
Racheldt87 Posts: 25 Member
I've been working out every day and having a net of 1200 calories and have not lost any weight! I'm starting to think I should stop going by the net calories (deductions from working out and my fitbit) and try to really only eat 1200 calories a day. What is everyone else doing?


  • musiclvr54
    musiclvr54 Posts: 11 Member
    I found the same thing. I guess I just need to stick to 1200 , did that this week and did go down a couple of pounds. Of course today I was up .3 and I didn't eat supper last night.:grumble: Couldn't believe it. This week end is going to be hard because my son , daughter-in-law and 2 grandkids are coming for my dad'a 80th birthday and we are having a party. If I can stick to it this week end it will be a miracle.. I will probably gain the 2lbs back (or more). It is so hard
  • msradio
    msradio Posts: 165 Member
    Don't give up ladies I just posted about the same thing yesterday! And to my surprise I was down !pd today! We might not see the weight right away in the scale you may notice small changes in ur clothes or even friends telling you they see a difference! I was told because we are working out more now u may be building muscle which can a few more pds. Trust me our bodies need time to adjust to the diffrence once our bodies catch up with our minds we all be fine!
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    Check your setting and see how much weight your suppose to lose at 1200 net. Mine says that I would lose something like a pound and a half over 5 week :P. But I've very short and have a sendentary job. So I don't eat back all my calories... some but not all. In the end, you have to make the right decisions for your body and your health. ACSM recommends no less then 1200 intake in order to meet nutritional needs. Something to keep in mind in regards to generalities...

    MsRadio is right that there will be periods of plataue and loss. I've gone weeks without weight loss and then drop two or three pounds in one week. The scale is a strange thing...
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    I typically don't eat back all my calories because of this. I work out enough that I am able to eat enough calories to be satisfied - between 1300 and 1500 every day (I usually burn 2300 to 2500, but sometimes as many as 3000 calories a day - monitored by my BodyMedia Fit). Don't give up, we all hit plateaus.

    My typical net is about 900 FYI (on MFP).