daily calories while on Isagenix 30 day

ColleenXF Posts: 5 Member
Hi everyone! I just started Isagenix (30 day) a little over a week ago, had success at my first weigh-in, and feel excited about this process. My concern is that if I do the plan as instructed by my coach (morning shake, mid morning snack, 400-600 calorie well balanced lunch, mid afternoon snack, dinner shake) I end up below 1200 calories – even if I do a full 600 calorie lunch. I always thought /was told that going below 1200 calories was a bad idea as it could slow down metabolism and weight loss. But I don’t want to have a huge lunch to compensate and I am one of those people who likes to follow rules as given to me because left up to my own devices I would be eating 5,000 calories a day! Plus, my coach has had major success. I am wondering if anyone else has any thoughts on this or has worried about the same thing? Thanks!

Oh and to be clear I mean just food calories not net calories...that's a whole other question, I guess!


  • I have that problem on a lot of days too. The mid-morning snack can be increased and the mid-afternoon snack too. I started adding another shake on some days, like if I have fish for dinner with veggies, it's hard to eat enough to hit 600 calories. Raw almonds are good snack if you like them.
  • Oh, forgot to say, some folks need more than 1200 calories. For me, my BMR is only 1100, but have been told not to drop below 1200 on a regular basis. http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/

    Congrats on a great start with Isagenix! It really works!
  • ColleenXF
    ColleenXF Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for your input!

    Do you eat your morning and afternoon snacks at the same time as the Isasnacks? Or do you know if those should be eaten alone?
  • Thanks for your input!

    Do you eat your morning and afternoon snacks at the same time as the Isasnacks? Or do you know if those should be eaten alone?

    I use the planner that came with my 30 day packages, it spaces out the Morning, Breakfast, Mid-Morning Snack Lunch Mid-Afternoon Snack and Supplement Dinner and Evening. You can find the planner at: http://www.isagenix.com/us/en/file.ashx?id=9731df08-1d98-423e-a8de-5a590f02ae92

    or the 9 day planner at: http://www.isagenix.com/us/en/file.ashx?id=8808b844-59c4-45cc-8114-7f28899b4ae0

    those little isagenix snacks might not taste all that great, but they'll get you through the Cleanse days without wanting to eat your shoes! I use fiber bars (they're actually Herbalife, I haven't bought the Isagenix ones yet) and LOVE LOVE LOVE the IsaDelight Plus chocolates.
  • ColleenXF
    ColleenXF Posts: 5 Member
    I have that planner. Just between that, my coach, and the facebook page I get a little confused :) Lots of info out there and it doesn't always match up! I used the Isadelights on my cleanse day so I have the Isasnacks for shake days... Anyway, my next order will definitely include more Isadelights and I want to get to Fiber to mix in with my shakes because I definitely don't think I am getting enough of that. So many products to try!

    Oh and I can't do almonds - I think I have a slight allergy to them so I do raw cashews. A nice, tasty way to get some extra calories, for sure!
  • I love cashews, that sounds great. I know what you mean about the information out there...a lot of times Larry Fuchs, Jr. ends up correcting people. I just follow my planner and actually carry it with me every day. I just ordered the Fiber, Calcium, Fruits and greens to try out ....the greens don't taste as bad as I thought they would, like wheatgrass really ..I'm not getting my veggies this week, so was glad to see those come! I ordered the vanilla shakes for next month so I can get the vanilla snacks, everybody says they taste better than the chocolate ones
  • lucy529
    lucy529 Posts: 127 Member
    I for some reason seem to stay above the 1200 mark even following the plan to a T I also just modify it as I need too just because some day am just hungry i also just use the Isa snack for cleanse days and have almonds for my snack . Good Luck to you Isa is great
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    I don't worry too much about the calories, except to keep them close to my goal, whether lower or higher! Just eat clean, organic, non-GMO foods and stick to the program, and you'll be fine!!
  • celial1105
    celial1105 Posts: 18 Member
    I used to stress about calorie intake (pre-Isagenix). 1200, 1500, 2000... drove myself insane tracking. NOW, I find I gravitate to 1200-1350 calories naturally with the 2 shakes and a 400-600 calorie meal. I add fruit to my shakes most of the time so that helps. Then a 100-200 calorie snack in the afternoon and I generally find my way to that 1200 mark. But don't stress about it.... if you think you're running low, take the advise from the other folks and you'll get there!
    MJTBQ Posts: 13 Member
    Well today is first day I recorded my shake and because of the fiber pro calcium pro ionic supreme berries and spinach it was a whoping 436 calories... I am going to cut it in half. I'd suggest adding frozen berries and spinach to your shake if you blend it, if not, add some to your snacks as healthy antioxidants and great for digestion... I freeze the spinach. I belive my diary is public you can see the recipe
  • sammi_k929
    sammi_k929 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I found that I needed to add in a little more calories into my day for my body to lose too. I've been adding frozen strawberries to my breakfast shake, and I've been going over the 600 calorie dinner some nights depending on what my daily activity has been. I've just been making sure they're "worthy" calories.