Question about calorie intake

I eat lots of raw veggies and fruits along with brown rice, eggs with seafood and chicken now-n-then. I've started using myfitnesspal a few days ago and it's saying I'm not taking in enough calories. Any suggestions on how to take in more calories without taking in more fat, sugar and sodium? Thanks!


  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    I wouldn't worry so much about the sugar/sodium if you're just talking fruits/veggies. I know for myself in the past few weeks that I've tried to cut out meats almost completely (I've slipped twice now) that I've gotten the majority of my calories from bananas. If you're under by 3-400 you can just eat 3 bananas and be good. Obviously you can spread them out in between meals too to help with cravings throughout the day.
  • Thanks alot for your input bud! I was thinkin the same thing about the fruit sugars and am just not gonna worry about it. I eat bananas, oranges and blueberries everyday and it blows my sugar number off the chart. Good going with the meatless route, I can see I'm probably going to go meatless permanently. I've been doing some experimental cooking with tofu and it works! I made a tofu scrambler (like scrambled eggs) and tofu pasta sauce yesterday, both came out fantastic. Plenty of recipes online. I don't know if I wanna call myself a vegan but I think I can go as far as to say I will become vegetarian. Thanks again!
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    I'm in the same boat myself, I know I'll probably at some point here eat meat or fall off the wagon for a meal but in the past week or so now I've only fallen off twice and have been juicing like crazy and I'm at a steady rate of losing a pound a day just like all the experts say in the books I'm reading/results I'm finding online. There is obviously a huge amount of misinformation out there, I think especially in the medical/nutrition world so I don't want to claim to know anything new but I will say learning from experience and finding what your body responds to is definitely key in all of this.
  • jodibefitvegan
    jodibefitvegan Posts: 10 Member
    How about some avocado, coconut oil, or just sprinkling some nuts and seeds on your salads?? I have the opposite problem!