
mtgal2012 Posts: 3 Member
Hello all, I'm new to the group and looking to meet others for support and encouragement in my weight loss journey. I believe with God all things are possible and that includes losing weight so that I can be healthy and fit not only physically but spiritually as well. I'm 29 years old and plan on hitting 30 as a healthier and fitter me both inside and out :)


  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    hi my name is Katie. I'm 36 years old and a single mom of a 9 year old daughter Rylee. I've been on this weight loss journey in 1996. I have also battled undereating in my calories and overeating on my carbs' protein and fat. I am a bible college freshman I want to minister to teen and adult young ladies who are struggling with eating disorders, low self esteem, abuse and weight just like me. hope to make many new friends here
  • cleming01
    I am very new to this website, and very excited to have a support group.
    I am a short plump women who has said for two years now that I am confortable with the way I look. I was lying to myself and to others. I want Gods will in my life, I pray for Gods will to guide me every morning, while on my walks, and I pray before bedtime, along with my throughout the day thank yous to God. I am really thankful for this group.
  • cleming01
    I am a junior in college at GCU for sociology, I want to help others with addictions and domestic abuse. My issues are not knowing what is right to eat. I have no problem eating a dozen gormet suger/frosted cookies in a day. I am scared, I am nervous, and I am excited. I wish us both Gods will and strength.
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 260 Member
    Hi Everyone I am 42 and my desire is to be healthy 4 life ~ body mind and soul. My desire is to eat right and feel great and to shed the excess weight, toxins and negative self talk from me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me :)
  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    Hello, All!

    I am 46 and I have about 135 pounds to lose. I live in Delaware. I am doing the couch potato to 5k program and I just bought a fitbit, which was giving me fits, heh!. I have been at MFP since the end of February, and since then I have lost 24 pounds. I believe it will take a miracle to reach my goal, but fortunately I do believe in miracles. I love the verse quoted by the moderator and the above poster. I CAN do all things through Christ, but I must remember that apart from Him I can do nothing. I cannot do this alone, and have been believing that I just plain can't do it at all. Now I see I must stand still and see what only God is able to do with a willing vessel. Pray with me...and Grace to you all.
  • coronamommy
    coronamommy Posts: 13 Member
    42, mommy of 3, special ed teAcher married to a wonderful man. Weight has been an issue all my life. I am trying to give it to God and remain purposeful in my daily choices. Nice to "meet you all".
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    Wow, I am so glad to read all of your post! Here is my story:
    I have started this weight loss journey several times in my life. I am just over 5 feet tall, so I don't have a lot of room to expand. The last time I got serious with my weight loss journey was when I turned 40. My plan was to lose 40 at 40. Well, In 2010, I lost 35 lbs, not quite 40. At the time I was flirting with 200 lbs and a size 16 - 18. I hired a trainer and lost the weight, however, I didn't have the "break through" moment to keep it off. I gained back 12 lbs in 2011 and went up and down a little, but I was not maintaining. I am an engineer by trade, so I like to use data and measuring tools to get results. This helped me the first time too. At the end of January 2012, I decided to get serious with myfitnesspal. com and I asked God to give me revelations to delivery me from the desires that were keeping me overweight. Outside of work, I am a Music Director at church and I have my own gospel group. I use to have to play the piano more than I direct, but within the past 5 years, God has revealed to me new gift as a director and in leading worship. If you know anything about gospel music, you know it is energetic. It takes all you've got and you break a sweat, if it is done right. Over times, my knees began to bother me due to the movement required. I had to lose weight to get FIT FOR PURPOSE. He needed to use me in a different way. My arms would get tired, I would give our of breath, and my knees and body would ache. When got moved my buns off the pianot bench to direct the choir, I realized that I needed to lose weight. This has been my motivation to lose weight and keep it off. As of yesterday, I have lost 12. 5 lbs and I am now a size 12. If I get to a 9 -10, I will be happy! Maybe 10 more lbs will do it. You have to be healthy to do ministry. This includes exercising your physical, spiritual and mental muscles.

    God loves each of you and it is his will that you have prosperity in all areas of your life, this doesn't necessarily mean material things. He wants us to have wisdom and as Christians we must seek knowledge. In Hosea 4:6 God states that his people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. We must know his word so we can be knowledgeable of the life we can have and choose. We must be able to understand his word in order to apply it. In the same way, we are destroying our bodies when we lack knowledge on healthy food choices and when we are not wise about how we treat our temples. The Holy Spirit reside in us, so you want to have a clean temple for the Holy Spirit.

    By the way, You can call me Toni!
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome. You are in the right place. I have learned that this weight loss journey can be victories first by spiritual growth. Exercise those spiritual muscles that allow you to have will power and discernment. As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit, as a gift and advocate to do God's righteous will. Just get started and don't under estimate your portions. If you are not sure, measure and weight food, if needed and err on the side of weight loss. If you haven't already, watch what you drink. Really, just let sodas go, do unsweet tea, and primarily drink water or add flavoring to it. I add lemons or Maio.
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    Thank God for your ministry! You will bless many with this mission. Welcome.
  • johnscat1981
    johnscat1981 Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning friends, I count myself blessed to find a group with similar motivation. I am new to the site and was not sure where to jump in but I think this is a good place to start. As far as my story will I tend to be a story teller and I have lived a colorful life so I will not bore you with a “life time of stories”. I am sure you will learn more about me as we journey together.

    Just the Facts:
    Not fifty yet.
    Married 30years (to Mr. Wonderful).
    No children cats are easier to raise.
    We have 5 rescue cats.
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    Hi everyone. I've been hoping to find a group like this, I need to strengthen my physical and spiritual self. A little about me: I've been "dieting" since July 2011. Have lost 44 ish lbs so far and need to get at least another 50 off, if not more. I'm almost 34, married, no kids (I too prefer my animals :happy: ). I have two dogs and one cat. 2 of those are rescues. I'm an accountant :huh: but would rather be doing just about anything else. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you! :flowerforyou:
  • btm03
    btm03 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined this site 3 days ago and am looking to meet some motivational people. I think this group will be very beneficial. A little about me....31 years old, I am 5'0'', 114-116 lbs depending on the day, I have a wonderful husband, and 2 beautiful daughters. I am still trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of about 105, which I haven't seen in over 6 years. Looking forward to meeting some friends on here!
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    You can get there. You are sooo close. Just get started and log your food. Don't under calibrate nor under estimate what you eat. Stay below your goal and work in some excerise a few days a week. You have to want to change more than you want to remain the same!
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    Great to meet you Ms WVU ALUM. I am an NC State Alum (Wolfpack). Good for you on 44 lbs! Keep logging your food and stay focused on doing this for God and not just for you. Thank HIM daily for the insight to seek the new you. I don't have any children either. I am a mother to my music and those whom I am involved with while working on it. Don't get discouraged, you are almost at half of your goal. Some days it may not seem like it is moving fast enough, but you must remember, keep working and keep worshiping until you can become a "witness" of 100 lbs loss! I heared this in a sermon on "Waiting on the Lord" last Friday, so I am sharing it with others. When someone has realized a breakthrough and has to wait on the Lord for the dream, goal or vision to come to pass, what should they do while "waiting on the Lord" to deliver? The answer is keep working and keep worshipping, until you can be a witness. The experience will allow you to be a witness for others, as you share your testimony!

    Psalm 27:14 Rely on the Lord! Be strong and confident! Rely on the Lord!

    I will leave you with this link. You may have to copy and paste it in your browser.
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    you will have God's will in your life. As you study his word, apply it to all areas of your life, even in weight loss. If I can do this, anybody can. I have actually lost 35 lbs since I started this journey in 2010. I have had ups and downs. Now I am back down, and I mean down in a good way. This time around, God tugged at me to spread the word and be a witness that we have to be Fit for the Purposes He has called us to do. You deserve this. With "Mustard Seed" Faith you can do it. I am 42 pushing 43. and I am more fit now than I have every been in my life. We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthen us, Use the tools at hand. The tools are "The scriptures of the Holy Bible" and myfitnesspal. Log your food and be honest with your portions. Be accountable to yourself, to the group and most of all, To God. If you can do these things, we can be "losers" together. Losing never felt so good! Thank you for joining and I look forward to reading your witness over the next few weeks.

    The world needs us short women. We have to get fit and stay fit to do all that we are called to do.
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    Let's get going towards 105. Log your food and eat as much green food as you can (Broccoli, asparagus, spinach, etc). Be honest on your portions sizes logged and be accountable to yourself, the group, and God. Logging for always works for me, but this time, I am maintaining weight loss. I have had a breakthrough. You don't have much to lose, literally and figuratively speaking!
    So many of us wish we were at your current weight, but if you are not happy with it, put some feet to your faith. Get in excerise, start with 30 minutes several days per week, if you can. But most of all, follow your food calorie goal, If you can do 1200 cals of the right food, you should see weight loss soon, maybe 4 lb - 6 lbs per month. Remember, you are small, so this may be a little harder. but this truly does work. I am witness to food logging, You probably have very little body fat.
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    there is no better time to start than now. I am so proud of you! You are a real trooper. Yes, it is possible for you to lose 135 lbs. A friend of mind, whom, I hope join us, has lost 115 lbs. The last time I checked, God is still in the miracle production business. Your transformation must start with the renewing of your mind, as it relates to food and faith that God will take you through this. He is standing there with his arms open wide, waiting for you to run to him. Put your thoughts towards him, and make this happen. You deserve this change and you have to want to change more than you want to stay the same. We want to lose this weight and we want to be DELIVERED from the bondage. By this I mean you will maintain what you lose, once you lose it. This is the evidence of true deliverance. You will not go back, as the song by William McDowell mentioned.
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    I have done 2 couch potato to a 5 k runs. The first one I started out I was a size 22/24W. by the 12th week I went down to a size 18W. the second one I went from a size 18W to where I am now a size 18 regular. I am working on getting more pounds off. my goal weight is 130-135 pounds.
  • sara0143
    sara0143 Posts: 21
    Hello everyone, I've been on mfp for about a week and a half. The title Fit for a Purpose caught my eye and with the positive christian message I thought I need to join this group
    I'm 43 married with 2 kitties. I need to take better care of myself, by eating healthy, exercising and loosing the extra lbs. I want to be fit and healthy for HIS purpose
    We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
  • kkjjll
    kkjjll Posts: 31
    hi everyone, have been on mfp a few months and was just cruising around and found this group.... i too need to strengthen my walk with God and to be able to release things to Him... i trust that this is a God moment that He directed me to you all... be blessed... karen :)