editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
FROM jaajh

I live in Mali in West Africa (been here 15 years) and am married to a Malian. We have 3 kids (6, 10 and 12). On 22 March 2012 there was a coup d'état in our country. There has also been a rebellion going on in the north since mid-January. However, our area has been calm throughout, so we stayed. However, the situation here is serously deteriorating so we will try to evacuate out tomorrow. We are driving across the border to Burkina Faso (about 2 hours from here) and we pray they will let us pass. (Borders are closed to commercial traffic (ECOWAS sanctions) - unclear if open to cars/people leaving.)

PLEASE pray for a safe trip for us and that God would guide as re what to do after this!

It is so VERY hard to be leaving like this.

This is such a brief summary of a very complicated situation, but I just wanted to get a prayer request sent out. Mali needs your prayers! We, as a family, really need your prayers tomorrow too.




  • Ksumare
    Ksumare Posts: 63 Member
    Praying right now that the Lord delivers this family from the horrible trials they are facing. Knowing that God's will shall be done and all things will work out for good.
  • SummerMarie77
    SummerMarie77 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm praying too