what are your net calories while doing livefit?

I was wondering what people are doing for their net calories and your opinion on mine...

I am in Phase 2. I am already thin, just need to get rid of the fat so i can see my muscles and abs!

Ive been having my net calories set at 1700 - is this too low or too high??


  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Check out the other topics because I posted Jamie Easons "Calorie Calculator".
  • Sabina89
    Sabina89 Posts: 3 Member
    Calorie requirements vary from person to person. Of course it depends on weight/height, metabolic rate, activity level, goals, etc. If you are training hard and most days of the week (5+) then you might need more calories to prevent loss of too much weight. I for example want to build more muscle and shed the little bit of fat around it. I am quite small (5'4, 112 lbs.) and average around 1850-2000 calories a day, working out 5-6 days/wk. I used to do around 1600 but I was getting too thin. I have noticed that a lot of fitness/workout programs recommend around 1300-1500 calories for toning and defining muscle but I have found this to be unrealistic because I lost quite a lot of weight that way. Those recommendations are good for people who have a weight loss/shredding goal. I have also tried some different "calorie counters" tools but the recommendations they've given have not worked for me--again being way too low. Just remember that the most important thing about calories is the quality of them. You don't want too much sugar or empty carbs or processed/packaged foods (especially being careful to minimize these towards the evening). Really though, it takes time to figure out your body so just experiment with different portions, foods, and adding/subtracting calories here and there until you find your balance. Good luck!
  • lauri78
    lauri78 Posts: 19
    Phase 3 should help with your goal. The focus in phase 3 is high intense cardio in weeks 9 and 10. In week 10, you will also start "carb cycling" (2 high carb days, and 5 low carb days). This tricks the body into tapping into those fat stores for energy. I found phase 2 to be more of a muscle building phase, while phase 3 is meant to lean out your body.
  • xXKatrinaXx
    xXKatrinaXx Posts: 234
    Thanks, found the calorie counter and it helped!!!