June is almost over :(

How has everyone been doing with their eating and exercising?? I have been okay with the eating about 80% of the time. I have my slip ups every now and then-- but I am only human! :)

I am doing GREAT with exercising so I am hoping that will make up for the slip ups. I've been doing 5-6 days a week with bootcamps and workout classes at the gym. I just bought new running shoes so I started running again today (boy was that rough!).

Haven't lost any weight but am feeling great! It's crazy how you feel after a good workout! :)

Hope all is well!! Keep up the good work!!


  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Dear Kriztyn,
    So glad that you are feeling great. Isn't it wonderful to have the time to focus on exercising. I too am back on the workout bandwagon. Doing 3 yogas, 3 weight training, and 3 biking, 2 swimming, and 5 other cardio events. The weight has been dropping for me, but I eat soooo many veggies in the summer, I have trouble getting enough calories. Hoping you'll see a scale difference soon. You should be with all that you are doing to tone and strengthen your body. Great job and good luck!
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I have been completely MIA. During the past 10 days, I've hosted two parties and seven sleepovers!!! I'm dizzy...