As summer ends...
I officially go back to school on August 23rd. Of course, I will be preparing during these last two weeks. I've already written my welcome letter & had it translated into Spanish. I probably won't be able to get into my classroom until one week before or less because the custodians seem to save stripping and waxing the…
Evening eating
I love summer. I live for summer. I love my freedom. But, if I had this freedom year-round, I wouldn't be able to fit through the front door. Yes, stress really does affect my eating. Yes, celebrations do as well. But, what affects me most of all is lack of structure. During the school year, I only eat what I bring to…
Diet? What diet?!
I feeling like I'm on a rollercoaster of fun, excitement, drama, tragedy, goodbyes, and parties. Nowhere has there been any kind of structure that would support me in my dieting efforts. In fact, there has been no effort. I've just been holding on for dear life. June began with my daughter's formal dance, don't forget the…
June is almost over :(
How has everyone been doing with their eating and exercising?? I have been okay with the eating about 80% of the time. I have my slip ups every now and then-- but I am only human! :) I am doing GREAT with exercising so I am hoping that will make up for the slip ups. I've been doing 5-6 days a week with bootcamps and…
Summer is here!!!
I've been on a rollercoaster of highs and lows. My daughter has been experiencing some amazing things, but has also suffered from mean girls. It is horrible to see your child in pain. I wish I could go through it for her, but I know she must get through it herself, with my support. We've had concerts, graduations,…
Just found this group :)
I'm so glad I found this group. I have been a high school business teacher for 7 years, but am moving to middle school next year. I'm excited about it! I've wanted to be at the middle school level for awhile. Every summer it's my goal to lose weight and I never do it. I'm determined to actually do it this summer! I've been…
Days are winding down...
So.....I have decided to teach summer school......since my boyfriend and I are in the process of buying a house, the extra cash will be nice. Anybody else teaching summer school?
Moving grades!
Hey everyone! I am close to finishing my ninth year of teaching and I am moving from fifth to second. I have only taught intermediate grades, but since I have applied to be in the literacy coach pool with my district I figured that I needed primary experience! I also adjunct at a college where I live, so I know that having…
Summer Plans for Improved Health
Hi, I've been really looking forward to summer so I can get back on some pretty great healthy habits. What kinds of goals are you setting for this summer? Healthy, family, relationships, travel, books???? My goals: Do daily stretching... Add bike to the exercise Swim twice a week Weight train 3 X Walk more on trails w/out…
Don't let the "bucket-dippers" get you down!
HAVE YOU FILLED A BUCKET TODAY? If you haven't heard this before, this is the title of a wonderful children's book that teaches children how to be kind and thoughtful rather than hurtful. "Bucket-fillers" brighten up other people's days with their kind remarks and actions. "Bucket-dippers" use their words and actions to…