Help me figure out how many calories I should eat, PLEASE :)



  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Personally, I always like to calculate everything based on being sedentary and then I have the motivation to exercise as it allows me to then eat those calories back. If, however, you prefer to eat the same number of calories a day then you can include your exercise in your TDEE calculation and then you don't need to track and eat back those exercise calories. That is my understanding anyway.

    So I either get to eat around 1400 plus exercise calories on the days I work out (though I'm upping this to 1500 just to try) or I can eat 1600 and not eat back the exercise calories.

    Personally, I have been doing the 1400 plus exercise for a while and didn't lose, so I'm upping to 1500. I think it is because i'm a dreadful fidget and probably burn more just doing nothing than the calculator can assess.
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    2239 is the number I got after subtracting the 15%

    I put in my info then chose moderate exercise. I work 40+ hours a week, walk 2-2.5 miles at lunch, and try to ride my bike 3 or 4 days a week and I'm goin to start strength training. Would that be about moderate?It said moderate is exercising 3-5 days a week.

    So then I should be eating 2239 calories a day and I should still lose?

    Thanks for the help :flowerforyou:

    Edit: I used the BMR calculator on that page and got 1699

    2nd Edit lol: So should I change mfp goals to show 2239 calories?
  • NMJosephs
    NMJosephs Posts: 185
    I did the calculator and subtracted my 15% and came out with 1900 calories. I'm currently eating around 1200. I'm freaked out, is this truly what I should be eating? I've hit a giant plateau that I can't get through and need something to help me out. My other huge stumbling block is that I'm not hungry, so to eat extra calories when I'm not hungry doesn't seem to make sense...
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I did the calculator and subtracted my 15% and came out with 1900 calories. I'm currently eating around 1200. I'm freaked out, is this truly what I should be eating? I've hit a giant plateau that I can't get through and need something to help me out. My other huge stumbling block is that I'm not hungry, so to eat extra calories when I'm not hungry doesn't seem to make sense...

    Yes if you entered your data right- 1900 is not that high. I eat 2000 a day AND eat exercise cals.

    It takes a day or two before I can really start eating at the new calorie limit- don't worry your body will get used to it. For the first few days I use protein shakes and meal replacement shakes (Myoplex original has 300 cals in it) to get used to having more calories.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    2239 is the number I got after subtracting the 15%

    I put in my info then chose moderate exercise. I work 40+ hours a week, walk 2-2.5 miles at lunch, and try to ride my bike 3 or 4 days a week and I'm goin to start strength training. Would that be about moderate?It said moderate is exercising 3-5 days a week.

    So then I should be eating 2239 calories a day and I should still lose?

    Thanks for the help :flowerforyou:

    Edit: I used the BMR calculator on that page and got 1699

    2nd Edit lol: So should I change mfp goals to show 2239 calories?

    Yep, sounds right :wink:

    How you set it up is up to you. You could either set up your MFP goals to 2239 and NOT eat back cals, or use MFPs settings, knowing that you will need to eat back cals up to 2239 (gross).

    Happy eating! :bigsmile:
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    Thank you for the help. Ok I can do this lol. I'm scared, ive upped my calories to 1700. Now i need to get up to 2200. 500 more :noway:

    I can do it I can do it!
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    :flowerforyou: I did it! I bummed my calories up to 2000. Now I am really scared lol. This weekend has been hard because we were out of town but I did get to walk/jog 3 miles. And I did it in 37 minutes down from the 47 it took me a few weekends ago (there were hills and this was flat but still excited lol). I have a few more weeks till my birthday to reach my goal and I am just really hoping that I am not gonna mess this up. :happy:
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    :flowerforyou: I did it! I bummed my calories up to 2000. Now I am really scared lol. This weekend has been hard because we were out of town but I did get to walk/jog 3 miles. And I did it in 37 minutes down from the 47 it took me a few weekends ago (there were hills and this was flat but still excited lol). I have a few more weeks till my birthday to reach my goal and I am just really hoping that I am not gonna mess this up. :happy:

    What goal are you trying to reach by your birthday?
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    31prvrbs: RIght now I am 205.6 (at least last time I got on the scale) I want to make one-derland by April 13. I'm getting down to the wire and I'm afraid its gonna be too much for me to lose in a few weeks (especially if I have gained a little from eating more).

    I understand if I cant make though since I started eating more to weigh less. I'll just have to make a new goal then :smile:
  • LoriInIowa
    LoriInIowa Posts: 113
    31prvrbs: RIght now I am 205.6 (at least last time I got on the scale) I want to make one-derland by April 13. I'm getting down to the wire and I'm afraid its gonna be too much for me to lose in a few weeks (especially if I have gained a little from eating more).

    I understand if I cant make though since I started eating more to weigh less. I'll just have to make a new goal then :smile:

    Just want to encourage you to "stay the course"'s wonderful to have goals (and I *do* hope you make your "one-derland" goal on time), but don't be afraid to give yourself some time.

    I'm assuming you want to be healthy LONG after you reach onederland? :)

    Blessings on your journey, Shanna!
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks for your posts! I think I have it right! My TDEE is 2243. My BMR is 1634. So I eat 1907! Does anyone know if I'm right on this?Thanks so much! I've been on a plateau for a year now and just can't break it. My weight can go up and down but never break below a certain point. I've been trying to eat more now for the last few days! Cathy
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thanks for your posts! I think I have it right! My TDEE is 2243. My BMR is 1634. So I eat 1907! Does anyone know if I'm right on this?Thanks so much! I've been on a plateau for a year now and just can't break it. My weight can go up and down but never break below a certain point. I've been trying to eat more now for the last few days! Cathy

    Yes you got it...remember if you burn over 300 cals you will need to start eating back the cals over 300.
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    Thanks for your posts! I think I have it right! My TDEE is 2243. My BMR is 1634. So I eat 1907! Does anyone know if I'm right on this?Thanks so much! I've been on a plateau for a year now and just can't break it. My weight can go up and down but never break below a certain point. I've been trying to eat more now for the last few days! Cathy

    Yes you got it...remember if you burn over 300 cals you will need to start eating back the cals over 300.

    Is it over 300 for everyone or does it depend on your TDEE? I am getting my self confused again.
  • Is it over 300 for everyone or does it depend on your TDEE? I am getting my self confused again.

    It depends on your TDEE-15%. Example:
    My TDEE-15% is around 2550
    My BMR is 1950

    For me it would be 600.. If i happen to burn over 600 calories one day of high burn cardio i'd have to eat enough to net at least my BMR for the day, though it would be beneficial to get as close to TDEE-15% as possible.

    Netting BMR is always the minimum.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Is it over 300 for everyone or does it depend on your TDEE? I am getting my self confused again.

    It depends on your TDEE-15%. Example:
    My TDEE-15% is around 2550
    My BMR is 1950

    For me it would be 600.. If i happen to burn over 600 calories one day of high burn cardio i'd have to eat enough to net at least my BMR for the day, though it would be beneficial to get as close to TDEE-15% as possible.

    Netting BMR is always the minimum.
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    My head hurts!
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    Okay, so can I make this easy on myself by doing the following?

    Set my TDEE as sedentary (1797) ( My actual current TDEE is 2500)

    Cut value 1530

    1506 BMR

    Set my calories at 1530 and eat back ALL my exercise calories? Would this work?
  • dls0516
    dls0516 Posts: 27 Member
    My head hurts too! But, thank you all for the information!

    I've been losing the same 3 lbs. for the past month and I've only lost 6 lbs total. I need something to jumpstart my body! On most days I do 30DS and other than general yard and housework, not much else yet. I'm a CPA so I'm sitting most of the day.

    I just want to make sure I have this figured out. I calculate my TDEE as 1970 (sedentary) and less 15% is 1674. By BMR is 1642. So, I should adjust my calories to 1674 and make sure to net between by TDEE and BMR. Does that sound right?
  • My head hurts too! But, thank you all for the information!

    I've been losing the same 3 lbs. for the past month and I've only lost 6 lbs total. I need something to jumpstart my body! On most days I do 30DS and other than general yard and housework, not much else yet. I'm a CPA so I'm sitting most of the day.

    I just want to make sure I have this figured out. I calculate my TDEE as 1970 (sedentary) and less 15% is 1674. By BMR is 1642. So, I should adjust my calories to 1674 and make sure to net between by TDEE and BMR. Does that sound right?

    You almost have it down. However, in my opinion doing 30DS + house work/yard work+ Walking to your car+ walking to your office et.c will have you at Light Activity at least.
    So in my opinion it would like so:
    TDEE: 2257.75(light activity)
    BMR: 1624.

    So you'd want to eat at around 1920 every day.

    Of course if Lucia has a different opinion i defer to her expertise in the matter.
  • Okay, so can I make this easy on myself by doing the following?

    Set my TDEE as sedentary (1797) ( My actual current TDEE is 2500)

    Cut value 1530

    1506 BMR

    Set my calories at 1530 and eat back ALL my exercise calories? Would this work?

    I believe that this would lead you to eat 1530 calories on non work out days.(When you should really be eating 2125,your TDEE-15%)
    The problem with that is you could tap your leg for a few hours and then you're under your BMR for the day. Figure in walking to your car, reading, driving etc and you'd be under your BMR by a lot. Not good.
    Eat 2125 every day. If you have a high burn day with cardio that burns an excess of 620 calories then eat whatever amount nets you your BMR at least.(Closer to your target of 2125 if you can)

    Note: same caveat as above(about deferring to Lucia's expertise that is.)