


  • ekgruenke
    ekgruenke Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to MFP and really love this idea!
    I'm 24. Married to my wonderful, gorgeous husband of almost two years (I have to brag, I just love him so much :) ), we have two equally gorgeous children (more bragging, I know) - Myla is 6 months and Brayden will be 3 in April.
    I graduated college last year and landed a job right after as the editor of a newspaper where I am still employed and loving it.

    I've always been the same weight, pretty much my whole life. Even after having both my children I got back down to that same weight (around 178) pretty effortlessly, but I still wasn't happy. A couple weeks ago I decided to really make a change in my life and get down to my goal weight of 140. My husband and I did a juice fast last week and I lost seven pounds in seven days, so that was a great start. I'm now using MFP and the 30 Day Shred and hoping I'll get to my goal weight by June.

    It's incredibly hard to balance a career, two very young children and a marriage while trying to lose weight, but I'm DONE making excuses! I even started a blog and a weight challenge at my work.

    The more support and motivation I have, the more confident I am that I'll succeed. Feel free to add me as a friend because the more motivation, the better!
  • VixenLizz
    VixenLizz Posts: 58
    Hi, I'm Elizabeth. I'm turning 22yrs old this Monday, I live in Bell, CA with my husband who is turning 24yrs old next Wednesday. No kids. We have been married since 11-11-11 but have been living together since 10-01-10. I have gained 20 lbs since we started living together and I have tried to lose them in the past but failed. I'm hoping this is my last, but successful attempt.
  • Shawnie_B
    Shawnie_B Posts: 17
    24, single lesbian female living the "adult lifestyle." I am a full time employee and a student part time. Have been on my own since age 17. The partying/clubbing is not anywhere in my vocabulary!! No children of my own, although my roommate, (whom I am "quietly" in love with) has 2 in our home. An adult lifestyle includes making adult decisions so, I'm making a grown-up decision to eat healthier and try to get back to my healthy self, hopefully MFP helps!! Good luck all!!
  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    im kandace. im 25. i live with my amazing boyfriend. we both have children from old flames and we have a 4 month son together. we have a beautiful family and are very very happy together. we bought a house in september. im lucky enough to be a part time stay at home mommy for our three kids which saves us a ton.
  • rcarri
    rcarri Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm Rita. I am 26 years old (almost) married to a wonderful guy. We have three boys living with us - ages 4, 7 and 8. The oldest and the youngest are my children and the middle is a long story. I have never lived a "healthy" life, but I'm ready to give it a shot to get back down to a more comfortable weight.
  • sarafyna
    sarafyna Posts: 15 Member
    Hello! I'm Sarah. I'm 27 and married to a great husband. I have a 5 year old daughter and 2 dogs. Hubby works evenings so most of the time it's me on my own and boy does it give me a run for my money! I feel like I woke up one day and realized something went totally wrong with my weight, it was like blinders were removed! I've tried weight watchers online and that worked until I totally derailed and for whatever reason couldn't bring myself to even keep up with points. I did lose quite a bit and decided I could maintain it until I realized I was lying to myself and I wasn't staying where I was but was gaining again. So here I am. I'm ready to be comfortable in my body again and to be able to chase after my child!
  • Lzysgrl
    Lzysgrl Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm Raya- recently married (3/11/12) to a wonderful man. :flowerforyou:

    I've been on my own now for 10 years and supporting myself and others as necessary. It's me, the hubby, the pup and the cat!

    My health has been on the decline for the last couple of years, but I'm getting back in the driver's seat! :glasses: I'm determined to get healthy, stay happy and live for as long as I can with my sweetie.

    I recently saw a naturopath who recommended some changes. Since western medicine hasn't done me much good (over a 1 year of multiple medications and my blood pressure still isn't under control), I'm giving this a try.

    I appreciate any encouragement! :happy:
  • KBill17
    KBill17 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Kati, I'm 22 years old. I've been dating my boyfriend for two years, and we've lived together for almost 6 months. We work at the same hospital- I'm a pharmacy tech and BF is a transfer specialist and the guy who's on the other end of the paramedics radio. :) I'm considering going back to nursing school, and BF hasn't settled on a career plan yet, either.

    I have friends that go out and party, get sloshed and can't remember anything. That's never been my scene. I'm pretty domesticated and I like it that way. I'm a baker at heart, and all I want in the world is to be a mother.

    Anything else, check out my profile. I love new friends. :)
  • :heart: :drinker: :heart:

    HI EVErYONE!!! Im 21 , gonna be 22 in may! I take care of 6 people. I moved in with my 33yr young BF, he has 2 children from his previous wife, I have one from my previous BF, and we have one together (4 kids in all / 3 girls and 1 boy). My mother also decided to move in after I had my last child. Seeing that I was a mother at age 16 (yes, way too young) that's when I knew I had to skip the whole party phase. (still a party girl at heart :D) . My BF and I have full time jobs trying to make ends meet. My children go to school and are taken care of my Mother (still young herself at 46) while we go to work. We have been living together for going on 5 years .
    I just got my GED in Feb this year! Marriage is not on my list right now due to the financial situation Im in. Maybe if I win a lottery I will reconsider!

    CHEERS to everyone's independence and individuality!
  • Hey Everyone,

    I'm Matti. I'm 21, living in the city with my boyfriend and animals with no plans to get married or have kids...ever...haha. My boyfriend is also on this site and we are looking to lose almost 220 lbs between the two of us (scary!). My plans to get my BA are on hold momentarily while I landed a very cushy job in my field and my boyfriend works for a big box home improvement store. I am a pretty decent cook and he is trying :D Glad to be here!
  • jenniferfiedler
    jenniferfiedler Posts: 86 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Jenni and I am 23. I have been married to Owen for little over 1 year. We farm in Butte, ND. We raise both crops and cattle. We have a dog and several cats. I enjoy keeping a house and cooking. When we have a little time to ourselves, we love to go hiking. I enjoy kayaking. And go out with my dog at least once a week. All of my friends are married, but they still like to go out drinking. Owen and I are more homebodies. But will go out about 4 times a month. No kids for us yet. We wanted to be married about 5 years before we started with the little ones.

    You can add me as a friend if you would like. :)
  • Hi Everyone,

    My name is Anna. I'm not married and don't have any kids -- although I have been seriously involved in the care of my niece and nephew for years (my sister is a single, working mom). I don't even have a serious boyfriend! (or any boyfriend for that matter). We broke up in December after 2 years together.

    I'm 23. I graduated high school and college early (college in 2009). I've been full time as a paralegal for over 2 years. I live alone and pay my own way. Planning to go to Law School in the Fall (hopefully!).

    I still enjoy a good party and going out on the town; but I'm definitely no mooch! I've been completely independent since I was 20 and graduated college.

    Oh and I currently have 2 friends on MFP so feel free to add me!!
  • missquela
    missquela Posts: 60 Member
    Hi all! I'll be 24 in June, engaged to my sweetheart of the past five years. We'll be getting married next July! We live together, and are looking to buy a home after the wedding in lieu of going on a honeymoon right away. I'm a banker, and my fiance works for a start-up here in the Bay Area. We love to go out on date nights every other week or so, but tend to stay home more often than we go out! I'm also one to like a good girls night out once in a while too! But I wouldn't consider myself one of those heavy duty partiers...I would know, I used to be one! ;) I'm here to drop a few dress sizes before the wedding, and to get myself into an overall more healthy body and lifestyle.

    I'd love to meet other like minded people on here, so feel free to add me!
  • Hi all im 21 with 2 children! Not married or anything but living with my partner :)

    Alot of my friends still live with mum and are partying all the time so dont really understand the whole living on your own thing but glad to have found this group :)
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    I am 24, about to hit that quarter of a century mark, and not only don't live with my parents, but live across the country from them! About to start living full time with my boyfriend, pay all of my bills, do all of my laundry, clean, the works. I would definitely take this life over living with my parents anyday!
  • newtz10
    newtz10 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi my name is Heather. Im 20, almost 21, I am married with a 3 year old daughter. Im looking for some pals on here to keep me motivated so feel free become my friend :)
  • Steph7x
    Steph7x Posts: 115 Member
    Hi I'm Steph, 20 almost 21. I have a just turned 2year old son and i live in the UK, I have lived out from parents since i turned 18. I started on MFP just to loose the baby weight but ive found a whole way of living, and made massive steps to lead a healthier lifestyle, and i have MFP and the lovely people on here to thank :)
  • laula84
    laula84 Posts: 11
    I'm Laura. I'm 28 and have been living with my chap for 5 years. We have no children but we do have two dogs and a cat. I'm a full-time primary (elementary) teacher and part time student...almost finished grad school (again, already have a masters and have gone back for more; crazy). lovely to meet you all!
  • hutchy90
    hutchy90 Posts: 67 Member
    Hey girls :) I'm Amanda, I'm 21 (well, ill be 22 this year). I've been a single mom since I was 18 years old, when I had my beautilful son, Kolton, who is almost 4 now! I have an amazing boyfriend now, who I plan on marrying.. l've also raised a German Shephard/Bull Mastiff cross, who is now 1 year old.

    I finished highschool while pregnant. I went to college to be a police officer and graduated with a 90% average. I've been working security since, and have discovered that the 12 hour shiftwork scene is not for me! (Do you know how hard it is to find a babysitter who works nights?!, geeze, lol.) So, I'm now on a journey to find myself a new career path.

    I've always been very healthy and active, but I am now ready to get serious and try to get into killer shape!

    Hope you guys can help :) Feel free to add me, girls!! :)

    --- Amanda
  • skeck
    skeck Posts: 46
    Hi All!

    My name is Shelby and I will be 23 in just a few weeks! I graduated from college a year ago and have an awesome job at a large chemical company. I have no children and am not married, but have been with my amazing boyfriend for about 5 years. He recently moved to my area of the state... so hopefully the ring will come soon :)

    I'll occasionally go out with my friends, but a night in is usually preferred! I'd love a support group on here who is in a similar situation as myself :) I've got about 15 lbs to lose and just want to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle!