Where are my fellow group members?

":Without Action, You're not Going Anywhere"

:glasses: Let's share some progress...even lack of progress....If we are to support each other, we ned to actually do it, not talk about it.

I'm 52, carrying 315 lbs on a 6"4" frame...I've yo-yoed for years, and now I'm ashamed to go anywhere...It's that bad.


Have taken small steps, lost 12 lbs, and am pushing for more.

Lowell in Florida


  • djean2
    djean2 Posts: 37 Member
    I am 53, 4'11" and 225 lbs. I have pain in my legs and knees when I walk and even more when trying to just stand for any lenght of time. When I was in my late teens and early 20's I went thru a lot of insane diets. One hamburger patti a day and then there was the one banana a day, always did extreme diets trying to be that perfect weight.

    In my 30's I took they popular diet drug (can't remember the name) I loved it. I felt so normal no cravings lost weight eating lowfat diet. After about a year the pills quit have that wonderful effect and I was hungry all the time and gained back the 60 lbs I had lost.

    At 47 my knee hurt going down stairs but I could walk without problems and decidd I had to get healthy. I went to my doctor to find out what exercises to do to keep from making my knee worse. She sent me to physical therapy and the 2nd day there I sprained my knee. I ended up having knee surgery and it went down hil from there. It took forever to recover from the surgery. I gained another 70 lbs and feel older and more out of shape than most 70 year old.

    I think I lost a lot of muscle with all the extreme dieting and messed up my metabolism. So my goal now is lfiestyl change. Loose weight slowley. Eat health do exercise to build muscle and do short walks to build stamina. I'm in for life not just a goal weight.
  • Its_All_Kung_Fu
    That's awesome..I too have had several knee surgeries....I, too, feel 70....That said: We can change. The fact we're here means we're doing it. ....Ya know, :smile: .If it were easy, everyone would be in shape!
  • Karren188
    Karren188 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm Karen - I'm 50 - soon to be 51. I'm 5'7" and weigh 294. I'm married and live in Pensacola, Florida. I have a very busy life - two older children (ages 24 & 27) and two younger children (ages 5 & 6), plus a daughter-in-law and 3 week old granddaughter. I've been rollercoastering with this weight most of my life. I recently considered weight loss surgery (lapbanding) and went through all the testing and found out that other than weight, I seem to be pretty healhy, no cholesterol, thyroid or diabetic issues. Heart is healthy, colon is healthy. I do have a hiatal (sp?) hernia but otherwise I'm fine. So I've decided against surgery, and instead I'm trying to lose weight once and for all by changing bad habits for good habits. I've had success using MFP before. I find that I do better when I have to be accountable -- so that is why I've reached out on this network to make friends and join a couple of groups. I plan to be very active here because staying active here means I'll stay proactive with my weightloss plan. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.

    My initial goal is to lose 100 pounds. We'll see where I'm at after that. I'm torn between wanting to drop it fast, to taking it slow. I don't want to look like I am 100 years old when I'm done (wrinkles) so I hope to include weights in my exercise routine to keep everything as toned as possible.
  • rookmb
    rookmb Posts: 84
    Hi there....
    I am almost 5'5" and weigh 203. I started out at 252 and joined MFP at 248.
    I have osteo arthritis, Lupus and Fibromyalgia. I'm 56 years old.

    I split my time between Pennsylvania and Fort Myers, Florida.

    For me, this is a lifestyle change. It has to be or I will not succeed. I've been on every diet there is. From the age of 21 to 50 I managed to stay between 150 and 165. As soon as I hit 50, and started taking steroids that the doctor prescribed for Lupus, I ballooned. When I stopped the steroids, the weight stayed and I gained even more.

    I have 3 beautiful grandchildren, ages 5, 3, and 1. I want to be around for a long time for them.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    It does help to know that not everyone of MFP is 20-30 and needing to lose 10lbs :)

    I've been here for 3 months (more or less) - a little over 20# gone, and most of a 16-year old gymnast to go. Yes - I'm trying to lose a whole person here. Just turned 55, 5'4"-ish, and now at 253 (started at 276). Not diabetic (yet - huge family history), but plenty of other issues. Unfortunately, some of them really inhibit my exercise abilities. I'm hoping that as the weight goes, that will change.

  • Karren188
    Karren188 Posts: 101 Member
    I lost 3 pounds when I weighed yesterday. I was happy about that!! :love:
  • Its_All_Kung_Fu
    It helps to hear from all of you, and know that we all are fighting a battle, and that we intend to conquer ourselves (the hardest victory of all)

    Seems like we all have the right idea..As vickimieth said, we aren't young, svelte and pain-free...Our struggle is genuine, and just that...a struggle....Let's continue supporting each other!

    . I'm proud to be associated with all of you in this group.

  • Its_All_Kung_Fu
    Actually, I was thinking....I'd like to be MFP friends with all of you! We CAN help each other, by reminding each other there are others like us who are making this incredible effort!
  • Its_All_Kung_Fu
    Actually, I was thinking....I'd like to be MFP friends with all of you! We CAN help each other, by reminding each other there are others like us who are making this incredible effort!
  • Karren188
    Karren188 Posts: 101 Member
    Hope y'all all have a great night's sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to do battle again tomorrow. My eating was all out of whack today; although i stayed within my calorie goals, I still feel like I cheated. I had two snacks this evening. Bad. and I was 2 glasses shy a load (of water). See you all tomorrow! (HUGS)