Week 1 - Fitness Goals

Lucy_Monroe Posts: 55 Member
Okay, so Week 1 of the LMRFC has officially started! Woo hoo! What are your fitness goals for the week? Try to make them measurable and doable. It's also more likely you'll meet your goals if you don't set too many. :)

Here's mine: increase my strength training to two additional 20 min sessions per week and get back on a normal sleep schedule where I am asleep by 11 and awake by 7 a.m. (preferably 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., but I'll take anything over going to sleep at 7 a.m. and getting only a couple of hours before spending a useless bleary day trying to cope ::g::).


  • HealthyLivingKathy
    HealthyLivingKathy Posts: 204 Member
    Mine is to go to the pool 5 times this week, no less than 90 min each time.
  • jenifer315
    My goal is too drink more water and try to get more sleep.

    I'd also like to add more strength training into my cardio routine.

  • CeeGray
    CeeGray Posts: 15 Member
    My goal is to dust off my treadmill and get at least 2 miles three times by Sunday evening. It is very dusty....

    Also, I want to find a good hand-weight exercise routine that I can do a couple of times a week.
  • CeeGray
    CeeGray Posts: 15 Member
    Love your tracker and user pic, Kkey!
  • Jafdustys
    Jafdustys Posts: 12
    My goal for this week to exercise every day after work. It works better for me if I do it as soon as I get home.
  • DebraParmley
    My goals this week are to eat every three hours with setting a timer. (The timer is new. Doing it myself isn't working.)
    water exercise Tue, Wed, Thur and Sat. Dance rehearsals on Tue night. Keeping this schedule up till May 12th.
    Need to drink enough water so I'm going to start counting that.
  • Booklovensinner
    my goals r rather simple drink more water walk more and try and post more often here i get side tracked and forget to post lol
  • meandi09
    meandi09 Posts: 4
    mine is less soda and more water and take a walk of a mile at least once this week
  • krisgils33
    my goals for this week are to start eating healthier by eliminating a good chunk of the amount of sugar I usually consume. I also want to start walking.
  • Hockeyvamp
    My goals are to keep under my calorie count and do at least 1/2 hour of walking or more a day. Have to be really good this week to prep for RT next week because I know it will be hard to keep in line then. :happy:
  • lucy0326
    lucy0326 Posts: 54 Member
    My goal is to be able to run work out five days this week for at least 20 min and to sleep more than 4 hours a night
  • kittykelly28
    I am trying to drink more water and eat less junk food. I also don't eat anything for at least three hours before I go to bed and drink only water. That's super hard!! Lol I am also hoping to find a workout my ankle can handle. Looking forward to rt next week!!! I get to see my captain in person!! :)
  • erikarose13
    My goal this week is 6 days at least 30 minutes of something.
  • cbev100
    cbev100 Posts: 7 Member
    My goal is to drink more water, be consistent on logging my food, and to find a form of excercise that I enjoy so that I will keep up with it.
  • My goals this week are to exercise at least 6 days, and not have a food blowout when my DH insists on going out to dinner. Also I want to try to make it to the new Body Pump class at the gym(It starts at 9:15 am so I'll have to <carefully> drop DH off at the train and race the 20 odd min. back to the gym - fingers crossed).
    Also, I keep yo-yo-ing on a few lbs and I want this week to be the one where the loss stays that way :)
  • Tammy_Boyer
    My goals are to add different exercises, to get more sleep and to journal during the day not just at night so I don't forget food that I ate.
  • CidTyer
    CidTyer Posts: 2
    My goal this week is to keep under my calorie limits, and look for an affordable stationary bike to purchase.
  • Piper110
    Piper110 Posts: 8
    My goals for the week are to work out 6 days this week, and to not over eat to terribly much this coming weekend... Two days of family time are going to be tough!
  • isabellabishop
    My goal is to track my food and start drinking more water.
  • judyblow
    judyblow Posts: 5 Member
    My goal is to really track every think I eat or drink this week and to get to the gym at least 5 days this week. I've recently increased my water intake and I feel so much better already. Good Luck everyone!!!