Important stuff will go here one day.
Brainstorming Week
Please post ideas for our next challenge in this thread.
Please add exercises for the new challenge.
We do need to start a new group, but I think we can go ahead and start compiling an exercise list here. If every one adds a few, I will compile them all Sunday night into one big list for the new group. It can still be added to after it the big list is created, too!
Week 13 SSS All Groups
Wow, here we are on our last week! Great job, everyone!!!
Week 12 SSS All Teams - We're in the home stretch!!
Here we are, ladies! Thanks for pulling together to finish this out!
Week 11 SSS All Teams
Hi Everyone! We are starting Week 11! If anyone would like to post some exercises for this week, please feel free to add them right here to the thread. If Teresa gets back online and can post some to the blog, we'll be excited to see her and to jump over there and follow along, too! Have a great week, and burn some…
Week 10 - SSS
Hope no one minds I start a thread for this week. I'm eager to get a new start with this wonderful week 10. it is week 10, right? :P I haven't been keeping up with our exercises really at all for the past couple of weeks but today I did them!!
Week 9 - All Teams
I see Teresa hasn't been able to log in at all for 3 days, so I'm being bold and starting this week's check in thread. I'll start on doing week 7's exercises again.....I'm getting stronger and better at them, with this repeating!! and do this until I hear otherwise. Anyone feel free to step in and mix it up and I'll step…
Week 9 - SSS 13 week challenge (all teams)
Here is the new thread for this week....... sorry I haven't been on much, my friend **** has taken a turn for the worse.... it's so very hard on Marj - I cant imagine being married almost 40 years and losing someone that you have spent MOST of your whole life with! But yes - my computer is fixed and the new google docs…
QUESTIONS & PROBLEMS only (please)
This thread is to be used ONLY if you are having an issue or a problem with something related to our 13 Week Slender & Sexy by Summertime Challenge. Briefly post your question or issue here and one of the team captains will get back to you as soon as we can. Once this thread gets going, you might also want to take a few…
Week 8 - SSS 13 week challenge (all teams)
Thanks so much to shapestocome for setting up the new Google docs spreadsheets for me! Hopefully I'll be able to get my laptop looked at this week and try to figure out why I can't get online! For week 8 challenges, we are going to have to repeat last week again until I can get online (other than via my cell phone!) But I…