Brainstorming Week

quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
Please post ideas for our next challenge in this thread.


  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    I like getting points. It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something and it motivates me to do stuff. I also like being able to choose what I do for exercise and have it "count" whether it be walking or tae bo or yoga.
  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 165 Member
    I also like the point system too, and the spreadsheets are really helpful. Maybe we could have everyone give ideas on exercises to do, like the ones we have been doing throughout the challenge so theres around 15-20 exercises, and then each person could pick say 5 exercises to do 6 times a week? Then if a person completes 5 of the exercises for each day they would get their points. I know a lot of people including myself had some trouble doing some of the exercises (burpees!!!) so maybe if we were able to pick from a list it would be easier!
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 399 Member
    I like the points too -- I think maybe instead of a list (unless people need it for ideas) just say that you can do your choice of 5 strength training exercise?? Some people might do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred or Chalean Extreme and that should count for the points instead of having to do more. Just my thoughts.

  • m00nflwr
    m00nflwr Posts: 103 Member
    I also like the points.
    I think posting suggestions for exercises is a good idea for people who need some new ideas but I think flexibility is important since there are people doing their own programs.
    I like the idea of just having to do 5 exercises of your choice.
    I think even weight machines at the gym should count for that.

    I liked being accountable for water and calories as well.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Great thoughts so far! I also like the points, so it looks like we'll keep that! Exercise suggestions with the note that these are helpful suggestions rather than all that will count should be helpful to all.

    I had a request from Tonyzilla to be allowed to join us. It's fine with me - does anybody know how to allow someone into a private group? I haven't seen it. We could just make a new group, too, but I do like having a closed group so we know who is in. The group REALLY shrunk!

    What we have so far:

    We like points and like the spreadsheet.
    We like flexibility in what exercises we do within the context of accountability to exercise 6 of 7 days.
    We like accountability for water and calorie intake.

    That sounds like a winner without getting complicated. Now we need to start listing exercises so there is plenty to choose from. I do like to vary my workouts!
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    I liked the points and the spreadsheets. Water and calorie intake accountability really helps too.

    But I liked the exercises as well. It would be nice if we did one muscle group a day exercise. You know, back one day, abs one day. I am not an expert but I have read it's good to work one muscle group a day. I am good with cardio but when it comes to strength, I don't know what to do and what would be beginner level and advanced. So for someone like me, exercise list with videos really helped.
  • markus2229
    markus2229 Posts: 10 Member
    I haven't been so great on my keeping track of the spreadsheets but thank you to every one for the hard work and effort that was put into this challenge. I have managed to lose almost 18 pounds and made a few friends along the way! Thanks again!
  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    I like the idea of a list, but what if there was the option to exercise independently for x days a week, then choose one from the list for a bonus or something?
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 399 Member
    Great thoughts so far! I also like the points, so it looks like we'll keep that! Exercise suggestions with the note that these are helpful suggestions rather than all that will count should be helpful to all.

    I had a request from Tonyzilla to be allowed to join us. It's fine with me - does anybody know how to allow someone into a private group? I haven't seen it. We could just make a new group, too, but I do like having a closed group so we know who is in. The group REALLY shrunk!

    What we have so far:

    We like points and like the spreadsheet.
    We like flexibility in what exercises we do within the context of accountability to exercise 6 of 7 days.
    We like accountability for water and calorie intake.

    That sounds like a winner without getting complicated. Now we need to start listing exercises so there is plenty to choose from. I do like to vary my workouts!

    I think there is a link at the upper left hand corner to invite friends when you first come into the main page of the group -- but I do think we should make a new group and also make it a private group.

    Also, I always like the idea of setting personal goals each week that you want to work on for yourself (above and beyond the cals and water). For example if you are a night snacker you may make a goal that you won't eat after a certain time. It just helps to work on other things that may help you personally to succeed.

  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    Great thoughts so far! I also like the points, so it looks like we'll keep that! Exercise suggestions with the note that these are helpful suggestions rather than all that will count should be helpful to all.

    I had a request from Tonyzilla to be allowed to join us. It's fine with me - does anybody know how to allow someone into a private group? I haven't seen it. We could just make a new group, too, but I do like having a closed group so we know who is in. The group REALLY shrunk!

    What we have so far:

    We like points and like the spreadsheet.
    We like flexibility in what exercises we do within the context of accountability to exercise 6 of 7 days.
    We like accountability for water and calorie intake.

    That sounds like a winner without getting complicated. Now we need to start listing exercises so there is plenty to choose from. I do like to vary my workouts!

    I think there is a link at the upper left hand corner to invite friends when you first come into the main page of the group -- but I do think we should make a new group and also make it a private group.

    Also, I always like the idea of setting personal goals each week that you want to work on for yourself (above and beyond the cals and water). For example if you are a night snacker you may make a goal that you won't eat after a certain time. It just helps to work on other things that may help you personally to succeed.


    Did you have me in mind when typing this, Dorie??? LOL!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    SOOOO when are we starting and where?

    Another idea I had would be to have a Cannonball Goal. In other words, pick one of your goals that is so hard for you or so detriment that you keep it, that you make it your Cannonball Goal. If you get all of your goals completed but cave on that one, you take a 0 for all daily goals. Just a suggestion to help motivate us out of the really bad struggles that cause us to undo all that we did throughout the day. Say I drink my water, workout, under calorie and then I eat late at night... well, practically that ruins my prgress for the day so to make it a huge challenge for me... I would make it my cannonball goal. That way I won't want to blow it on all of the hard work that I put in throughout the day by blowing one goal.

    I love the charts and points too. I also like having a mileage goal to meet. I think it would be nice for that not to be an added requirement but maybe turn it into bonus points or something.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Should we start on Monday? For how many weeks? To Labor Day, maybe? Can somebody else set up the spread sheet? I will start a thread for an exercise list we can all throw ideas onto. Links with examples so that we know how to do each one would be very helpful.

    I did send an invite to Tonilizzy88 but have not heard back from her. Otherwise, who is in?
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 399 Member
    Yes, I think Mon to Labor Day is good. I will set up spreadsheet. Are we setting up a new forum or are we just using this one? Either way is fine with me.

    I am in :) -- whoever wants in please let us no asap so I can put your name on the spreadsheet.

    Shelle -- I was thinking of you with the LNS'ing lol -- but I have the same problem so I was referring to myself too!

    Points -- IMHO 12 glasses of water is too much so I personally think that we should get 5 points for either 10 or 8 glasses and 2 points for 6 or 8 (depending what we decide for the 5 points).

    By the way, I posted on the other thread the results of the last challenge.

  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 165 Member
    I am in!!! I also think 12 glasses a day is too much, when I was drinking 12+ glasses a day for the other challenge I was CONSTANTLY peeing all day lol I think 8-10 is a good number to aim for.
  • m00nflwr
    m00nflwr Posts: 103 Member
    I agree w/ the 8-10 cups of water

    I am in!!
    Monday is a perfect time to start for me. It'll be our first day back home after vacation.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I'm in. ;) Whoever says they are in on this thread, I will invite to the new one. I'll set that up tomorrow. It's 2:30 am now and I have church in the "morning" so I'd better scoot off to bed right now and deal with that later!

    I agree with the 8-10 cups of water. I generally have no trouble getting 12 because I've always been thirsty, but recommended is generally 8 cups for good health.

    Does anybody have a catchy name? SSLD seems a bit.......wrong lol. But whatever! I just want us all to be able to find the group!
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 399 Member
    Hi ladies I have been out of power since about 530 pm last night. And we are not supposed to get power back until monday night at 11 pm. So I am not sure I will have the spreadsheet done for tomorrow morning. But we are going up to my mother in laws so I can work on it a little tonight. And then I can work on them when I get a chance at work tomorrow. So hopefully by tomorrow night when I leave work I will have them finished and I will post the link.

    I will check back later.

  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    I am in too!!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I set up the new group and sent invites. PLEASE message me if you didn't get an invite. I don't think I missed anybody, but I can't find my reading glasses and am slightly worried that I didn't copy all the names absolutely correctly.

    Dorie, I hope your power is restored quickly! Whenever you get the spreadsheet up, just post the link in the new group. It's not an emergency, we can all work backwards on it a day or two if we need to.

    If I forgot anything or you want anything changed, please feel free to post it on the welcome thread. I'm not feeling any kind of ownership here and don't mind a bit if changes are made. I just want to get the ball rolling. If anyone wants to moderate/admin the new group, please let me know and I will add you. If I have forgotten anything, please speak up!

    Thanks everyone. It really does help to work together and to be accountable to others!

  • lturner8
    lturner8 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi there - I haven't been super active on this challenge, but I'd love to be included in the next one please! I'm doing so well and I need to keep my momentum going!
