Welcome to the April Challenge!

tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
I made this board so we can just keep going each month until we all reach our final goals! I thank all of you for your continued support and encouragement on here and on the "my home" page as my friend. This month I would like to lose another 7 pounds. I truly hate to post my current weight, but I am going to so I can face that number in front of you and know I never want to see these numbers so high again!

Current Weight: 248.4 (but hey, down 26!!!)
Goal Weight: 140 ish (I'll know when I get there if that is right for me)

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4: (final for the month should be 241.4 or less)

My exercise challenge for myself are to do something physical EVERYDAY this month. I want to walk the treadmill most mornings, but this month I want to push myself to do the 30 day shred at least 3 times a week for the strength training part. I will shoot for Tues, Thurs, Sat for 30 day Shred and walking the other days... Good luck to everyone!! YOU ARE WORTH IT!!


  • pegruhl
    pegruhl Posts: 7
    I would like my monthly weight loss to be a minimum of 8 pounds. I will work out at a minimum of 6 days a week. I will be using the 30 day shred, the 3 mile walk fat blaster video, Jillian Micheal's Yoga (that one is extremely HARD!) and walk via treadmill or outside. I have a wedding to go to the middle of June that is on the beach in Florida and I want to be down 40 pounds....I have a long way to go but am trying HARD to reach this goal!
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    Hi I'm new to MFP, just signed up today. Thank you for this challenge. I am challenging myself to lose at least 2 lbs per week. I am committed to working out at least 5 days per week. My schedule will be Monday & Thursday 30 min. weight training and 30 min. cardio, Tuesday & Friday 45 min. Spin class (cardio) and Wednesday 45 min. Yoga.

    I have been trying since January to lose weight and am actually down about 5 lbs but I alway seem to get out of my routine. I am hoping this challenge will keep me motivated and on track.

    My question is how can I enter my goals for each week?
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks for the invite! I will challenge myself to lose at least one pound a week and to exercise at bare minimum 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week. I have been a little sloppy with logging lately - so that will be one of my goals too!

    Current Weight: 214.00
    Goal Weight: 130 ish (I'll know when I get there if that is right for me - yep I stole this!)

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: (final for the month should be 241.4 or less)
  • smcfaye
    smcfaye Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning All ;

    My starting weight is 259.3, my goal weight for April 27th (I do "weigh-in on Fridays) is 253.3. That is 6 pounds total... 1 1/2 pounds per week, a very healthy goal.

    However, ideally I would like to lose 10 pounds in April, I'm not sure if that is realistic.

    As far as exercise, I am committing to doing Curves 3x per week and walking most other days. I have a stack of exercise videos and should work some of them in too.

    Best wishes,
  • Well....if I'm going to be challenged I guess admitting my weight is the first step. I am currently 252, but that is after a 15 pound weight loss...woohoo! I plan to work out at a minimum of 5 days a week. Due to some challenges in the past two weeks my exercise has been put on the back burner. My monthly weight loss goal will remain at 10 pounds. I know that seems high but I figure I will set my goals high and strive to get there if I dont make it but get close I will be satisfied. My workout will consist of walking daily as well as the biggest loser workout with Bob and Jillian. By the end of my weight loss journey I should weigh 140!

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: Should weigh 242
  • Angelfromokc
    Angelfromokc Posts: 56 Member
    Hi! Im a returning MFP member but obviously didn't succeed. So here i am back again but i am not giving up this time! So happy to find this group! I am going to go with a 15 pound goal for the month. Sounds high and scary but i think i can do it. My exercise goal is at least once a day something physical for 30 minutes!

    Current Weight: 328.4
    Goal Weight: 145 ( Seems like that is impossible at times considering its been YEARS since seeing that.

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: should be 313 or below!
  • Hello I am new to MFP. I am doing this because I want to get back in shape like I use to be. I am currently 154 but want o get down to 130ish by beginning of July(have a trip planned). I will be doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred at least three days a week as well as some time on the treadmill and going for walks. I wanted to know how do we post pour weekly weigh in so we can keep track ?

    Current Weight: 154
    Goal Weight: 130-ish

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: should be 140 or below I hope
  • gail2002
    gail2002 Posts: 10 Member
    Current Weight: 179
    Goal Weight: My initial final goal for myself was 170, but I want to go beyond that....so somewhere around 140 as well is my final goal.
    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: (final for the month should be 170 or less)

    My Goals this month:

    -I am not going to weigh myself until April 15th!!
    -I will do a better job at logging my food and exercise than I did last month
    -5 x week exercise
    -reach my intial goal for 170lbs

    Good Luck everyone!!!

    PS - to log your weight loss I would just copy and paste your intial goals and enter in the new info for the week!
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm going to attempt to lose 5+ pounds this month-- getting back on track and focusing on my actual "lifestyle" change.

    Current weight: 166.4 lbs on 03/17/12
    Goal weight: TBA

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4:

    Upcoming challenges: Trying to workout or go for a run at least once a day = workout at least 5-6 days a week. Stick to working on my inner strength and trying to stop myself from eating everything in sight.

    Good luck to you all!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Hi I'm new to MFP, just signed up today. Thank you for this challenge. I am challenging myself to lose at least 2 lbs per week. I am committed to working out at least 5 days per week. My schedule will be Monday & Thursday 30 min. weight training and 30 min. cardio, Tuesday & Friday 45 min. Spin class (cardio) and Wednesday 45 min. Yoga.

    I have been trying since January to lose weight and am actually down about 5 lbs but I alway seem to get out of my routine. I am hoping this challenge will keep me motivated and on track.

    My question is how can I enter my goals for each week?

    I am so glad to have you join our group! Most of us have been doing this since January and I have posted a new challenge each month just to keep the motivation high. I wish you the best of luck on your exercise and weight loss challenges! It will truly work if you log that food. I am a testament to it's success as I have lost 26 pounds since January 13. I eat under goal, exercise several times a week and keep my sodium levels down. My personal challenge is getting enough water in. I usually only get 5 cups in per day instead of 8. Anyway, stick with us!!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Hi! Im a returning MFP member but obviously didn't succeed. So here i am back again but i am not giving up this time! So happy to find this group! I am going to go with a 15 pound goal for the month. Sounds high and scary but i think i can do it. My exercise goal is at least once a day something physical for 30 minutes!

    Current Weight: 328.4
    Goal Weight: 145 ( Seems like that is impossible at times considering its been YEARS since seeing that.

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: should be 313 or below!
    I am so glad to have you here with us too! Just because you didn't succeed before, don't let that discourage you! This program definitely works if you just log that food and keep it under the number! I really love it! I love being able to eat out since my lifestyle does include this! I just always ask for a nutritional guide or look online before I head out! I know you can do this!! Welcome back!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am Debbie and I am having a really hard time even thinking of a goal for me. I have spent the last 2 months in a slump trying to find the motivation that I had in Dec and Jan when I lost 15 pounds. I felt so determined and powerful! I want to feel that again.

    I turned off my food diary tonight. I stopped logging because I thought I might be judged for my poor choices. I want to log everything no matter how bad. :o) That will help me see what I am really doing instead of not loggin and fooling myself.

    I suppose that might be a goal. To log everything.

    I lost the 15 and gained some of it back. Booooo me.

    Thanks for inviting me and I hope I am able to find my mojo again and be helpful to others soon.

  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Debbie,
    I want you to find your mojo too! I hope you will log your food everyday this month and see the results you will get! I know if you can find that mojo you will be thrilled with the results. I have so much to lose that I can't step back to my old eating habits. This program is awesome and the support from everyone is great too! I am wishing you lots of motivation for a great April that will get you back on track!! Kim
  • Hello Debbie,
    I know all to well what it feels like to lose your motivation. It is a frustration that is hard to put into words. The one thing I tell myself daily is that I love myself and my life more than that food that taste so good. I love myself and my family more than that food that is eventually going to kill me. Realisticly it is killing me 1 pound at a time. You can do this Debbie. Believe in yourself and when you don't reach out to your MFP friends and we'll do our best to give you that hope and motivation you need. God Bless you and your efforts! Melissa
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Hello I am new to MFP. I am doing this because I want to get back in shape like I use to be. I am currently 154 but want o get down to 130ish by beginning of July(have a trip planned). I will be doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred at least three days a week as well as some time on the treadmill and going for walks. I wanted to know how do we post pour weekly weigh in so we can keep track ?

    Current Weight: 154
    Goal Weight: 130-ish

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: should be 140 or below I hope

    Glad to have you on here too! Seeing you only weigh 154 pounds doesn't seem like much, but a few years ago I was there too and I let myself slip to where I am today. You are definitely taking the right step to get that little bit off now before it takes over. I am proud of you for your commitment to get healthy. Best wishes on your journey!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm going to attempt to lose 5+ pounds this month-- getting back on track and focusing on my actual "lifestyle" change.

    Current weight: 166.4 lbs on 03/17/12
    Goal weight: TBA

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4:

    Upcoming challenges: Trying to workout or go for a run at least once a day = workout at least 5-6 days a week. Stick to working on my inner strength and trying to stop myself from eating everything in sight.

    Good luck to you all!

    Welcome to the board and I wish you well this month as you try to commit to being healthier! I look forward to your posts!
  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm so glad we're having an April challenge. The March one really helped. Here are my April goals:

    1. Walk 75 miles. Gonna be difficult because I've got a trip with my wonderful little sister whom I only get to see once or twice a year at the end of the month and she isn't a walker.

    2. Three exercise classes a week (except when I'm out of town).

    3. Seven pound weight loss. Last month I shot for six and hit eight so I'm splitting the difference.

    I've got about 100 pounds to lose but I've lost twenty since joining MFP which has been a thrill. Good luck to everyone!!
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    I am so excited about completing this Challenge. I tried WW and MND and now MFP. When I started the other programs I was also very motivated to lose the weight and stay on track but after about 1 month I just fall off the horse. This site seems very personal compared to the other two. This site, so far to me, feels like friends helping friends, real people fighting the same fight. Thank you all and good luck to us all!!!!:heart:

    Current Weight: 189
    Goal Weight: 181 by the end of the April Challenge

    Week 1 Goals:
    1.Log my food intake every day
    2.Work out 5 days this week
    3.Lose 2 lbs.

    Week 2 Goals: to be determined

    Week 3 Goals: to be determined

    Week 4 Goals: to be determined

  • csouto
    csouto Posts: 30
    Good Morning All ;

    My starting weight is 259.3, my goal weight for April 27th (I do "weigh-in on Fridays) is 253.3. That is 6 pounds total... 1 1/2 pounds per week, a very healthy goal.

    However, ideally I would like to lose 10 pounds in April, I'm not sure if that is realistic.

    As far as exercise, I am committing to doing Curves 3x per week and walking most other days. I have a stack of exercise videos and should work some of them in too.

    Best wishes,

    I too am doing Curves 3x a week. I having been working at Curves on and off since my mom bought one. I love it and since January I have lost 38 lbs by using this App and Curves. I love it and am excited to see someone else going there:) good luck with your goal and let your Curves ladies be extra support that you need. My ladies at Curves are amazing, I am always happy to see them:)
  • csouto
    csouto Posts: 30
    Thanks for the invite back:) This will be my 4 month of challenges with you and as you can see it is working! I have hit my goal every month, between all of you and my Curves ladies I feel like I can be gone with all of this extra weight. So Thank you again:)

    Current weight: 246 (started at 284)
    Goal weight: 175 ( Higher then most of you but really I don't care as long as my jeans look good again;)

    Week 1: lose at least 1 lb , Curves 3x a week and walk at least 2 times, take the boys to the park 2x(they are on spring break and have ball practice 2x week)

    Week 2:lose at least 1 lb , Curves 3x a week and walk at least 3 times. I would like to only drink 4 diet sodas this week, also.

    Week 3: lose at least 1 lb, Curves 3x a week and walk at least 3 times. I would like to only drink 2 diet sodas this week.

    Week 4: do the above and I should be atleast 242