Just wanted to say hello

My name is Cindy and I am 4' 9"..

Please introduce yourselves.. :)


  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    I'm Vicky and I'm 4'11.5" on a very good day ;). Love talking to other "fun size" individuals because taller people don't seem to understand what a pound does to us or that are calorie counts aren't crazy given our heights :P.
  • I know 10 pounds is a lot on fun size people, even as little 5 pounds makes a difference almost a whole jean size.
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member
    fiona 4ft 10
  • bhisken
    bhisken Posts: 26 Member
    Just want to say HI. I am a shorty. I am a working mom with 3 kids, 2 grown step kids and a 4month old grand-baby. My husband

    and I decided to get a membership to the local YMCA last November. And I found MFP because of a co-worker. I have totally

    fallen in love with it!! I have really been able to keep track of what I am doing to myself. NO MORE EXCUSES ;-)
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 176 Member
    Hello! I'm Dawn. I'm 5' even. I have 4 kids to keep me busy....5 if you count the husband. I use our local Y and LOVE MFP!!!!
  • Neller125
    Neller125 Posts: 14
    I'm Nell at 5'1, with 2 kids & hubby.
    Looking to lose 25+ pounds elimating bad food/drink choices & upping my workouts. Going back to work & busy kids in sports...found me enjoying coworker treats, exhausted & wine in evenings as "my time".
    NO MORE....I'm determined to be looking like my profile photo ASAP, well close to since that was a while ago...:ohwell:
    With your helpful support too:flowerforyou:
  • Well Hello everybody..

    I have two kids.. a crazy hours job (I am a Buyer at a refinery) no hubby, but I date and that's worse they always want to take ya to dinner... lol

    Thanks for responding I look forward to getting to know you while we encourage each other..

  • musiclvr54
    musiclvr54 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm 4'10" Glad to know I'm not the only shorty:). I have 2 grown children and 2 grandaughters ages 1 and 3. Need to get serious about getting in better shape. Hard with being short. Taller people don't understand, 2 lb is like 6 on a taller person. Hope the support will help keep me motivated.:happy:
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    I know 10 pounds is a lot on fun size people, even as little 5 pounds makes a difference almost a whole jean size.
    Do you notice a difference? In the past when I've lost weight nobody's noticed until I lose 20. Soooo frustrating. Though my jeans did feel loose today.
  • Yeah I can tell just like you can tell that your jeans are loose..
  • MsSickOfBeingFluffy
    MsSickOfBeingFluffy Posts: 32 Member
    Wholly mackerel there's a lot of Shorties! Just made this group yesterday and am very please with how many members there are already.

    My name is Scarlet, I am 25 years old and a mother of 2. One of which is only 6 months old. I'm 4'11.5 @ 180lbs. Goal weight is 115

    We can definitely do this ladies!


    KEEP GOING!!!!!
  • Thanks for creating this group!!!!
  • bmorton82
    bmorton82 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Brittany and I'm a newbie to the group.
    I'm 5'0 and my HW 151, CW 130.5, GW 120-125. Looking to shed about 5-10 more but more importantly to me, tone up!

    I'm so happy that this group exists! I know that I've found it challenging to see others have multi-pound weekly losses when I may only lose a .5 lb but I surely worked HARD for that darn pound to go away! It's great to have a 'fun sized' support network who understands, so feel free to add me.

    Cheers to each of you on your healthy journeys!
  • Neller125
    Neller125 Posts: 14
    Welcome :smile:
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    Ditto - welcome! It's especially hard when you're close to your goal, like you are. You can do it!
  • Megan5683
    Megan5683 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Megan and i'm 4'9. I'm glad I found this group of fun sized people like me. Feeel free to add me everyone! Good luck to you all.
  • musiclvr54
    musiclvr54 Posts: 11 Member
    welcome I am 4' 10" I love this group. Hope you do too. Just what us 'shorty's need :laugh:
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Another shorty here. I'm Jean and I'm 4'11" . My goal is to loose 35 lbs and reduce BF from 44% to 25%. My daily calorie goal is 1600, which I haven't been doing very well with. it is based upon calcs I did on fitness frog:

    Light exercise: TDEE 15% cut
    1800 1552
    Mod. Exercise: 2058 1749

    I figured the 1600 averages out the two calcs on exercise
    My diary and profile are open if anyone wants to have a peek.

    Haven't been as successful as I had hoped loosing weight, but have lost alot of inches.
  • Inches count, sometimes it just shows in inches first then the pounds come later... don't give up!!!
  • LilOlMe69
    LilOlMe69 Posts: 89 Member
    Just found this group from another member! Yeah! I'm 4'11", SAHM of a 15 yr old and 14yr old.Love all the support I get here! Hope I can help out! :) Feel free to add me!