Introduce yourselves.... go on .... don't be shy!



  • Reknim
    Reknim Posts: 7 Member
    Good evening, I'm Rekni pronounced Rennie. I live in Eugene OR. I'm a 40 yo married mom of 5 (his, mine and ours). My husband is my best friend and we tend to be home bodies. We have a 27 yo son living in Washington, a 20 yo soldier son that is currently deployed in Kandahar, an 18 yo son in his senior year, a 15 yo son lives with his mom in Washington and an 8 yo daughter.
    Okay enough of the family stuff. I work full time away from home at a desk and carpool with my husband, so I'm up @ 5 and going... By the time we get home typically @ 6 in the evening I'm really hungry and just want to rest and hang out... Time to break that bubble and venture into a new lifestyle. I would love any tips, encouragement and even accountability on changing my lazy habits...
    Hope to get to know some of you....
  • Hi ladies, I am a 46 year old from Perth Australia. I have never had a weight problem until my mid 30s. I went into early menapause & it was all over by 41!!! Then to add more challenges I developed thyroid issues. I am now on a small dose of thyroid tablet to see how that goes. only been on it for 2 months now. Not noticing any weight loss but a slight bit more energy than I had for a while there!!! I have been on MFP for a while now but as I wasnt on a group etc I got lazy & unmotivated. I rejoined up yesterday & decided to make myself accountable for my exercise & food choices this time. I have just recently joined a gym & got a spin bike & some Cathe DVDs for at home (so I cant use the excuse too busy for the gym) going to force myself to find 30 minutes - no matter what!!My husband is a Police Officer so he does a lot of varied shifts which meant we both got slack & started eating poorly. he could do with losing a few kilos as well.I have now started to prepare foods for him to take (even when he is not on day shift) so would love any tips from other ladies whose men are doing force position or shiftwork. Got a son 26 year old who lives away from home & a 27 year old daughter who still lives at home & an assortment of dogs, a cat, chooks & fish. So I find my day full on from about 5:30 am until whatever time my head hits the pillow!!!!! Contemplating getting a dog stroller. (dont laugh) as I have pugs who have hip problems & cant make it more than about 400 mtrs. The pugalier loves going for a walk but the others cry & howl so I feel guilty & dont walk any of them much!! Thinking if I get one I can rotate dogs as they get tired so I can do the 5km walk I try to do a couple of times a week. At present I end up carrying dogs home & then going back out.Curious to know if anyone else has a dog stroller or if I will look like a mad dog lady!!!!
  • sherry98008
    sherry98008 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sherry, and I'm 47. I live in Washington state near Seattle, and have been married for 22 years. We have two sons, age 10 and 6. I was always skinny growing up, but by my 30's the pounds just crept up and by last summer I was getting a little bit too close to 200 for comfort.

    I joined Weight Watchers online last summer and started going to meetings in January, but came onto MFP recently so that I can track the protein/carbs/fat/fiber, etc. I've been doing Jazzercise since last August, and also joined the Y in January so I can weight train, so now I'm working out at least 4-5 times a week.

    The weight loss has been very slow...I'm only down 13 pounds since summer. But I'm definately getting fitter, so I'll take what I can get!
  • karaklj
    karaklj Posts: 26
    Hi,My name is Kara I'm here to learn, and motivation I need to be at a healthier weight Im definately keeping a positive attitude,I'm a mom and want to be a healthier one and feel my best,and set a good example for my kids who are 10 and 17 my oldest is a senior and headed to college.

    I'm here for support and to be supportive,Im looking forward to a lifestyle change for the better and to live healthier.
  • SiouxsieQue
    SiouxsieQue Posts: 85 Member
    Hello Fabulous Ladies!

    My name is Susie. I'm 40 with 4 cats (2 Siamese brothers and a calico and tabby, both of which are rescues) and no kids...ahahaha! Yes, i know - Crazy Cat Lady.

    I've been "fitness aware" for most of my adult life but the last 5 years have been hard and dieting is no longer taking care of the job. I'm hitting the gym once every day, but I'm not stressing about how intense or how long, just so long as I go. Seems much easier that way. I am 100% committed to dropping about 15-20 lbs and the funny thing is, MyFitnessPal is the only reason I'm able to commit. There's something about the way it's designed - very simple, very motivating.

    I'm happy to meet all of you, cats or no cats! :-D

    P.S. Please feel free to add me; my news wall is blank and I'm talking to myself!
  • karaklj
    karaklj Posts: 26
    I can relate with the thyroid issues it can be frustrating I had mine removed in 09, I know I can loose but it will be slower If you need support please feel free too add me,I need support as well.
  • cynthiaellickson
    cynthiaellickson Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Cynthia, Age 40, Married and mother to a 9 year old son. I'm from the Twin Cities (St. Paul/Minneapolis, MN) I grew up thin and things really changed when I hit 25 and I have never gotten on top of it.

    I start MFP and am good for a week or two and then I "fall off the wagon" only to start again, same with eating better. I was recently diagnosed with UC (ulcertive Colitis) which has made the eating well and exercising more important but at the same time more challenging.

    I have been on steroids for the last month and a half, and anyone that has had to be on them for medical reasons knows they play havoc with your body, and make you feel bloated and fat, hopefully yesterday was the end of this series of meds for awhile. Hopefully my face shrinks back to normal quiclkly.

    I work at a YMCA so one would think it would be really easy to get a daily work out in.....wrong by the end of the day I just want to go home. My co workers and I have started a work out group and we all joined MFP, and are trying to be supprtive and encouraging, hopefully this time I and they will be successful. So far day one went well.....I guess one day at a time!
  • SwtMama814
    SwtMama814 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Kayla, 40, married with 2 children. Originally from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan but moved to Phoenix, Arizona a few years ago.

    I've been on MFP for 2 weeks and a few days. I'm REALLY lovin it! Keeps me accountable and I love to see my progress on the different reports.

    I've been overweight my whole life. When I entered college, I was a size 20 - my smallest ever was a size 13/14 before my first child (who's about to turn 20), by the time she turned 1, I had hit the 316lb mark. I'm just now "RE-focused" and aiming at making better choices. I was born with a dislocated hip and had hip surgery - that still gives me a great deal of trouble and I'm building up my stamina for exercise one minute at a time. I'm up to 18 minutes on the elliptical - all at one time! :blushing: I really enjoy swimming too & I can actually walk the next day!

    My goal is not to be "skinny" (that is SO not in my genes), just healthy with my curves! :flowerforyou: Heading for the wonderful day at a time!

    I'm here to support others on their journey & gain encouragement from others!

  • Hi Everyone,

    I am Angela.. I have 3 kids who all are over 18 now.. Um.. Divorced now trying to find me.. And omg... I am going to be 40 this June!!! Yes your math is right i was only 15 years old when i had my daughter.. then 16 when i got married the first time and then had my first son at 17... then my last at 20... I am about 120 pounds over weight and turning into my mom who I love dearly but always said I will never not take care of my self and be that heavy. Wake up call was this last Dec. When my mom and dad made me an offer. If I can lose 50 pounds they will get me a ticket to be with my boyfriend who lives in wv. But I changed that to a Laptop.. but the wake up part is when we all weighed in and i was only 5 pounds less then my mom and 15 less then my dad.. a whole 248 pounds.. so I been trying to lose wight and now i way 143.. when i join this site.. i was 138.

    My daughter is the one that got me on this site.. Thanks k... love ya. I have really like how it helps keep track of the food. Me and my daughter were talking today.. and one thing we figured out was that she loves food she over eats... while I don't eat enough.. half sandwich at lunch fills me up.... So my problem is i starving my body.. Sigh and now that it keeps telling me i not eating enough.. and i have gain 4 pounds in a week trying to eat healthier. I have it set to lose one pound a week.. so any help on that would be appreciated.

    My goal for myself.. is not to be on a diet, diet is the wrong word it imply something short or a quick fix. I want a life so I say I am not on a diet but i am working on a life style change. To eat healthier make the right choices on what i am eating and how i am taking care of my self. I know I will never be in a 6 like i was before i had my daughter.. I just want to be healthy and happy.. and a whole bunch lighter.... in body heart and mind....
  • Hi Everyone,

    I am Angela.. From California, I have 3 kids who all are over 18 now.. Um.. Divorced now trying to find me.. And omg... I am going to be 40 this June!!! Yes your math is right i was only 15 years old when i had my daughter.. then 16 when i got married the first time and then had my first son at 17... then my last at 20... I am about 120 pounds over weight and turning into my mom who I love dearly but always said I will never not take care of my self and be that heavy. Wake up call was this last Dec. When my mom and dad made me an offer. If I can lose 50 pounds they will get me a ticket to be with my boyfriend who lives in wv. But I changed that to a Laptop.. but the wake up part is when we all weighed in and i was only 5 pounds less then my mom and 15 less then my dad.. a whole 248 pounds.. so I been trying to lose wight and now i way 143.. when i join this site.. i was 138.

    My daughter is the one that got me on this site.. Thanks k... love ya. I have really like how it helps keep track of the food. Me and my daughter were talking today.. and one thing we figured out was that she loves food she over eats... while I don't eat enough.. half sandwich at lunch fills me up.... So my problem is i starving my body.. Sigh and now that it keeps telling me i not eating enough.. and i have gain 4 pounds in a week trying to eat healthier. I have it set to lose one pound a week.. so any help on that would be appreciated.

    My goal for myself.. is not to be on a diet, diet is the wrong word it imply something short or a quick fix. I want a life so I say I am not on a diet but i am working on a life style change. To eat healthier make the right choices on what i am eating and how i am taking care of my self. I know I will never be in a 6 like i was before i had my daughter.. I just want to be healthy and happy.. and a whole bunch lighter.... in body heart and mind....
  • Hi everyone

    I am brand new to this site and this group. I live in Yorkshire in the UK and I turned 40 last year. When my jeans didn't fit anymore and I had to buy a size 20 (UK size) I knew it was time to get off my backside.

    I'm hoping that MFP will help keep my on track and I'd also love to meet some likeminded people so please feel free to "friend" me :)

    Good luck all of you.
  • niecyc23
    niecyc23 Posts: 402
    Hi everyone I just joined MFP and was so glad when I saw the group of Fabulous 40!!!! I am 47 years young lol
    I am the heaviest I have been my whole life. I am trying to lost about 50 pounds and taking one day at a time. Need to stay motivated please add me need friends :smile:
  • Redivrn
    Redivrn Posts: 1
    Hello I am at a desk job and have gained back a good bit of the 70 I lost when I made some major lifestyle changes. I can not seem to get back on track to loose weight. I am hoping this site will keep me on track and honest! Also looking for tips..I need to loose at least 50 lbs...Ugh that looks like a big number....
  • amph23
    amph23 Posts: 6 Member
    I like the title of this group! My name is Ann-Marie. I have four teenaged children (2 of my womb and 2 step) living with me and my husband. I'm 48 years old, and have reluctantly conceded (over the past several years) that I cannot stay in my clothes unless I exercise... a lot (sigh). Now, in the full throes of perimenopause, I am so sorry to realize that: 1. I have to cut back on cheese... 2. I have to cut back on chardonnay... 3. I have to cut back on ALL carbs... 4. I don't even know if I can lift enough weights to turn back time.

    I was laid off my job in February and went into a slump. NOW, I am having troubles fitting into my spring clothes and I KNOW that I have gone woefully astray.

    I joined MFP to make myself see what my bad everyday habbits are... OH MY after only a few days!

    I am joining this group because I like your spirit and hope to be working with you toward the same goal.

    Looking forward to sharing this experience with everyone here for a positive outcome!
  • Hello. Im 40... will be 41 in 2 weeks. I have been hanging onto extra weight for 10 years now. I'm tired of it. Gotta get it off.
    Now is my time ! Got to stay positive ! Glad to see a 40 and Fab board !!!!!
  • Hey Everyone, my name is Nicki and I am 40 and love it!! I feel like I am in my prime. I just have to convince my butt that!!!!

    I have lost 10 pounds and 7 inches this past year, and now am becoming more strict with counting my calories and exercising while incorporating my food and eating strategies.

    I have 2 fabulous kids, who are 10 and 8, I live in a suburb just north of Toronto. I am an entrepreneur and love life at the moment!!

    I am happy to connect with other Fabulous and 40 something ladies!!

    Have a super day!
  • Hello, everyone. I am Danne. 42 and I live in the backwoods somewhere between Tennessee and Kentucky- where nothing motivational happens :laugh:
    I haven't been on here long and this is my second group to join. The first being a C25K group, which starts April 29th.
    Don't really know what to say, just looking for inspiration as somewhere between 25 and 30 I lost the ability and desire to fix my hair and makeup or to buy clothes that didn't come from a second hand store because "I am so out of shape, it doesn't matter what I wear or look like." Apparently, it seems I simply lost the ability to care and have only just regained THAT this last couple of months. I am a "makeovers" dream...or would that be nightmare :huh:
  • nomo_excuses
    nomo_excuses Posts: 15 Member
    hello fabulous 40 something ladies!! i'm 48 and have 65+ pounds to lose (down 8 so far). man oh man it's taking FOREVER to shed these pounds! mfp has been wonderful! i've got an amazing group of buddies and their support and inspiration is off the hook! i live in washington state and it rains a lot here, so i use my treadmill and spin bike for most of my workouts. looking forward to summer weather so i can get outside! i've started running...any runners out there?? i just wrapped up week 2 of c25k. i'm hoping to run a 5k this summer. my long term goal is to run the tinkerbell half marathon at disneyland! i welcome more running buddies. so add me if you'd like. hooray for the fabulous 40 somethings!!! :happy:
  • Hi Everyone!!
    I'm Diane, will be 42 in the Fall and have three children, ages 6 3/4, 5 and 3 1/2. I saw the description of this group and just had to join.
    10 years ago I was running full marathons, then I got married, had 3 children very close together and have been exercising on and off. I have been a member of this group for a few years and I need to get serious.

    I have problems with my thigh/butt area and it truly is genetic but if I start tracking foods and exercising without excuses, it works! I have a bunch of clothes I bought last summer that I can't wear, but I could wear them last summer. I want my cute wardrobe back!!!!

    I'm looking forward to posting on here, getting to know everybody and pick up some fabulous workout and weight loss tips from everybody.

    I currently walk (my knees protest when I start running anything over 2 miles) and love all of my Jillian Michael's tapes. I prefer to walk outside but if the kid's schedules do not allow for that, I'll take her tapes any day.
  • mmereth
    mmereth Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    My name is Melissa. I'm 42, divorced and the mother of an 8 year old. I've never been the "skinny" girl, and about 15 years ago I lost 70 pounds and was really REALLY happy with the way I looked and felt.
    Then I got married, quit the job that I loved to move to my now-ex-husband's hometown, and had a baby. It was that baby that did me in. I gained 87 pounds while I was pregnant. Spent a lot of time on bedrest and retained a whole lot of fluid (no shoes, couldn't hold a pen, etc). After my son was born, I lost almost all of the weight, until my ex-husband decided he needed a 19 year old girlfriend. Single parenting has not been kind to me. I used to spend hours at the gym, and I haven't seen the inside of one in 7 years (child care at gyms is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive here). I looked in the mirror the other day and literally did not recognize myself.
    So my plan is to fire up the Wii Fit, hit the sidewalks with the kid and the dog, and watch every morsel that goes into my mouth. I don't have to have instant results...just need to see some slow, steady numbers falling off the scale.

    Happy Saturday! :)