Introductions !!



  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    I am so glad I joined this challenge!! everyone seems to have such great goals and I think this is a great place to share our successes and to get support when needed! Congrats everyone on your decision to take part! I cant wait to get started!
  • Jem97
    Jem97 Posts: 54
    hey, im joy, and have been uncomfortable with my weight for years. I've tried MFP earlier, but could never really stick with it, the longest was a little over a month and a half. I think joining a group might give me that extra little push I need, and being forced to weigh in should be helpful :). I'm 5'2.5 and 142 pounds.
  • amazing_grace♥
    Wow! Look at all the new people!! I'm super excited for this to begine. I think that it's EXACTLY what we all need.


    In an effort to get you all looking & posting on the thread EVERYDAY (which is what you will HAVE to do once this challenge gets started), I am going to post some new information about the upcoming challenge every day or two this week. So be sure to check back often!!

    Also, be sure to "friend" each other so that we can all be encouraging each other once this gets started!!
  • amazing_grace♥

  • ReneeMustLoseIt
    Hey! My name is Renee and I'm 18 years old. I am new to MFP. I'm 5'2 and I weigh 163. I want to lose 33 lbs so that I can reach my goal weight of 130. Originally, I was supposed to start my diet on Jan 1st (New Years), but then I kept delaying and said let me start next week! Soon that next week became weeks and I had to put that to an end. Today is 3/25 and the first day of my fitness journey! I know this challenge starts next week, but I want to start eating healthy from now on. I can't wait for April 2nd! :)
  • ucandoit125
    Hello! I just joined MFP two days ago and I love it! I hope I keep up this excitement to continue. I joined this group because I really want to lose 25 pounds to be at my goal weight. I am so excited to start this next week. I am currently working out four times a week, but I know I can do five. This will be so great that we will be cheering each other on. I am so excited! :):smile:
  • cath1717
    cath1717 Posts: 120
    HI, my name is Catherine aka Cath1717, I'm 33 and I'm not new this this website. I already did some challenge with the SUPER LEADER :love: Amazing Grace and it's really worth it, I lost 10 pounds will I was doing the challenges with my MFP friends!

    You will have to excuse my poor english writing, cause I'm a french canadian from Montréal, in the province of Québec, Canada...

    My ultimate goal, is to lost at least 45 pounds, cause I want to get pregnate this year and before getting there, I really want to shred those extra pounds I've got.

    I can't wait to April 2nd, it seems to far from now, I' m motivated and want to start now :laugh:

  • FarleysGirl
    Hi, My name is Amanda aka FarleysGirl. I'm 23 and from the MinneSNOWta (however, not much snow this year). I just joined this website yesterday! I am fully motivated to feel better about myself. I joined weightwatchers 2 years ago and lost 40 lbs in college. I quit when I went back home, entered my last year of college and had "no time" so I gained it all back plus some. I graduated last year with my teaching degree- this year I have been subbing and long term subbing and I'm hoping to break into a full time teaching job next year.

    I joined the Y March 1st and have been trying to go daily. I like the kickboxing classes, step classes, and body sculpt classes. I have also started to run. I haven't ran for YEARS, but this September my friend and I want to do the Warrior Dash 3 mile run. Sl that is my motivation.

    I'm 23 and live with my boyfriend. My other motivation is hopefully there will be wedding bells next year, and I want to LIKE the way I look on that day! So I better start getting started!
  • adupras77
    adupras77 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Allison, I am 38 and live in RI.....not really new to MFP, but just made a promise to myself to actually use it daily! I had previously joined a fitness/weightloss challenge last year with my gym....I did really well on it, loosing a total of 24 lbs and reaching my goal. Unfortunately, over the course of the new year and holidays, it came right back on!

    Loosing the weight doesn't seem to be a problem as much as KEEPING IT I feel I found the key success of my weight loss before was the accountability, regular exercise, and most importantly: the motivation from others with similar goals. It's time to get back on track. Looking forward to success, so let's inspire each other!
  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, I'm Kata. I'm 42 and live in Wallingford, VT. I've been on MFP for a few months and before that in some counseling to get a batter relationship with food. I've watched my mother and sister yo yo for years so I haven't really done anyting with my weight in a while. I've lost over 50 pounds so far (16 with mfp) and I'm trying to make this my forever solution, meaning I don't want to yo yo up and down any more. My goal is to lose 38 pounds (and be under 200) by my birthday on August 24. This seems like a good way to start. I do a lot of yoga and go walking when I can. I'm a school and town librarian so I'm on my feet a lot. I'm hoping to give and get a lot of support on this.
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Allison and I'm 26. I'd been the stereotypical fat opera singer since I was 12, and now that I'm older and my career is developing, I really fit the part. :-P My goal is about lifestyle change that results in weight loss. I've been an over-eater, binge eater, and anything else you can call it. I've been enjoying the MFP community these last two months and it would be great to join a challenge group. This will be a long-term process for me and I'm in it for the long-haul.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    What an interesting and exciting group! I'm looking forward to working with you all, and getting to know you better! I will be in the Challengers group, which is a bit scary because I have not been burning anywhere near 500 cals a day!!! But, I'm not going to do it any younger! :laugh: It's time!

    Thank you, Teresa, for all the work you have done already!
  • Pretty1one
    Pretty1one Posts: 71 Member
    Hello Everyone
    My name is Rosie aka Pretty1one. I joined MFP in Dec 2010 and by June last year I lost 45lbs. Jan/Feb/Mar came in and the lbs started to creeping up again slowly but surely. So is time to take serious action again.

    I'm almost 48 yrs old and an avid tennis player (mostly doubles). I play 4/5 times a week but even with all the exercise it's been hard to keep the lbs off. I blame the wine. We drink to celebrate a victory or mourn a lost :bigsmile:

    Now I'm looking in to add rollerblading to my activities because I hate to jog or run. Don't get me wrong I can run on the court but I get very bored running or jogging just for running or jogging :bigsmile:

    I'm looking into losing about 15 lbs by the end of this challenge

    So lets inspire each other

  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 425 Member
    My name is Tiffany...
    Raised as an Army brat. Currently live in Leesville, La. Have a wonderful husband and four kids. I work crazy hours and sometimes it feels like I have no time for myself. Started here a year ago... Had lost 34lbs between end of March and end of Dec. Then started gaining 7 of those pounds back. Had alot of stuff going on and just wasn't able to find time for myself. Even though I still have a bunch of stuff happening with kids I am bound and determined to change this around and start loosing again to get this weight off and keep it off. Any and all help will be apreciated.
  • Figment14300
    Hello Ladies! My name is Erin, I have just joined MFP a couple days ago and really looking for motivation and support to get back into shape. I used to be very active and in really great shape back in the day but ever since I got out of college and started a desk job the pounds have slowly piled on. Now I can't even stand myself and the winters are so unmotivational! but the weather is slowly getting nicer and I am turning 30 in June and really want to be on track with getting back to being healthy and feeling good again and I think this group is just what I need to push myself to stay motivated and on track. So nice to meet you all! :happy:
    ~ Erin
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Dorie and I am excited about the challenge. I have lost a total of 48 pounds on my weight loss journey so far. I have been maintaining my 38 pound weight loss since 2007 give or take a few pounds. I joined a biggest loser challenge and it gave me the motivation to lose 10 more pounds since beginning of February. I want to lose at least 10 more to hit my final goal. I am still participating in the biggest loser challenge until May so I am hoping this challenge will help me get the rest off. I look forward to getting to know you all better in the upcoming weeks!
  • m00nflwr
    m00nflwr Posts: 103 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm Victoria and I'm a kindergarten teacher. I live in the mountains of NC which I love. I love horses and I teach riding lessons and have a horse who I do not ride nearly often enough. I'm a runner, sometimes. and I've been on MFP for a while. However, it was this month that I really made a commitment to using it and tracking food especially. I've also finally gotten into a groove of exercising 3-4x a week this month. I'm excited about this challenge. I'm not getting anywhere near 500 cals burned a day 5 days a week but it's going to be a good goal and I hope help push me. I started out at 155 and have just lost a few pounds this month but at least it's heading generally in the right direction.

    My life has been really out of balance with working full time, part time, and being in graduate school. I graduate in May and already things are winding down. It's amazing to have free time again and energy to exercise!!

    Nice to meet everyone!
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hi! I'm Jennie or HardyGirl4Ever. I joined MFP in January and I love it! So many great people, I feel like the community will help me with my weight loss goals, both reaching them, and staying at them.

    I've been dieting on and off since I was 10 years old. Many different diets. I love food (especially food that's bad for me) so I find it really hard, but I'm trying. Last year I went on Jenny Craig and lost 17 pounds and got to a semi comfortable place. Then I quit due to being unemployed (since it's expensive) and started dieting on my own. Then Christmas hit, and I let people talk me into believing that it's normal to eat treats and eat poorly around the holidays. I started over in January, but things kept happening one after the other that prevented me from staying on track. Now I'm back on track and determined to stay there, even though it's hard for me since I'm just getting used to cooking. But I have the three Rocco DiSpirito Now Eat This! books, and I LOVE his recipes so that should help. If I love the food, I'm more likely to stick with it.

    I joined this challenge because I discovered I do best when someone gives me a challenge and I have to report back to people. I need all the extra pushes, and all the support I can get!! Anyone feel free to add me!! :heart:
  • misty2ann
    misty2ann Posts: 127
    Hi, everyone! My name is Misty. I am a 35 yr old wife and mother of 2 teenagers. I work full time as an X-Ray/ CT Tech and live in the beautiful state of Utah. I need something to keep me motivated and after researching several groups, this one seems the best for me. This seems to be a very motivational group and it looks like it's going to be fun! I have been a member of MFP for quite a while now, and this is the first group I have joined. I have been to scared lol Thank you for putting this group together and all the time you have put into it. Can't wait to start!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My name is Bethany. I am 28 years old and still tired of being overweight. I have been working on losing weight since June 2011. i am currently at 29lbs down. I was at 35lbs down but have been off track for the last couple months. My family and I are going on a little vacation to St. Louis at Memorial Day and I would really like to drop a few pounds before then.

    I love being a part of challenges. They really help keep me motivated and this one seems SUPER well organized. Looking forward to working with all you guys to help us all achieve our goals