leg injury

kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
Hi everyone, I have been missing in action due to me falling and bashing my tibia against a table leg.. I don't have a break (maybe small stress fractures but can't see on xray) but its been two weeks since I fell and I still have a throbbing pain all down my leg from the injury. more tho when I am resting, then walking, I went to the Ortho today and he put me in a medicated leg compression till the wed or Thursday, If I still have the pain, I get a walking boot :( ..

For those of you that have gone further in the program, (I ended in week 2) how do you think the rest of the videos are as far as not really putting a lot of pressure on the leg. I am allowed to do upper body stuff, but that is it. I know most of the cardio is a lot of the jumping, but I NEED the cardio lol and I don't have a bike to use or anything, just my elliptical.

Would you start from the beginning and just do the regular workouts and not do leg stuff?


  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Oh no!!! Probably what I would do would be try pilates until I was all healed up ??? I've never done pilates before but I've heard it's really tough but low impact ?
    I hope you're better soon.
  • Wouga
    Wouga Posts: 145 Member
    I'd say rest your leg til it's better. Trying to do more than it;s capable of will only result in further delays. Take the time it needs to be fully healed then *kitten* where you are, either restart or pick up where you left off. Hope it heals up fast for ya!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I really hurt my ankle doing Ripped in 30 in January. I had to stop completely for a few days, then I started doing 6 Week 6 Pack to focus more on core and upper body without as much jumping and pylometrics. I don't think I'd try to continue on with the program at this point... I think I'd rest up, then restart when you're released for jumping. The jumping just continues to get more frequent and harder as the weeks progress. I know you've gotta be bummed though - so sorry to hear! :(
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks, maybe I'll do the 6 Week 6 Pack, I do have that, I don't want to re-injure it, so I have been very good about not doing anything (although, that's not what I really want to be doing lol)

    I've not really done Pilates either, and don't have dvds for that.. I feel that I am getting lazy and I don't like that!!

    Thanks for the suggestions!