Age and metabolism

I have found that even when I eat less, it is still very difficult to lose weight. I tried another calorie counter and it worked for a while. I am trying this because it has an app for my Blackberry. In 5 days I have lost about 2 pounds. I need to lose another 60 lbs. to get down to 180 lbs. Good Luck All :smokin: :smokin:


  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    2 pounds in 5 days is GREAT! It is funny about the metabolism. A young friend of mine is on here and we walk the same and she burns more calories. Makes me so mad. LOL Keep up the good work.
  • mblair50
    mblair50 Posts: 14 Member
    I think a pound a week is something to shoot for and if you get more it's a bonus.
    While losing a pound a week it will take 3.75 months to loose 60 pounds. Just keep in mind how long it takes to put on the weight and give it time to come off .Even the stubborn pounds have to go if you exert more than you take in.
    Good luck to you and keep up the great work.. We all have this same struggle!
  • Jespenski
    Jespenski Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, Just joined today and not sure how this will go. It looks like we're all fairly new members? I believe I was born into this world on a diet. I think I know it all, done it all, but I'm always surprised. Once I experimented with my metabolism in my early 20's and ate no more than 800 calories daily for several weeks. Without added exercise, I quit losing. Must be a descendent of the folks that went through the various European famines.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi Jespenski, welcome to the site. I love being on here, it really motivates me and the people are good too. Good luck on your journey, it might take time, BUT, we can do this!
  • Jespenski
    Jespenski Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks. I'm glad to be here. I found out about this site on a local news broadcast. My goals are a visit from a grade school friend in May and a trip to Hawaii. Do you have goals?
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi, my goal is to hopefully still be able to walk if and when I am 80 or so. My dad was 88 and had gotten where he could barely stand. He had spine problems and I have inherited the same problems. so I thought, gosh I best lose some weight and start exercising so hopefully I will do ok. Last year In Jan I started on my "mission". Did real good and lost 28 pounds by May, then we went on a cruise and I gained 6 back! Took me 2 months to lose those. Then in Aug my Dad went into the hospital and we made many trips down to see him, eating junk food etc., so the rest of the year I exercised but ate, ate, ate. So this Jan I said GET ON IT. Started again watching what I ate, and then in Feb found out about this site. So here I am.
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! I wanna join your group, too, please. I am 61 (until June). I just joined MFP a few days ago so am still learning the site. I have at least 60 lbs. to lose, and would like to do it by the end of the year. Sooner would be great, though. :)
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 87 Member
    2 pounds in 5 days is wonderful!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi Kris, of course you can join this group! Who would we think we were if we said Welcome to our journey. We know it can be hard, frustrating and make us want to give up, BUT, we do not have to do that. I figure even if we were to only lose ounces every week, it is way better than gaining them!. Good luck to you.
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks! I enjoy the fellowship and group support, as well as need it. Losing weight has has been a battle for me for a long time. And, you're right....even a few ounces a week off is so much better than "on". From the looks of your exercise, you won't just lose a few ounces a week! Great for you!!!
  • agent4change
    agent4change Posts: 2 Member
    I was hoping this group would exist. We share some unique challenges and it is good to have others who understand. I too have tried many different approaches. This discussion group makes this one unique for me. I look forward to providing and receiving support.
  • Jespenski
    Jespenski Posts: 7 Member
    It seems that whenever I have been successful in dieting (lost 20 pounds two different times with WW and put it and more back on), I have been "driven." Almost a "convert." Charging down the path with blinders on so I don't get way-layed. For me to begin this diet loss with a "let's see how it goes" attitude is the kiss of death. I'll fail for sure. The second thing I'm doing differently this time is applying a philosophy that we have at work that comes from a speaker, Lou Tice, who explains that to be successful, I need to have a goal (got that) and I have to have the mindset that I'm already the kind of person who will achieve that goal. So, I now think to myself, "not if, but when." I'm already that person who can achieve the goal. I'm already in the progress of reaching the goal (even if it's a loss of 2# so far and 51 to go).
    On another note, I made up a batch (6 servings) of roasted vegetables with olive oil, garlic and Parmesan. Is there any way to add this to the list of foods eaten without listing all of the ingredients each and every time?
    We're on our way, ladies!!
  • deb83201
    deb83201 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, Jespenski. I enjoyed reading your post. I like your thinking. I need to start small and have a more postive attitude about losing weigh. Also you can add you own foods to My Foods. Then you won't have to add every ingredient each time. Take care.
  • bnewperson
    bnewperson Posts: 34 Member
    Too Funny - I think of myself being tech saavy, however, I am now humbled by realizing I did not know how to add a comment so I posted a "new topic" - I am red faced.

    I am new - here is what I wrote yesterday to add to the string but in the meantime, I have taken off the gained pounds...this crazy age and metabolism thing is driving me nuts. Would love any and all suggestions...I keep reading and reading but the loss is sloth-esque.

    "Really frustrated. I was on Weight Watchers, hit a long plateau, when a colleague recommended "myfitnesspal" because I would be certain I was watching my calorie intake. So, I moved my focus here. No cheating - I have been at or under my calorie allowance along with the daily 60 minutes+ of exercise plus consuming lots of water. Unless my scale was off the first day, I have actually gained a couple of pounds since starting 4 days ago. I can't think of what else to do - I have 60 pounds to lose...Any suggestions?"
  • deb83201
    deb83201 Posts: 10 Member
    That's why I started using MFP. I really like it because it is with me ALL the time. When I use it I lose weight.