Hi everyone! Thought I'd follow suit and start a thread for all of us Blue Team members. I hope we can stay active on in touch here since I know I do much better as part of a team than I do by myself. Let's do this!

As a little introduction, I'm Amanda and need to lose another 48 pounds – joined MFP at the beginning of the year. My goal is to drop 25% of that during this challenge. I work full time as a research director for an ad agency in Dallas, am married and have two elementary-aged children. Please feel free to add me to your friend's list.



  • MzBossy
    MzBossy Posts: 32 Member
    Hello, my name is Tymeka & I originally joined mfp in April of 2011 but stopped now I have been back on since jan! Today I have logged in for 80 days in a row! I'm stayn true & dedicated about losing weight! I would like to lose another 30-35 lbs! I hope by joining this group I can achieve half or most of that! I have lost 20lbs so far without bein in a group so i no bein in a group i can really lose some weight!!! I am a stay @ hme mother of 3 so I no I can help this team! I hope every1 gives it there all! We r all winners & can do this! If u would like to add me it mzbossy! Good luck to every1 & remember to stay focused & motivated at all times!!!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    The names Michelle :) This is my second round of the BL... I was not as active as I should have been close to the end of the last challenge. I have set some great goals for myself and am feeling more motivated than ever! We are going to kill this challenge :flowerforyou:

    Feel free to add me... please include a note though :)

  • mysticdaisy78
    Hi team Blue!!!!

    I am super excited about this. I joined MFP in Sept. 2011, and have since lost 33 lbs. My goal is to loose another 33lbs =)
    Tough road head but I am sure to make it!!

    A little about myself.
    Currently relocated to Biloxi MS. Married to a "skinny" supportive husband =). 2 Furry children. I work for an OBGYN clinic and love to be outside by the beach. Now just gotta get the beach body!!!

    Please feel free to add me. I love all the support!!!!
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Hi everyone!

    A little about me-

    My name is Lynn, married for 8 years with a soon to be 6 year old daughter. My high school reunion is coming up this year and I am determined to look fit. I work full time as an accountant for a non-profit in NJ.

    Please feel free to add me!
  • nova189
    nova189 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey blue team, i'm Nova and i'm so excited to do this. Over the past year i have gaied like 20 + pounds and i am determined to loose it all and then some. my profile picture was me 2 years ago and i hope to be back to that or better by may ( wishfull thinking idk ? ) in the past working out has be a once in a while thing and my diet was a mess and still is a work i process. i have been working out sice the new year but got more serious in the past month or so. i have not lost any weight yet :cry: but i'm excited to start seeing some results.
    i am motivated to chage now as i am graduatig from college this may :smile: and i am ready to start a new chapter i my life. i want my daughter to learn to be active and healthy and i should be her role model. :flowerforyou:

    lets go blue :smile:
    add me pls i need all the help and support i ca get
  • MystieZ
    MystieZ Posts: 13
    Hello Blue Team!
    I've only been using this site for about two weeks now and love it. It definitely keeps me in check with my food choices. I, also, do much better in a group setting with some competitive edge to it to keep me honest throughout the day! Over the years, I have consistently gained weight and am officially over 200 pounds so it's time to pay attention to my health. I would love to lose 50 pounds as my long term goal but during this group, I would like to lose at least 20 pounds! I work full time as a juvenile probation officer so it's easy to grap a "snack" on those stressful days!
    I wish everyone the best of luck and I have faith in our team!! Feel free to add me as well! I do better with people watching me! :-)
  • playcharm
    playcharm Posts: 45
    Hi Blue Team

    I'm Lisa, my screen name is Playcharm, I've been using MFP since Sept and have lost 54 pounds so far. I've hit a plateau the last few weeks, but I'm hoping to break thru and start loosing again.

    Good luck everyone!
  • madcap13
    madcap13 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    I'm Roberta and live in Dallas with my husband. I joined MFP in June 2011 and dropped the ball. I joined again in February 2012 and have lost 30 pounds. I was diagnosed with diabetes in January 2012 and had to make a lifestyle change. Joining this group, I will get even closer to my goal. I know we all will give 110% and win this challenge. :happy:

    "Health is Wealth"

    Go Blue Team!!!!!!
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    hey, I'm Mauri,
    Resident of Sydney, Married with a 11yo B and 19yo G
    Started back on my weight gain recovery in January this year and now 2-3 kg away from reaching goal. Not going to add too much to the loss for the team at this stage I'm afraid, but happy to provide support and encouragement to others.
    Good luck everyone.
  • nicholeg7
    Hi Blue team! My name is Nichole. I just started on mfp and I am totally pumped about the changes I have made so far. I live in ky and with my husband and three wonderful kiddos! Feel free to friend me if you would like! Lets go BLUE!
  • nelbie
    nelbie Posts: 33 Member
    My name is Dannell. I have been with MFP for nearly two years. I have lost weight using this before without exercise but I am dedicated now to eat more healthy and exercise. I have been diagnosed with the early stages of High Blood Pressure. I am looking to lost at least 25% by June if not 20% of my weight. I am starting at 230lbs. I think my first week will be a big lost but i don't think it will be reproduced. I am excited though... please add me if you want but i will be staying in touch through the discussion boards
  • shelly0013
    How do you know which team you are on
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    hey blue team!

    my name is michelle. i have been on MFP for awhile now...i have had some success but then i get stressed out and the weight i lost finds me again....but now i am turning 35 this september and for my b-day i am going away on a trip with my B.F.F and there is no way i am going away being the size i am now. so now i HAVE to lose this weight. i am 182.4 right now and by the end of this i would like to be 170 or 160....big goal but i know if i get serious i can do it. i am married to the man of my dreams and we have 2 wonderful sons together. we have 2 dogs and a bird and honestly we are always on the go. some days it feels like we never stop,lol. my biggest issue is eating out but going to try and either give it up totally or try to find healthier choices.
    feel free to friend me
  • MNJ2921
    MNJ2921 Posts: 63
    Question of the day: How do you get through the late afternoon munchies without giving in to temptation?

    I keep a big container of sugar free gum in my office and chew, chew, chew, blow bubble and repeat. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.:tongue:

  • madcap13
    madcap13 Posts: 20 Member
    I keep flavored water close by and chew sugar-free gum.
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    now that i have veggies and fruit in the house i grab an orange or some carrots to munch on
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Question of the day: How do you get through the late afternoon munchies without giving in to temptation?

    I keep a big container of sugar free gum in my office and chew, chew, chew, blow bubble and repeat. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.:tongue:


    I try to pack a bag with healthy snacks the night before to bring to the office. I also keep a box of Fiber 1 bars in my desk, and when I remember pop a bag of popcorn and take a cupful. This of course works better if I leave the full bag at home and only take the cupful into work with me.
  • jdbaker01
    jdbaker01 Posts: 44
    hi my name is julie, and im obesely morbid :) im 47 year old granny to 13, seriously need to lose weight so i can see them all grow up
  • MNJ2921
    MNJ2921 Posts: 63
    hi my name is julie, and im obesely morbid :) im 47 year old granny to 13, seriously need to lose weight so i can see them all grow up

    I hear ya! I'm 42 with an 8 and 11 year old that I'd like to see grow up. Getting to see any grandkids would be amazing! We can do this. Just take it one day at a time. What I have to keep reminding myself is that this is now a lifestyle change that I carry on throughout the rest of my life. We'll have our ups and downs, but that's just the way life is. The point is to not let the down days win.
