Thank you!

connorsludge Posts: 35 Member
I'm new to MFP and I'm loving reading this group's threads!

I'm 5'10" and muscular from running/weights, so it's always awkward for me to talk about my weight with shorter women in my workplace and family. Even at my best weight, I'm 30 or 40 pounds heavier than most!

That leads to my next question--I'm not sure what my goal weight should be. When I was 19 or 20 I was skinny at 130-135, but now I am much more muscular and want to look lean rather than skinny. I currently weigh in at 185 and wear a size 10 or 12. On MFP I've set the goal to 135, but after looking at your posts I'm wondering if that's not realistic. For tall and muscular (not necessarily large-framed) women--what is your goal weight?


  • connorsludge
    connorsludge Posts: 35 Member
    I'm sorry, I just saw this same thread below. Sorry to repeat a thread! Thanks again.
  • rebecca_d35
    rebecca_d35 Posts: 131
    Hey--You are right that this has been discussed before, but those old threads tend to get lost. So I think it's fine to raise it again.

    I think my goal weight is set at 140; I'm also 5'10". But, honestly, I now weigh about 158 and feel pretty good. And I know from past experience that 5'10 and muscular looks very healthy and good at 150. So that's my short-term goal now. Once I reach that, I will decide whether it's worth the work to get even lower.

    I'm a runner and an eater. Right now, the running is winning out. :)
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm 5'10" also. I'm small-medium framed and not muscular (I'd like to be, but I"m not there yet :wink: ). My goal weight is 150. That's what I weighed when I got married almost 7 years and I think it looked good on my frame. I would set my goal to 140-145 if I could chose WHERE the additional weight would come off (READ: butt, hips, thighs) :laugh: But since I can't I'm thinking 150 is realistic for me. I start looking bony above the waist when I get lower than that. I'm currently at 162 and wear size 12 jeans (I am pear-shaped).

    Edit to add: if you look at my page, the full body pic of me was in Feburary--now about 6lbs lighter with about 3 inches off waist and 1 inch off hips and each thigh--so you can see how my body type would compare to yours.
  • teimo
    teimo Posts: 44
    Im 5'10" and currently 161.2 with a goal weight of 148. (less than that & I look too skinny) Could use the advice/ support of like minded / bodied people???!! :happy: