Level 2 - report your progress here!



  • cah1255
    cah1255 Posts: 41 Member
    i was not feeling well all weekend- today also actually, so i missed my regular workout. if i double up for a few days, will that work, to catch up? or will it not have the same effect?
  • pintsofguiness
    Just did level 2 for the first time. Almost died but made it through. I feel awesome now tho :)
  • l2rell
    l2rell Posts: 88
    I have completed days 5 6 and 7 completely forgot to update here 3 more days and oh boy level3 here I come x
  • 6kate2
    6kate2 Posts: 35 Member
    Day 8 completed,

    For some reason my outer thighs are ACHING so much tonight! Deja vue of level 1, day 1. Ouch, ouch and another ouch as i try to walk or get up off the chair!!! Pleased with myself tonight though as some of my push ups improving...... think i may have even managed a couple of half decent ones for a change!!
  • Febes24
    Febes24 Posts: 85 Member
    Today will be day 3 on level two for me and its definitely a big leap from level one. I didn't lose weight in level 1 but I knew level 2&3 will either give major inches lost or some pounds. I'm excited to see some changes
  • l2rell
    l2rell Posts: 88
    Day 8 done and I've pulled a muscle in my calf it's killing me I'm supposed to go to zumba tonight not sure if I'll manage or not x
  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 125 Member
    Day one of level two completed. YAY! It did seem to go by faster than level one. I liked this one better even though I struggled with finishing some of the moves. But I struggled to finish some of the moves in level one the first few days too, so I'm not worried. Moved up to 8 pound weights for level two and it was pretty easy, although I had to go back to 5 pounds for a couple of the moves. I dont think I'm doing the plank positions totally accurate because they seem a bit too easy. I have also been doing Jillians burn fat boost metabolism dvd about 4 days a week and level two of the shred has some of the moves from that dvd but easier. So no doubt thats helped me! I'm thinking about maybe doing level 1 and level 2 back to back like a couple of you are doing.
  • JeBitchy23
    i am on l2d3 tmrw morning. it is def more tougher than level 1. lol. there were two exercises i couldnt finish but i pushed as hard as i could. i am very sore. and i think mostly cus i took 2 days off over the weekend. but i feel good after the workout. i have lost a few inches off each thigh. an inch off calves. inch off waist and 1/2 off hips. only one pound lost so far.
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred Level 2, Day 6 done--last circuit of v-raises done with 3 lb. rather than 5 lb., weights; cardio easy.
  • 6kate2
    6kate2 Posts: 35 Member
    Should have been doing day 9 tonight but struggling with long standing ankle problem I have. It became evident as soon as i begun the jumping jacks. Decided i would have to miss tonight as level 2 got lots of jumping around and twisting. Thought to have a wee look at level 3 and .............. I have completed day 1 of level 3! Well pleased with myself!!! Had to do some modifications and certainly didnt' use any weights at all throughout the workout but very pleased that I actually managed to do 20minutes of execise! Will now go report on Level 3 progress page:smile:
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred Level 2, Day 7 done--only 3 more days to go on it! Woohoo! Hope I'll be able to do those dange v-raises with 5 lbs. by the last day, but I don't know . . .
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Just joined in..today was the end of level 2 for me :bigsmile: ..still hate those ab twists, I'm so not coordinated and could not get my body to turn that much, so glad to be moving on...L3D1 tomorrow
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Day 8, Level 2 done! Finally, I did the 3rd circuit of v-raises with 5 lb. weights :smile: (but the cardio still with 3 lb.)
  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 125 Member
    Finished day 3 of level 2 today. I loathe all the lunges. I hope level 3 has some different stuff. And I cannot wait to be rid of doing those dreadful-made-up-by-satan-to-torture-people squats with the v raises. :grumble:
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred Level 2, Day 9--still hard bit feels good! Last circuit of those horrible v-raises done with 5 lb. weights. Only one more day and then it's on to the accursed Level 3 with the jump lunges, mountain climbers and plank leg/arm raises :sad: .

    Shutterbabe; I love how you described the v-raises as "dreadful-made-up-by-satan-to-torture-people squats with the v raises." Keep coming up with those descriptions when you move on to Level 3--they make me laugh and keep me going (why, I don't know . . . I guess there is comfort in knowing other people hate them, too!) :tongue:

    Everyone else, let's see if we can come up with descriptions of various exercises you hate on the Levels and we'll hate them together! :mad:
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred Level 2, Day 10--done! All of those satanic v-raises with chair squats done with 5 lb. weights. However, I did wobble on both sets of military presses with leg extensions :cry: And I wanted to be perfect on my last day! :ohwell:

    Now to finish Level 3.

    Go everyone! I'm hoping I will see some results in inches when it's all done!
  • JeBitchy23
    i am currently on day 3 of level 2. my alarm didnt go off this morning so i missed todays workout. ive been able to maintain through the weekend my one pound loss so i am happy about that. next workout for 30ds is tmrw morning. tonight is volleyball and im going to try and get in a nmtz workout for abs and thighs before my game. i HOPE i can. i have lost another 1/2 inch of waist and hips but nothing more off legs. and i tried to go jean shopping the other day......huge huge huge fail. i want to move to a lower size....9. would be nice. for some reason all the size 11s were tight. makes no sense since thats what im in now. boo!
  • Mathteacher35
    Mathteacher35 Posts: 32 Member
    I spent 9 days at level one and moved on to level 2 today. It was definitely harder than level 1! After starting level 1, I gained 5 pounds! It is now off, so I hope the scale continues to move in the downward direction!
  • proudtruckersgirl
    proudtruckersgirl Posts: 42 Member
    Just started L2 D1 today. I have to say, it is harder then L1, I sweated a lot more and I thought she was trying to kill me. But I made it through it and it did seem to fly by faster then L1. In L1 I lost 3 lbs and 6" total. But I'm also working with a personal Trainer at the gym for 30 mins 3 days a week. I did 10 days of L1 with weekends off, so it took me two weeks to complete L1. So now on to the next 2 weeks at L2!
  • nic260177
    nic260177 Posts: 4
    Just completed Day 1 of level 2 - oh my god that was hard! It did seem to go quickly but I'm thinking that's because I didn't know what was coming next - that was a good thing! Am not looking forward to tomorrow, hoping it will become easier as level 1 did after a few days!