More wrinkles around our mouths....

bnewperson Posts: 29 Member
I have tried every moisturizer around that promises to reduce the wrinkles around my mouth....and frustrated that nothinng works and men don't seem to have the problem! (so unfair). My kids had almost convienced me that is crazy thinking's emailed newsletter (Dr. Weil - I use Origins skin products and the newsletter is a reminder) headline topic "Wrinkles Around Your Mouth?" - I immediately opened with haste and it went on to say:

"It's one of life's small injustices - women are more prone than men to form wrinkles around the mouth. There are a few reasons why:

1.According to a recent analysis by dermatologists in the Netherlands, women have fewer oil-producing sebaceous glands around the upper lip - meaning less oil to keep the skin soft and supple.
2.Women (particularly postmenopausal women) have fewer blood vessels in the upper lip area resulting in less blood flow to the region.
3.The muscles around the mouth are closer to the skin in women than they are in men; this can mean the skin is pulled closer, leading to wrinkles.

Short of cosmetic surgery, there's not much you can do to eliminate wrinkles, but you may be able to minimize them by not smoking, avoiding sun damage and keeping your skin well moisturized.

It's Never Too Late to Age Gracefully
It's not about the lines on your face, it's about the life you have lead - and will continue to lead! Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging focuses on the mind, body and spirit, with guidance and suggestions for a happy, fulfilled life that naturally lends itself to aging gracefully."

Amen....and Thank you, Dr. Weil.


  • miltonp50
    miltonp50 Posts: 22 Member
    Well..........all that stuff about blood vessels, etc may be true, but I think it's because we know how to smile!:)
  • bnewperson
    bnewperson Posts: 29 Member
    I love it! Thank you for the perspective.
  • dot1212
    dot1212 Posts: 74 Member
    I think you are right!
  • grannynj
    grannynj Posts: 21
    Geez I'm wondering where my top lip went. Don't know about you girls but mine is receding rapidly. Ah well, at least I have nice teeth. :)
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    Grannynj, that is so funny. "At least I have nice teeth". I love it. I too am wondering where my lips are going. Especially the top one. I try to put lipstick on and oh my gosh, do I look stupid. I think I need a lip pen to draw on a new lip, either that or injections! I hired a lip detective once, but no luck on finding it! LOL If you figure it out, let us all know ok.
  • agent4change
    agent4change Posts: 1 Member
    I am sorry to hear that so many of us have this problem and yet glad to know I am not alone. I HATE my upper lip. Nothing has seemed to help and now I guess I should lower my expectations. Bummer.
  • momof2TONI
    momof2TONI Posts: 116
    I am fairly new to MFP and really hadn't thought much about joining a group until I saw this post. It made me smile but really hit home. I just turned 60 - my mom is 77 and I have WAY more wrinkles around my mouth (and eyes) than she does. I am not a smoker, but she was for half of her life. She also laughs a lot more than I ever have. Maybe I frowned too much in my youth?? haha
  • Merrychrissmith
    Merrychrissmith Posts: 235 Member
    Don't see a problem with your lips in your posting profile pics. Now about the eyes in particular....arrrgh. As I lose weight I am finally down to only 2 or 3 eyelids per eye.....Arrrrgh again.
  • momof2TONI
    momof2TONI Posts: 116
    Actually I meant to say I have LOTS more wrinkles up over my mouth. (the area under my nose and over my lips) lol