Monthly Dinner Meet up

So I was thinking today that it would be really cool to do a monthly dinner meet up at at new, fun and most importantly HEALTHY restaurant. I would love to meet some new healthy, fitness minded people for good food, conversation, and support.

I am thinking metro area only, and depending on the number of people interested we could just take turns choosing the meeting place each month. I think it would eventually be awesome to do a potluck at someones home as we get to know eachother.

So...any takers?


  • Hmmm... I don't know of any new, healthy restaurants--it seems everywhere I turn, there's a new burger joint popping up--but The Good Earth in Roseville comes to mind as an old standby that has some healthy options. If I knew S. Mpls. better, I'm sure I would be aware of more healthy restaurants, but unfortunately, I live in the wrong part of the metro (North of downtown).

    This message board is usually sparsely populated, but let's see how many pipe up here. Everybody likes to eat dinner out. Maybe you have hit on an idea that will finally get this group to really take off.
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Favorite healthy restaurant is definitely French Meadow in Uptown.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I don't know any "healthy" restaurants either. Up until recently, my kids were at the ages where we only ate at places that had chicken fingers or mac & cheese on the menu :-)
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I'm at a loss for "healthy" restaurants. I'm close to Roseville so I'll have to check out The Good Earth. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Edit: There is a new place that opened in Little Canada at the intersection of Little Canada Rd and Rice St. It's called "Good Nutrition 4 You" or "Great Nutrition 4 You" or something like that. It's not a restaurant per se, but a place that serves smoothies. I haven't been there yet but they left business cards at my gym that entitles you to a free smoothie. Just a thought.
  • I love The Good Earth. There is also one in Edina too!

    There is The Good Day Cafe on 394 in SLP. I think that is going to be the fun part- sourcing out healthy options. I have been avoiding dining out like the plague because I am terrified of not having control over what goes into my food, and how it is prepared. And I think the best way to get over that is to find good places to eat as a group! That way we ALL have a "Little Black Book" of places for good eats with healthy options.

    I would eventually like to move it to an in-home BYOD get together; because I LOVE to cook, and share my cooking with other people. But I totally gotta get to know people first before I invite people into my home, I am sure others would feel the same. :happy:

    Keep the input rolling!
  • Yeah, I totally get the being apprehensive about inviting total strangers into your house; meeting at a restaurant and getting to know people first is the way to go. That's exactly how it worked with the old 'Gabster' website 107.1 FM used to have. A bunch of metro area people who used to frequent the message boards there decided to meet one day, and we have all become good friends who now host get-togethers in our own homes.

    French Meadow is a great idea. I've heard wonderful things about it, but have never been there. I think I drive past it when my work route takes me down Lyndale Avenue, so I have no excuse for not stopping in.

    I just got word of Stuart and Heidi Woodman's (of Heidi's, a popular S. Mpls restaurant) new venture which will open sometime this Spring in the same space Duplex used to occupy in Uptown on Hennepin Ave. S. It will be called Birdhouse, and will focus on healthy eating.

    Any other ideas? I'm receptive to learning about anywhere in the metro area, because I'd like my little black book to be complete.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    Here's a suggestion -- Mendoberri in Mendota Hts. It meets your healthy qualifications. I don't think I'm ready for face to face yet.
  • Oh awesome!! Thanks for the suggestion!
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    I don't know any "healthy" restaurants either. Up until recently, my kids were at the ages where we only ate at places that had chicken fingers or mac & cheese on the menu :-)

    ^^ This! I love this idea, I like west of the cities, but I'm willing to drive anywhere! I love the idea of starting with a healthy choice restaurant and maybe from there we could move on to a place where its sometimes a challenge but can be done and with support there, helps us all to realize what choices there are!

  • ^^ This! I love this idea, I like west of the cities, but I'm willing to drive anywhere! I love the idea of starting with a healthy choice restaurant and maybe from there we could move on to a place where its sometimes a challenge but can be done and with support there, helps us all to realize what choices there are!

    Exactly! I have been avoiding eating out because I have to give up control of my food, and it's preperation. But tonight is a date night and I am determined to be good! :drinker:

    I would love to have it be a learning experience, how to choose foods and order the food in a way that is healthy for our own individual needs. I am sure that I am not the only one who might need some pointers or support in this area! :tongue: I too am in the West metro!

    I am going to throw this out there...Let's set a tentitive first meet up at then end of March. I will take the first go round of choosing a place to meet. I will try to choose one with an online menu so that we can all look at it prior to going. I will post a date once we get closer to the beginning of March.


  • I would love to have it be a learning experience, how to choose foods and order the food in a way that is healthy for our own individual needs. I am sure that I am not the only one who might need some pointers or support in this area! :tongue: I too am in the West metro!

    I am going to throw this out there...Let's set a tentitive first meet up at then end of March. I will take the first go round of choosing a place to meet. I will try to choose one with an online menu so that we can all look at it prior to going. I will post a date once we get closer to the beginning of March.

    I'm looking forward to it! Yes, meeting a group of strangers is a bit out of my comfort zone, but I hope others, like me, can make a leap of faith and join in on the learning, support, and new friends that are likely to be a result.

    Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!
  • The only healthy restaurant I know of is Good Earth in Roseville, which is not to far from my job. Are people still getting together for dinner?
  • The only healthy restaurant I know of is Good Earth in Roseville, which is not to far from my job. Are people still getting together for dinner?

    Yes, that is the plan...shooting for the end of March. I will post a date, or dates and see what works for everyone once I figure out where!
  • ok, I will check back by the end of the month. Thanks :)
  • monainmn
    monainmn Posts: 70 Member
    My favorite place to eat a healthy meal these days is Ruby Tuesday, YUMMY!!!:love:
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    NOT FAIR.......................

    SOME of us don't live near the Metro.

    And YOU ALL should come up to DULUTH and go to the Duluth Grill!

    .........just sayin' ...............................
  • kellymorris55
    kellymorris55 Posts: 6 Member
    I usually just eat anywhere and find the healthiest choices, so I'm down for whatever. Can't wait to meet new friends!
  • NOT FAIR.......................

    SOME of us don't live near the Metro.

    And YOU ALL should come up to DULUTH and go to the Duluth Grill!

    .........just sayin' ...............................

    I would LOVE to go to the Duluth Grill. It's on my list for the next time I'm in Duluth. There's also a Thai restaurant on Woodland and (I think) Arrowhead I want to check out.
  • deaterrae
    deaterrae Posts: 25 Member
    My neighborhood sports the Birchwood Cafe that does dinner and the Seward Cafe that mostly does brunch. The Ecopolitan in Uptown offers raw, vegetarian/vegan food. The Seward Co-op has a great deli with healthy options.

    Of course, if we pay attention to what we order, many local restaurants offer healthy options.

    Keep us posted!
  • Ok folks, so the date range I have in mind is Wednesday March 28th or Thursday March 29th. I have chosen The Good Earth in The Galleria in Edina. The Galleria is right off of France. In between 62 and 494. I figure that is a good central location for a first meeting. During dinner we can set a schedule of who will be in charge of choosing the next location. I guess I would like it to be like the last wed/thur of the makes it easy to remember.

    I would like to meet at about 6, 6:30. But I am open to earlier or later.

    Here is a link to the menu so that you can have an idea of what you want ahead of time:

    Let me know what date works for everyone, and also I would like to have an idea of just how many would be in our group; so that if it is large I can call ahead and let them know.

    Thanks!! I look foward to meeting you all!
  • I'm glad I checked back here. Thursdays are spoken for already by my weekly running group, but Wednesday, the 28th is clear. Anybody else want to chime in?
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    NOT FAIR.......................

    SOME of us don't live near the Metro.

    And YOU ALL should come up to DULUTH and go to the Duluth Grill!

    .........just sayin' ...............................

    I would LOVE to go to the Duluth Grill. It's on my list for the next time I'm in Duluth. There's also a Thai restaurant on Woodland and (I think) Arrowhead I want to check out.

    Message me when you're coming up to the Duluth area..............we could meet at the Duluth Grill for lunch or dinner :bigsmile:
  • Hey folks...if you could give a yay or nay for Wednesday the 28th at 6-ish pm at The Good Earth in Edina...that would be great!

    Let me know my Monday evening so that I know we have a group going!

  • That will work for me. How can people locate each other? Should we ask at the front for the My Fitness Pal group, or someting like that?
  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    Just saw this, I may be able to make it if I remember.
  • 19steph88
    19steph88 Posts: 30 Member
    You city slickers have fun! :-) (I am too far north to even think about a meet-up), I love Good Earth though! I just looked up the Duluth Grill's menu after reading previous posts! I am going to certainly go there the next time I am in Duluth.
  • Boo522
    Boo522 Posts: 45 Member
    Vehicle is down so I can't make it this time. Next month definitely. I am in East St. Paul but I will look forward to meeting you guys.
  • Hi folks!

    So tomorrow is our frst meet-up! I am excited to meet you!

    I will make up a sign to put out on the table. It sounds like it might be a small group...and that is ok!

    Hope to see you all there!
  • Our first meeting is upon us! :smile:

    I will try to be at The Good Earth a bit before 6 so that I can get a table and all that. I am headed to the gym right now, and since the restaurant is closer to the gym than home...I will not be back at my computer, but if you need anything, questions, directions etc please email me at:, as I will have my phone on me.

    Looking forward to meeting you all!
  • Luv2bagramma
    Luv2bagramma Posts: 24 Member
    You guys have fun tonight!!! Wish I was closer to the Cities and my daughter *katsten on mfp* and I would join you. We are trying very diligently to eat healthier, wholesome foods and there just aren't alot of options we've found for eating out.

    We're a little north of Duluth on 'da Range, but if you ever do a Duluth Grill outing we'll be in! Just let Pollywog know and I'm sure she could coordinate!

    Good luck and eat healthy!
