I was embarrassed to track the junk I ate so it's improved a LOT through that alone :)
I'm currently training for a 10k run in June and am very much a beginner runner. My fab sport is horseriding, but I've no time for that right now :( really miss it. I do however do Zumba and Pilates once a week and am at the running track twice with two different groups. I also walk a lot with the kids.

Feel free to add me, maybe we can motivate each other to lose the lbs - I declared war on that belly pouch, plus I've still got 44 lbs to lose :)



  • KWKY
    KWKY Posts: 110 Member
    Hi there,

    welcome and good work losing 13lbs already!

    I have a 3.5 year old and a 9 month old, who was weaned about 2.5 weeks ago (I also exclusively BF until 6 months then moved her onto solids). I totally agree that tracking your food and making your diary public is a very effective deterrent to eating like a pig (although last few days I have had a bit of a shocker it is still much less junk I used to eat!)

    You will lose the weight very quickly with running. I am training for an HM (possibly in May, will see how my training goes) and the bonus is after exercise I don't even feel like eating . You're doing very well to find the time to do all of hte below activities!

    Anyway good luck with your weight loss journey and will definitely add you :)

    take care
  • diaz2012
    diaz2012 Posts: 28 Member
    hi there, im also working towards losing weight and getting my body back, have a 2 month old baby girl and 2 boys 10 and 8 years old ...ill add you to keep each other motivated..best of luck
  • stephanne82
    stephanne82 Posts: 49 Member
    I just joined myfitnesspal today and I have a 4 year old and a 7 week old. I work full-time and I am trying to lose about 40 lbs that I packed on during pregnancy. I wanted so much to stay healthy during my pregnancy, but with constant morning sickness I ate junk just to keep the nausea at bay and couldn't really work out because I felt sick and it was so hot last summer. When the morning sickness went away I just kept my new bad habits and continued to gain too much weight. I am paying for all of that now and have 35 to 40 lbs to lose. I have no one really motivating me. I would love to have some friends so we can keep each other on track; feel free to add me.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks for the lovely replies :) Loads of fabulous babies :heart: It's really nice to meet you!
  • sldevlin
    sldevlin Posts: 1
    Hello! I joined today as well! I have a 4 yr old girl, a 2.5 yr old boy and an almost 7 month old boy. They keep me busy, but not busy enough to lost this last 30 lbs.....any tips would be awesome!
  • mrslaurenposs
    mrslaurenposs Posts: 5 Member
    I saw the title of your post and i just had to comment. Exactly how I'm feeling right now. :( I had my daughter 4.5 months ago, gained 50+ lbs, and just planned to nurse it all off afterwards. Unfortunately, we had some complications and were unable to breastfeed at all. :( Now I just want to hurry up and get my tight cute pre-baby body back. I've always been over weight since high school, and finally, about 3 years ago, I lost a ton of weight, got down to about 130lbs, and looked the best I ever had in my life. I got engaged, got married, and 5mo later, got pregnant. Now I'm 160lbs again and hating my body. I think it's even worse this time around, having tasted skinny for such a short amount of time, and remembering what it felt like to love my body and feel sexy all the time.

    I've been on MFP for 3 weeks now and have unfortunately not really dropped any weight. I have a desk job, and it's hard to find time to get in any exercise with the baby. I'm feeling pretty defeated and bummed, hearing the stories of everyone being here for a week and already lost 6+ lbs!

    I just dropped my calorie goal down to 1200 and I'm going to do my best to do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred as much as possible. The rest I guess is just prayers that something happens and soon!

    Anyways, thanks for letting me rant! :p Good luck to everyone else, also!