Tuesday's Challenge - What's yours?

I am struggling to get my exercise in! I was doing so well and then between kids ear infections and major sleep deprivation again I just feel worn out. I FINALLY GET IT! Lack of sleep is really my biggest obstacle. I have the hardest time keeping myself motivated when I am so tired and yet after getting the rest I need, eating better, and exercising seems to fall into place so much better! So my personal challenge is going to be getting more sleep. I really only need about 6 1/2 hrs/night to feel invigorated! The problem is I keep getting woken up at night! It's time for a chart for the kiddos!

How are the rest of you doing? What is your biggest strenght? Weakness? What have you discovered about yourself since you began My Fitness Pal?

Quote for today -
If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up. ~J.M. Power


  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Lol can you mske a chart for my 11 month old? And actually my sweet 2 year old... Mine is 20 minutes a day.. Even if sporadic. I may add in getting to bed by 12 now though after seeing your thing :-)
  • TraTroy
    TraTroy Posts: 14 Member
    My strength is exercise. I enjoy it, and look at my workouts as invaluable "me time" away from kids, housework, etc. My HUGE weakness is food. My Fitness Pal has really helped me realize how all of those little snacks add up. When I focus on sticking to a plan and I don't eat all of those stupid little things...a piece of candy here, a glass of wine there...I can totally make it happen. Ah, willpower!