Any "Know it alls" aka "Sheldons"

Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
I'm well known to be know it all at everything and anything just because I observe,read, research and experiment. When some try to argue I will always win because I know I'm right and I have legit educated sources to back me up. Lol I wonder if anybody else is like this.

PS. Arrogance isnt included....nobody is perfect.

Oh yeah Is there any one out there who have a deep interest in natrual science such as:Human (includes social), Animal (Micro organisms), Earth, Chemistry
^ I love it!


  • I am exactly the same, however i HATE comfrontation so i never argue my point.
    Being a hairdresser and fitness instructor means i have so many clients chatting away to me daily about their weight problems and solutions....
    i have heard of every fad diet, detox, exercise machine, pill etc etc etc...
    even though i know most (if not all) of those things are completely ridiculous and know all the real correct methods to weight loss i try not to make people feel stupid or belittled by my obsessive knowledge of the whole thing.
    I usually just agree with what they're saying, offer advice where i can and roll my eyes later when they arent around hehe =)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I am exactly the same, however i HATE comfrontation so i never argue my point.
    Being a hairdresser and fitness instructor means i have so many clients chatting away to me daily about their weight problems and solutions....
    i have heard of every fad diet, detox, exercise machine, pill etc etc etc...
    even though i know most (if not all) of those things are completely ridiculous and know all the real correct methods to weight loss i try not to make people feel stupid or belittled by my obsessive knowledge of the whole thing.
    I usually just agree with what they're saying, offer advice where i can and roll my eyes later when they arent around hehe =)

    I get the same thing about weight problems and diet related topics. I don't brag or argue with folks unless asked for my opinion or I am provoked. Sometimes people have a hard time believing that I really did lose as much as I did with eating smarter and exercising. They think I am using some sorta pill or crazy diet fad. People also have a hard time that I am still 300+ lbs. They look at my profile pic and think I am 250's. I blame it on my height of 6'3, and large frame. :bigsmile:
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    My husband is :tongue: I have to admit, after 13 years my eyes sort of glaze over when he starts talking about physics or microbiology. He forgets not everyone has his depth of knowledge. But he can't spell for ****! :laugh:
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    What is a Sheldon?

    I'm not comfortable with saying I'm a know it all, I'm well educated and interested in learning new things. Although I never went to university as I didn't know what I wanted to do and still don't

    I'm a information adviser (another term for a librarian!) in a scientific research institute, not the type of librarian that puts away books but finds information, formulas, original sources for methods that have been used and presented papers over time so I always have to back up my findings with sources, that also gives me the confidence to say "I know what I'm on about" I've been off work for a while recovering from a hospital procedure so I feel a bit rusty but I'm sure I'll get back in to the swing of it, I just hope nobody has messed with my databases!

    We cover such a wide spectrum of topics so I do feel like I'm a nerd as I have to actually get to know the topic at hand. It's all very interesting. I can't be cocky though, it's just not in me.
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 664 Member
    What is a Sheldon?

    I like to pretend I do but hell lets face it I don't even know what a Sheldon is .... :sad: :sad:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Sheldon Cooper character from Big Bang Theory tv show. GO. WATCH. NOW.