I'm starting today!!

aboadle Posts: 27 Member

Wish me luck :P I have started about 2 years ago but didn't get past week 2.

I am determined to RUN!!!

Look forward to getting to know some of you over the weeks!


  • norzip
    norzip Posts: 168 Member
    i started yesterday .. Feel free to add me as a friend we can cry to each other.. LOL
  • RedSunshine365
    RedSunshine365 Posts: 189 Member
    I just finished day w1d2. i suck at running! I told another friend it feels like I have sumo wrestlers pulling on my legs. It'll get better, I know! :-)
  • katieacor
    katieacor Posts: 43 Member
    I just finished week 1 and started week 2 this am. I thought that an extra 15 seconds of jogging wouldn't be that much trouble, especially with a 2 min walking break. Boy was I wrong! But I am still super excited to keep up with this program. And you know what- I have been dieting and exercising for 3 weeks and haven't lost a pound yet. It's encouraging to read lots of comments about how you have to be patient and wait for your body to adjust to this new lifestyle and then the weight will begin to fall off. How are you doing in the area of weight loss as you start c25K?
  • aboadle
    aboadle Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks guys :)

    I went ok today, although I did feel pretty sick afterwards (which unfortunately is completely normal for me :( doc said it could take about a year for my body to adjust to exercise!)

    I've been going well with weight loss so far, I've been exercising here and there but not frequently and intensely enough. Running will feel unnatural for awhile but I'm sure it can be cracked! This is what our bodies are designed for!!
  • qwants2bslimmer
    qwants2bslimmer Posts: 30 Member
    Good luck on your journey, I also started this last year and gave up after week 3 I think. I have just completed W4D1 and am loving it!! I am not a runner and have a lot of weight to loose but I am enjoying it and am determined to finish it this time. I think posting on these boards is a great boast so make sure you keep logging and reading. There are some really inspirational people on here:)
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    congrats on getting started! I was absolutely inspired by people who despite having to repeat weeks over and over again kept at it and completed the whole program with amazing results. I'm officially starting next month (just because I'm doing other fitness programs right now) but I've done a couple of week 1 runs and it's gotten me pumped! You're right, whatever hurdles you may encounter, it certainly can be cracked. Best of luck to you:flowerforyou:
  • MissEmilie2011
    MissEmilie2011 Posts: 27 Member
    Good for you. Just getting started and committing is a big step. Congrats! Feel free to add me I just finished W7D2. I'm no expert, but I'd be glad to offer support.
  • ang6236
    ang6236 Posts: 1
    Just finished my first run...man am I out of shape. What type of workouts do ya'll do on non-running days?

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  • MissEmilie2011
    MissEmilie2011 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm not doing any exercises on my off days right now, but I'm going to start doing some ab and arm exercises from my Jillian Michaels DVD. I'm not going to do any leg exercises on my days off just yet because I think they need to rest.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    This is my first week as well!
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 262 Member
    Congrats on getting started! You will love this program, it's great! I am on W6D2! I had to repeat a few days here and there, it's important to go at your own pace! And have fun with it:flowerforyou:
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Keep it up, and go as slow as you like! I'm now in week 6, and can't believe the fitness changes I've had! Weightloss wise I've lost about 8lb since starting c25k, but I won't give it all the credit, as my eating is greatly improved as well (thanks MFP!)

    Last night I was picking up a bike from 2 towns over (4k away from my house) so I decided to use my c25k run to get there, then cycle back. And I did it! If in weeks 1 and 2 people had told me I'd be doing that, I'd have laughed!

    Despite the weight loss I don't think I LOOK like I've lost weight, yet, but I'm prepared to take this as the long journey it is. In my off days I generally do a wii workout, either zumba or my fitness coach. Now I plan to cycle on off days to give my poor feet a rest! Even with the best shoes in the world (which if you haven't invested in and gotten the right ones for your gait yet, get thee to a running store NOW! - it'll be the best thing you did) I have managed to get a huge blister that started on the 20 minute week 5 run, and all this week I keep forgetting to cover it so it's getting progressively bigger :grumble:
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    I'm on week 1 day 2, finding it a struggle, but I'm doing it!
  • missoularocks
    missoularocks Posts: 294 Member
    I started Day 1 yesterday. It wasn't too tough, but I know it will get harder!
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Today was my first day of week 2 :)
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I am starting Week 7 on Tuesday! Crazy to think about, cause even week 1 was difficult at first! Keep with it and it WILL get easier! And friend me if you'd like support. I am the slowest runner ever, I think...so I truly consider myself a beginning runner! :)
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    I started it last night and Im proud of myself for doing it! I felt like my legs were about 100#'s each by the end, but it felt so good to finish. Im hoping I stick with it till the end.
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow. Really want to do it but scared I won't be able to. Week 3 onwards seems impossible! Feel free to add me as a friend to support each other
  • beansnsprouts
    beansnsprouts Posts: 15 Member
    Newbie to MFP here. I've just begun the C25K as well and am at W2D1. So glad to find this group! Keep your updates coming!
  • fran1515
    fran1515 Posts: 130 Member
    I just did my 1st workout tonight of C25K week1 day 1 I have been walking 3-4 miles,3-4 times a week so it was not to bad but we will see how I feel in the morning. This running is a whole new ball game.
    My daughter and I have signed up for a 5K for June 3rd her 22nd birthday, a run along Kennebunk beach in Maine it should be interesting. I am glad I found this group because I feel I am out of mty element with the running but I will give it hell.
    Any support and help would be greatly appreciated.