Welcome!!! Two-A-Dayers!!!



  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    My username..jaeone

    Mon. Wed. Fri. Before work: Strength training and 30 min walk at lunch.
    Tues.and Thurs. Before work: 30 minute cardio(running, stationary bike or Jillian DVD. And 30 minute walk at lunch.
  • Ellai
    Ellai Posts: 1
    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    Easy: go for a morning run for 30 min (about 3 miles), and hit the gym in the evening. I'm glad I'll have a motivation now to get up and do those runs in the morning.
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    One question : How long do the workouts have to be? at least 20 mins or 30 mins? I am doing 30 ds which is just 20 minutes. Hence, I ask.

    --->MFP Name

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    1 hour class
    and 30 day shred
  • --->MFP Name

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    I plan to hit the gym in the morning before work and then do Jillian Michaels in the afternoon.
  • versuga
    versuga Posts: 130 Member
    --->MFP Name versuga

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    Classes at gym, running, weight training, biking, dvd's
  • danagettinfit
    danagettinfit Posts: 83 Member
    Mfp name---> danagettinfit

    How am i gettin in my 2 a day---> hiking, biking, running or cardio dvd in morning. Strength training /p90x dvd 3 days in evening, zumba or kickboxing alternate evenings.

    Lets do this OWWWWWWWW!
  • adrianrch2000
    adrianrch2000 Posts: 2 Member
    This is a great group. Thank you for creating it. I am going to do a video in the morning and the gym in the evenings.
  • MFP Name: ffwinger63

    Planning on getting my workouts intense short workouts, 20 minute cross-fit or cardio blast work-outs. Then a run or some yoga, I have 20lbs til goal weight and this will be a great jump start!!
  • buenita
    buenita Posts: 18 Member
    --->MFP Name

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    Running in the morning and doing either Jillian Michaels Shed and Shred or Bob Harber Kettlebell DVD.

    Looking forward to this week!
  • --->MFP Name : SherryLicious77

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in? Home workouts (Gilad Motion's In Fitness DVD, Zumba Rush on Kinect, Spin bike, and stretching or yoga)

    This will surely be a challenge. I currently workout 2x weekly for 1 hour.
  • --->MFP Name

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    Running in the mornings and either gym classes or home work outs in the evening

    This will be hard for me as I'm UNFIT, but looking forward to it!
  • --->MFP Name

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    This is going to be tough because I already start work at 6am, but I'm going to make it work!
    - Mornings - Weight Training (@ home w/ free weights)
    - Afternoons - I'm currently "training" for a 5K so I've been going to the gym and getting about 5 miles in :)

    I used to do 2-a-days when I worked a little later, but of course my new job became an excuse to get more sleep.
    I know I can do this for at least a week! Then maybe I can make it a habit!
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    --->MFP Name

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    I will alternate between training for 5K and Insanity and Chalean Extremem Hybrid and various JM Workouts.

    Excited to get back to 2-A-days!
  • 4caramel
    4caramel Posts: 26 Member
    --->MFP Name: 4caramel

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    weights in the a.m. and cardio in the afternoon (tae bo or jog)

    this is gonna b fun!
  • yolste07
    yolste07 Posts: 327 Member
    Who's ready for summer? I "think" I'm ready but I need a push and some motivation. Lets get it in!

    Please answer the following:

    --->MFP Yolste07

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in? Mornings before work (Some kind of 20-30 min DVD) and evenings after work (P90X)

    ----> (Optional) If you do double/triples already can you help the newbies out? What do you do? None of these at this time
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    --->MFP Name

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    AM: Run, Noon: Nike Training Club or strength, PM: elliptical

    ----> (Optional) If you do double/triples already can you help the newbies out? What do you do?
    The most effective thing I have done is set my clock for 5 am every morning. I don't need to get up for work until 6:30, so I have an hour and a half of snooze time and workout time. I usually only do 30 minute sessions except for my noon workout which is usually 45 minutes.
  • lvnnena
    lvnnena Posts: 24 Member
    I am really excited. Thanks for starting this group. It's great to see I'm not alone in the weightloss game and know that so many out there are trying to work towards a healthier lifestyle too!

    --->MFP Name

    --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in?
    I go to gym 4-6 days a week. I split my one hour workouts into 30 min. weights & 30 min. cardio. My friend and I split up days for weights: Mon=biceps, triceps, abs Tues=legs, abs (lunges,etc), Wed=chest,back, shoulder, abs, and so on. The elliptical for cardio is my favorite because it has low impact on my knees and burns of the calories!

    I also do Zumba twice a week, which is AMAZING and super fun!
  • ImSoPerfectlyFlawed
    ImSoPerfectlyFlawed Posts: 127 Member
    Alright I'm doing it!

    --->>MFP Name

    --->>How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workout in?
    Morning will likely be something short OD or App workouts, Evenings-Jillian, Yoga class or Gym

    Wish me luck :smile:
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I'm doing this! AAHHH!! Keep me motivated guys!

    MFP name

    Running in the am before work (AAAHHH, I am so not a morning person! But it's only 6 days right!)
    30DS in the pm (2nd time around)
  • mrsdaytons
    mrsdaytons Posts: 24 Member
    On most days I try to do more than workout to get that high burn. For this challenge I am going to do cardio before work and weight lifting after work, plus some! This time EVERY DAY, lol!!!
    My main program has been P90X and I will be in week 5 tomorrow. This is my second time doing it. I will use a lot of Insanity for my morning cardio.