knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
This is the start of Week 2. How did everyone do during week 1? What are your plans for Week 2? Have you been exercising, or is this the start?

I used to hate exercise. Now, I feel weird if I don't get something in. It has been a life saver over the last year and a half - going through a divorce is when I gained some of my weight back, but I was still at the gym everyday. If I hadn't of been I would have been in a very good condition. Great stress reliever!!!!


  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    7/7 for the challenge. Alas, no weight loss so I'm actually not sure if I'm still in the competition. Not sure how elliminations are conducted here :/. Hope I'm around to chear everyone on!!

    Sounds like the gym has been a bit of a lifesaver for you. I know that MFP has been super supportive for me. I'm totally addicted and wouldn't be doing near as well on my weight loss if I hadn't joined. I love this place! And of course the gym now too. I'm even learning to love running! Imagine that!
  • K1mmer
    K1mmer Posts: 68 Member
    Motivation wise I am doing great. 6/7 last week. I need to up my exercise so this weeks challenge is just what I needed. I actually gained weight last week, hope I don't get the boot! One day over and 3 days later the scale has not budged. I am thinking that some big workouts and lots of water will get be back on thr downward slide! Spring weather makes it so much easier to get outside!

    How is everyone else? Is this challenge a breeze for most of you?
  • lqohana
    lqohana Posts: 15
    I have been getting up early each morning to spend 30 minutes on the treadmill before work. Last week I upped it to 45 minutes each morning. I have noticed it gives me energy, calm and clarity to face the day ahead. I also take a Pilates class tuesday and Thursday night. I am surprised by how much I am enjoying it. I usually go for a cardio class because I like to sweat. This is a different kind of work out and I am seeing results.

    Good luck to everyone this week!
  • K1mmer
    K1mmer Posts: 68 Member
    WTG lqohana! Thanks for giving our team a great start! Congratulations on the loss and on finding an exercise routine you love!
  • Kima218
    Kima218 Posts: 27
    7/7 for the challenge this week. 2 lbs down. This week I will recommit myself to exercise, I am really one of those people who think of exercise like drinking Cod Liver Oil ...:noway: ..Yuck! But for the sake of my health and team I will make it my business to walk, turbo jam, taebo, hip hop abs or whatever dvd I have to try to keep me motivated and interested. This Challenge is going to be a rough one.
  • kts_11
    kts_11 Posts: 48 Member
    I was 7/7 and even more exciting after having the scale not more an ounce for three weeks I went down 1.8. So a good start to the overall challenge! I've been wicked busy at work this week, but I've already called up friends and made plans to get outside for the entire weekend so I should be able to complete the 150 and then some! The warmer weather is definitely motivating.

    Keep it up Black Team!
  • jenn71343
  • lqohana
    lqohana Posts: 15
    Week two so far:
    Monday 145 minutes
    Tuesday 145 minutes
    Wednesday 45 minutes

    How is everyone else doing?
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Doing good so far this week.

    Mon 90 min
    Tues 60 min
    Wed 30 min
    Thurs 30 min so far, softball game tonight.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Trucking along!

    M: 60 min
    T:150 min
    W: 120 min
    Th: 120 min so far...

    I have a engagement/wedding studio shoot in less then 2 weeks. I need to get as much burn as possible while I can!
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    M: 60 min
    T:150 min
    W: 120 min
    Th: 180 min
    Fri: 165 min

    Let's scores some points this week Black! We can do it!!
  • K1mmer
    K1mmer Posts: 68 Member
    Eek, you girls are doing great and putting the pressure on! To keep up my part I will have a long one Saturday am! Look for the post and hastle me if you don't see it! It is time to stop cleaning, shopping, movie watching, mfping and get outside to sweat!
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    LOL Depending on what kind of cleaning, it counts. By the time I get done doing the floors I look like I was at the gym! Two dogs make it interesting sometimes!

    I really need to mow, but...... hoping it's gonna rain!
  • K1mmer
    K1mmer Posts: 68 Member
    Just back from a fantastic walk! Beautiful spring day! Feeling great and ready to take on the Japanese feast we are going to tonight! I don't think I broke a sweat cleaning but I did raking so I will count that!

    M: 60
    T: 72
    W: 80
    S: 40