Summer is here!!!

Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
I've been on a rollercoaster of highs and lows. My daughter has been experiencing some amazing things, but has also suffered from mean girls. It is horrible to see your child in pain. I wish I could go through it for her, but I know she must get through it herself, with my support.

We've had concerts, graduations, confirmation, acceptance to an incredible program, a bridal shower, and many end of year parties.

My overindulging in food has been part of all of it, being upset and being elated.

I need to be reined in.


  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Sounds like you'll enjoy some calm after the storm. My daughter, too, has been emotionally struggling. I just look back now and want to have parented her differently. Her pain really does hurt me... I know what you mean by how hard it is to have your child struggle. I know that for me, if I can eat better during the periods of stress, then my emotions don't get so carried away. It's hard... Can you drink more water...get out for a stress reducing walk? Sorry this has been such a hard time one you... Hope you can find some of that calm soon.