Lost 6.6lbs kickstart week!

stef827 Posts: 215 Member
I just finished up kickstart week and lost 6.6lbs! That is amazing especially considering I am already at a healthy weight and was only 20lbs from my goal. SO EXCITED!!!! Thank you Jillian! I know ive lost inches as well, I comfortably fit into a pair of pre pregnancy capris this weekend. Hubby will be taking my measurements today. I stuck to her food plan all week (so glad I can start eating different things this morning, been eating the same thing the last 4 days) but only got the double workout in 1 day. Diet is def where its at for weight loss but ill be getting stronger and way more fit with the workouts. Just had to share. Today is a great day! Keep up the great work all!!!!


  • kelmax
    kelmax Posts: 55
    Great job! :)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Great results!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    That's SO AWESOME! Eating right is the key. I'm so happy for you! Keep up the great work and be proud of yourself.


    Stay Strong!
  • wrapabar
    wrapabar Posts: 36
    Great job! So glad that you are liking the program. I love Body Rev. Way to go!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    way to go! that's awesome that you lost 6lbs and only did the double workout once. that motivates me to not only eat the right calories, but better foods! good job!