Introduce yourself



  • Kbritske09
    Kbritske09 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all my name is Keri I am 29 years old. I am 5'7 and want to get to 130lb by the summer. I was up to 164 at the new year. Partly because I had foot surgery in November and am now able to perform at most of my potential. But mostly because I got lazy before the surgery and didn't watch what I ate. I am down to 152lbs and I think I found what works for me. I absolutely love to bike. Ive been using my fitness pal for two straight weeks now and am ADDICTED!! This has helped a lot. My inspiration is seeing pictures from 2 1/2 years ago before I got married. I was down to 136lbs (6lbs away from my goal) but I was super happy with myself and I will stop at nothing to get back there.
  • Name: Amy

    Age: 31

    Hobbies: I love to dance. I love art or anything creative!

    Have any own family: I have been married for 8 years. We have a 6 year old daughter.

    Weight goal: My weight goal is 135lb but right now I am focusing on losing 25lbs at the moment. I started at 174lbs. I did not even weigh this when I was 9 MONTHS pregnant with my daughter!!!! It was horrifying. I completely lost control of myself and eating. I entered severe depression at one point and decided that I wasn't going to let it get the best of me.
    Inspiration: I look at pictures of my body 10 years ago and think 'what I wouldn't give to be back there'. However, I know that is a little bit unrealistic so I am going to lose a bit at a time. Right now, I have lost 8lbs in the past 6weeks. It is a slow progression but I am hoping to continue to dwindle down. My biggest inspiration is my 6 year old daughter. I want her to know her mommy as a healthy, active person and hope that she follows that lifestyle.

    what made you sign up for fitnesspal: I have tried weight watchers, eating for my body type and a bunch of fad diets but SURPRISE nothing worked!! Fitness Pal has really helped me to focus like the others did not manage to do. I evaluated the way I ate and was horrified.
  • art003
    art003 Posts: 1
    Name: Aimee

    Age: 26

    Hobbies: spending time with family, shopping, walking, being outside enjoying the weather

    Have any own family: single

    Weight goal: 140

    Inspiration: my grandmother and anyone that has dreams and makes them come true

    what made you sign up for fitnesspal: I signed up for fitness pall because i need to lose originaly 30 pounds
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 207 Member
    Name: Adriana
    Age: 28
    Hobbies: ummmm, I rarely have free time anymore due to being in grad school and working, but on the rare occasions, I really enjoy reading, drawing and music.
    Have any own family: I don't have any kids of my own, but help with my nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews lol. I have a long-time partner and a 7 month old pit bull.
    Weight goal: I would LOOOOVE to be at 130-135
    Inspiration: my old high school pictures! A trip to Miami in Sept (for a bachelorette party) and a new swimsuit for this summer
    what made you sign up for fitnesspal: I downloaded the app on my phone to initially count calories when I realized just how much I had gained, and when I found the actual site, I was in love :)