wifeyy Posts: 481 Member
I am a wife of a wonderful man and a mother of 2 lovely Girls
I am 28 years.

I started off 207lbs from november 2011 which is 5 months ago and today i'm 176lbs so it is a total loss of 31lbs and it has been ups and down because of having some weeks which i do nothing else than binging non stop. i would have lost much more if i did stick to the plan.
Anyway i have about 30lbs more to lose and i will challenge myself to do it before July 1st.

3 months to do this.


  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    Hi wifeyy!! I joined because i have about 40 to go and although I'm getting there, I need some motivation to kick it up a notch. I think 30 by July is very reasonable and weighing in on Tuesday's keeps me accountable on the weekends!
  • youknome
    youknome Posts: 63
    Hi there!

    I'm Jay, 21 from England. I am striving to lose 2 lbs a week, so 30lbs by July 1st is perfect for me and I roughly have 50lbs to go or so. My main goal is to lose all the weight by the start of my final university year in September.

    Plus with this semester nearly finishing I can start working out more and eating better.
  • kjonessc
    kjonessc Posts: 2
  • kjonessc
    kjonessc Posts: 2
    good luck!
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member

    This is exactly what I have been aiming for! I'm totally dedicated!

    I have been stuck for couple of weeks now, so would love to be part of a group who can give each other ideas and advice! I've started lifting with my cardio now so i'm hoping this will help!

    My start weight was 179lbs current weight 163lbs and my ultimate goal is 119lbs.

  • vic72
    vic72 Posts: 84 Member
    Started at 197lbs, currently at 165lbs. Goal weight 118.
    Looking forward to this new group! BRING IT ON!
  • Jking826
    Jking826 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Everyone...

    SW 209
    CW 201
    GW 165

    So excited and motivated...
  • amksmk
    amksmk Posts: 40
    YAAy im planning on losing 44 lbs in total, and 30 lbs before july 1st seems awesome. Hopefully i can stay motivated!

    CW:143.4 lbs
    GW: 99 lbs
    height: 5'7"
  • danni033081
    danni033081 Posts: 35 Member
    I put on 40lbs through the past year and now I'm working hard to take it off, and I have to do it by July because I want to look good in my brides maids dress. I always hated being the biggest bridesmaid out of the group. This group will be perfect motivation for me.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Hi all,
    I am super serious about losing weight. I have been studying the topic for years. Had some success with starvation diet but never with a healthy diet. I'm a super active snowboarder, I really like exercising. I have trouble with the week day starve, weekend binge. This app can really get me at the correct number of calories to lose! I am into it!
    Startin weight 182
    Goal weight 166

    Height 5'9" 37 years old, live in Japan.
    Good luck to all. May the force be with you!
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Do you really wanna weigh 99 lbs at 5'7"?
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I, too, joined because I have 40 pounds to go to hit my target weight and this will keep me focused. Thanks. And good luck to all the members!
  • Eshades
    Eshades Posts: 30 Member
    VERY excited!
  • Hi, I too have 2 little girls, but I know also have a little boy now who's 5 months now so I would LOVE to lose this baby weight by July 1st! SW 168 CW 160 GW 120
  • Hey wifey! you and i are exactly the same! I started in november 2011 too and have lost 31lbs so far too! AND i have 30 to go! wow! My weight is heavier (i assume because im 6 feet tall) but yeah my goal weight it 30lbs away. This exites me!!

    Im 23, from Australia. So yeah, the whole conversion of pounds to kg is annoying for me haha

    I was 104kg (229lbs)
    Im currently 84.1kg (185lbs)
    Goal is 71 (156lbs)
  • Lana630
    Lana630 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Lana Williams and I am 29 years old.

    My Birthday is June 30th my goal is to loose 30lbs by then. I have two sons ages 11 and 2 and I still have a lot of my baby weight I am up for the challenge and looking forward to working out. I started a cardio kickboxing class last week; its my goal is to go three times a week. I also stated Shakeology two weeks ago and it seems to be giving me the energy I needed. I'm ALL IN
  • danni033081
    danni033081 Posts: 35 Member
    So quick question for everyone. The hardest times for me to track calories is Sat and Sunday I don't know why i just lose control and eat what and feel like I don't have time to track. Any suggestions to get me through the weekends?
  • MrsValentine
    MrsValentine Posts: 85 Member
    Hello, I'm a wife and mother. I have 3 lovely children ages 13, 6, 3. I would love to be 30 lbs lighter, Taking a trip in July.
    SW: 210 Feb 1st
    CW: 198
    GW:150, but would love to be 130.

    I am currently doing 30day shred and No More Trouble zones by J.M.
  • atthompson27
    atthompson27 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi. I'm AJ, a 34 year old newlywed & mother of a precocious 9 year old boy. Several years ago, I got tired of being fat, & gradually went from 215 (size 16) to 185 (size 10). In 2008, I ramped things back up & went down to 165/170 (size 8) & maintained the loss for about 2 1/2 years. Unfortunately, in the last year, I've regained that weight & I'm back up to 190 (size 10). I'm 5'9" & my goal is 165. I'm tired of my clothes being tight & I never thought I'd be back in the double digit clothes. I'm honestly addicted to food & believe it or not, exercise does help at all. At this point, I'm sick & tired of being sick & tired :explode: (cliche I know, but true). I'm praying that by joining this group & getting some support, I will lose these 25 lbs I've gained in the next 3 months. Thanks for the support! :smile:
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    My name is Becky, I am 5'4 and 30 years old and the mother of a wonderful 19 month old little girl. I started on MFP late Sept 2011 and lost 36 lbs in less than 4 months but since January I haven't lost any and in fact gained a couple lbs back which I am just now getting back off. I want to lose 28 more and I originally hoped to reach my goal of 140 by the first of June but I would be happy to make it by July 1st. Hopefully joining this group will give me the motivation I need to get my butt back in gear and get that scale going down again.

    Good luck everyone!

    SW 203
    CW 168
    GW 140