Twelve weeks until summer!!!



  • pbaker8307
    pbaker8307 Posts: 60 Member
    I was at a restaurant a couple of days ago...the guy at the checkout counter said he liked my outfit. I said thanks and he said he was trying to get his girlfriend to dress more like me, like a teacher. I did not know this person so he had no idea that I was a teacher. What's a "teacher outfit" ? It was kinda funny.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I was at a restaurant a couple of days ago...the guy at the checkout counter said he liked my outfit. I said thanks and he said he was trying to get his girlfriend to dress more like me, like a teacher. I did not know this person so he had no idea that I was a teacher. What's a "teacher outfit" ? It was kinda funny.

    Hope it wasn't the appliqued sweater vest look... LOL! When my teaching cohort came to graduation, we solemnly promised to never, ever fall into the pumpkin, Thanksgiving, Christmas Tree, etc., appliqued sweater-wearing group! (If you're of the appliqued sweater persuasion...I promise I'm not picking on you!) :laugh:

    But yes, I've gotten that "You look like a teacher" spiel, too... Wonder if it has anything to do with the way we relate to other people?

  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I definitely give off a teacher/mommy vibe. Because I teach preschoolers and use a lot of different art supplies, I have to wear "wash & wear" clothing. I'm also on my feet constantly, so I wear sneakers 99% of the time. When I do dress nicely, inevitably, it gets stained. On the weekends, I dress much nicer. No matter what I'm wearing, little kids are always drawn to me. It is the funniest thing. I could be in Target, church, anywhere, and if there is anybody between the ages of 0 and 8, they smile, wave, or speak to me. Once I open my mouth, and my cutesy high voice comes out, that's it, we're friends for life.

    Re: holiday sweaters...Yes, in the beginning, I did fall into that trap. I even had a Mickey Mouse embroidered teacher shirt/sweater set. I never got a Halloween one, because I'm in costume every year, but I did, and still do have that Christmas Tree sweater that I like to wear. I know it looks silly, but I am silly. But, as I lose weight, I would like to have more fashionable clothing in my closet than sensible clothing.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I definitely give off a teacher/mommy vibe. Because I teach preschoolers and use a lot of different art supplies, I have to wear "wash & wear" clothing. I'm also on my feet constantly, so I wear sneakers 99% of the time. When I do dress nicely, inevitably, it gets stained. On the weekends, I dress much nicer. No matter what I'm wearing, little kids are always drawn to me. It is the funniest thing. I could be in Target, church, anywhere, and if there is anybody between the ages of 0 and 8, they smile, wave, or speak to me. Once I open my mouth, and my cutesy high voice comes out, that's it, we're friends for life.

    Re: holiday sweaters...Yes, in the beginning, I did fall into that trap. I even had a Mickey Mouse embroidered teacher shirt/sweater set. I never got a Halloween one, because I'm in costume every year, but I did, and still do have that Christmas Tree sweater that I like to wear. I know it looks silly, but I am silly. But, as I lose weight, I would like to have more fashionable clothing in my closet than sensible clothing.

    Good morning! Sitting here with my morning mocha, my second day of spring break...ahhh, I slept in a little - heavenly!

    I get the mess/clothing dilemma...used to teach a class where I couldn't wear anything nice due to all the projects we, as a lit specialist - I just wear what has become my "normal" wardrobe (meaning I wear it to church, out with friends, work, etc.) When I had my own children many moons ago, I went from wearing clothes that needed to be dry-cleaned to denim and black...things that either wouldn't show dirt - and/or could be easily laundered at home (plus was that an all black outfit with a colorful knit sweater or denim jacket with accessories quickly made me look pulled together and more slender! THAT part may have been all in my mind...) :laugh: I've branched out (colorfully) a bit since then, but black is still the main color in my wardrobe - and with a few exceptions, most everything goes with it.

    My question is...the best places to buy clothes that can be easily laundered (I don't do dry-cleaning much) and that don't wrinkle (I also love to travel)... I have some Chico's Travelers, some Coldwater Creek, even some issue is that I'm not a big slip wearer, and if skirt material is too thin, feel that I have to wear one. I also am fine with knee-length skirts, but I don't wear mini's. Ideas?

  • sweetteach86
    Megan! I am from Wisconsin as well!! :)
  • Emmidoodah
    Emmidoodah Posts: 21 Member
    Ha ha Ha! That's hilarious! Teacher outfit eh.....? Now let me think.....My outfit is always black skirt/trousers, because schools are such filthy/dusty places anything paler would be manky by break time; accompanied by tops which show no cleavage or hint of muffin top from aforementioned skirt/trousers and thereby avoid lecherous/unkind comments from ever-observant year 10; topped off with fetching black cardigan and suit jacket combo, as layering very necessary precaution against blazing hot or freezing cold temperature extremes which seem to occur in every British school building. Footwear choices include black pop socks or tights depending on windchill factor in car park and corridors, versatile mid-height wedge heel for the purpose of both towering over year 7 in a self-important manner and chasing after little Johnny who spat on little Janey's head on the staircase. This takes the form of either shoe (dry summer days) or knee-length boot (the other 364 days), the boot being particularly effective in preventing trench foot from leaking toilet cistern in ladies loo and leaking radiators in classroom. Sexy or what???
  • Emmidoodah
    Emmidoodah Posts: 21 Member
    Had a parents' evening tonight, which went on a bit. Have missed walk and sunshine for today - booooo! Had a good calorie day though so still feeling upbeat. What dog do you have? Mine's a crossbreed of saluki and collie, called Kizzy, and she's adorably bonkers.
    Just realised I'm doing this a bit wrong. Am I supposed to use the quote function to show who I'm answering?...yep...I think I am...sorry ladies!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    Had a parents' evening tonight, which went on a bit. Have missed walk and sunshine for today - booooo! Had a good calorie day though so still feeling upbeat. What dog do you have? Mine's a crossbreed of saluki and collie, called Kizzy, and she's adorably bonkers.
    Just realised I'm doing this a bit wrong. Am I supposed to use the quote function to show who I'm answering?...yep...I think I am...sorry ladies!

    We had our much-loved retriever/spaniel mix put down last summer (hubby was gracious to wait until offspring and I had left for our summer vacation without him) and he was so beside himself afterwards, couldn't bear the thought of bringing a new puppy into the home.

    Fast-forward to New Year's Eve...and my hubby sweetly noticed that one of my gal friend's lab/terrier mix puppies made a home of my lap that evening... The little gal, (whom we named Grace O'Malley), joined our family around the first of February (her pics are at my profile site) and what a sweetie she is! My friend's son had potty trained her and worked with her - knowing she was joining our family (and probably realizing that since he is friends with my sons - would hear about it if she was a naughty little thing! Ha!):laugh: She seriously brought her leash to me in her mouth the very next day after getting her!

    I hear you on the cold/heat in the the last school - the heat was on constantly and I could never wear winter clothes. This building is cold...I pretty much live in my knee-length boots all winter. Sadly, I wore out (literally holes in soles) of both pair (identical) of my fave Clarks boots (slightly dressy with a snipped toe, and 2 1/2" heel). Found a pair of wedgie boots (Clarks) on Ebay - just more casual looking. I pretty much live in Clarks (sandals and shoes) when it's not raining... Our selection over here is much different than you have available (although Zappo's online isn't too bad) and couldn't believe that there was a Clarks store in Kirkwall! (If you'll pardon my saying so...there wasn't a whole awful lot, town-wise to Kirkwall! But, I also live in the suburbs of a major west coast city! That is my comparison...) Also found some amazing deals at the Clarks outlet in N. Ireland... We have a couple of outlets locally - but the selection isn't the same.

    Can you post pics of Kizzy? I didn't know what a Saluki looked like...googled it - bet your Kizzy is gorgeous!

  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I am in a new school building, and in spite of central air conditioning, my room is always hot in August/September and now through June. In the winter, my room was freezing. It is utterly ridiculous.

    P.S. I absolutely LOVE Zappos! I order from them frequently because I've had wide feet since my pregnancy, and I can't buy shoes in a department store anymore.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I am in a new school building, and in spite of central air conditioning, my room is always hot in August/September and now through June. In the winter, my room was freezing. It is utterly ridiculous.

    P.S. I absolutely LOVE Zappos! I order from them frequently because I've had wide feet since my pregnancy, and I can't buy shoes in a department store anymore.

    Zappo's customer service is the BEST! Sadly, just had to return a pair of La Canadienne boots... Am searching for a pair of knee-length boots that have narrow shafts (my calves are 12.5" at widest) and unsuccessful so far... I'm seriously contemplating having my old Clarks overhauled at the shoe repair...if that can be done.

    You would think that a new building would have a rather decent computerized heating/cooling system in place? Do you have an individual control in your room? Our rooms have that - although we are told to help keep costs down by not cranking the heat up...

  • VenturaGurl
    VenturaGurl Posts: 413 Member
    I am in a new school building, and in spite of central air conditioning, my room is always hot in August/September and now through June. In the winter, my room was freezing. It is utterly ridiculous.

    P.S. I absolutely LOVE Zappos! I order from them frequently because I've had wide feet since my pregnancy, and I can't buy shoes in a department store anymore.

    My room is the same way. Also very cold in the morning and scorching hot by the end of the day due to the way the sun hits my windows...

    I also love Zappos...I wear wide shoes as well and have never found cute shoes at the mall. I always have my sister-in-law (perfect size 7) try on the shoes I like so I can see how cute they are...but I can never find them in my size.. Thanks goodness for online shopping!!!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    We've got 8 more weeks of school left here in Western NC!

    We have had hardly any winter this year and hardly any breaks. In one more week we'll get spring break - thank goodness!

    The warmer weather lately has made me more motivated to exercise, especially outdoors (but this means I don't want to go inside to the gym!)

    I'm a Kindergarten teacher (this is my 6th yr teaching, mostly K and a little 2nd grade) and I'm also finishing up my Master's degree. I graduate in May! and I cannot wait to have my time back. So so often lately I've had to forgo exercise so I have time to get all my work done.

    Congrats on completing your master's...not easy - especially with working. And if you have kiddos of your own - you just get pulled in all directions.

    A funny but sad and touching story from my life... I was going to school when my kiddos were little and one night as I was headed out the door again (I worked full-time and went to school full-time) my youngest darling said to me, "Mommy, crawl in bed and pretend you're sick". *sigh*

  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I am in a new school building, and in spite of central air conditioning, my room is always hot in August/September and now through June. In the winter, my room was freezing. It is utterly ridiculous.

    P.S. I absolutely LOVE Zappos! I order from them frequently because I've had wide feet since my pregnancy, and I can't buy shoes in a department store anymore.

    Zappo's customer service is the BEST! Sadly, just had to return a pair of La Canadienne boots... Am searching for a pair of knee-length boots that have narrow shafts (my calves are 12.5" at widest) and unsuccessful so far... I'm seriously contemplating having my old Clarks overhauled at the shoe repair...if that can be done.

    You would think that a new building would have a rather decent computerized heating/cooling system in place? Do you have an individual control in your room? Our rooms have that - although we are told to help keep costs down by not cranking the heat up...


    Yeah, you would think. I think that the problem is the humans that are used to the old fashioned heating/cooling units. The old boys didn't understand how to operate the computerized system and broke it the first year we had it. It has never been right since then. I do have a controller for temperature in my room, but it does nothing. I have it turned off all 183 days, and it is always a sauna in here. I joke with my colleagues that my room is the sauna and mani/pedis are across the hall! (If only :wink: )
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    We've got 8 more weeks of school left here in Western NC!

    We have had hardly any winter this year and hardly any breaks. In one more week we'll get spring break - thank goodness!

    The warmer weather lately has made me more motivated to exercise, especially outdoors (but this means I don't want to go inside to the gym!)

    I'm a Kindergarten teacher (this is my 6th yr teaching, mostly K and a little 2nd grade) and I'm also finishing up my Master's degree. I graduate in May! and I cannot wait to have my time back. So so often lately I've had to forgo exercise so I have time to get all my work done.

    Congratulations! I finished last year. I waited until the last minute so that my daughter was old enough to not miss me. It didn't matter...teenagers need there moms just as much as toddlers, just in different ways. But, it is a relief to be done. It will feel so good to you to have it over and done. :drinker:
  • kriztyn723
    I start spring break Friday!!!! Summer starts May 24!

    I teach in Illinois by the way
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I start spring break Friday!!!! Summer starts May 24!

    I teach in Illinois by the way

    Wow! May 24th?! Not in my wildest dreams have I thought of summer vacation starting so early. When do you start back? We are usually back the last week of August with one week off at Christmas, February, and April, then we get out the mid/end of June. We put in 183 days.
  • VenturaGurl
    VenturaGurl Posts: 413 Member
    I start spring break Friday!!!! Summer starts May 24!

    I teach in Illinois by the way

    Wow! May 24th?! Not in my wildest dreams have I thought of summer vacation starting so early. When do you start back? We are usually back the last week of August with one week off at Christmas, February, and April, then we get out the mid/end of June. We put in 183 days.

    We started back on August 24 and finish June 13. We have one week the last week of October, Christmas (2 weeks), and a week in April. Summer can't come quickly enough this year. I'm teaching a K/1 combo this year and while I'm enjoying it, it's exhausting! I'm in southern California. :smile:
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I would love to be off in October. I would love to go to Disney World in Orlando in October to see the Halloween decorations.
  • nicoleann_
    I'm a teacher candidate, so I'm currently in school for teaching - I'm in clinicals, so I'm getting a taste of what it's like to be a real teacher! We always try to support healthy habits in my classroom, but I realize I need to lead by example. Plus, I'm 22...and I would really like to be able to wear a bikini for the first time ever. EEK!
  • kriztyn723
    We go back August 13th... when it's god awful hot out! haha