Best way to stop sugar/ Dessert cravings at night?

AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
Im bad when it comes to sugar in my diet and I will be good for a whole day and do well at the gym and then I cave and ruin it at the end of the day and have something sugary like chocolate or cake anyone have any ideas to stop dessert cravings??


  • I start in the supermarket and simply don't buy foods that tempt me. It was a habit and I still occasionally get peckish, but settle for a healthy choice, apple, cup of Rooibos. It's a hard habit to break, but after a month or so, you wont crave nearly as much. Its made twice as hard by retailers displaying 50 different awesome sweet treats around every shop counter/register tempting you into an impulse buy, now I need an apple.
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I'm with the above. I just don't buy them. But I have the ingredients at home to MAKE stuff - if I can be bothered. And you know what? most of the time I'm not.

    If I *do* have an overwhelming desire to eat something (that I can't be bothered making), I'll boil some eggs or something. I've also been known to snack on olives and sun dried tomatoes. Last night it was tuna and crackers.

    'Everyone' says protein keeps you fuller for longer. Something I tend to agree with, though I'd use the word satiated rather than 'full.'
  • FitterTerri
    FitterTerri Posts: 91 Member
    If I crave something sweet, I have a cup of chai tea (I use the lipton brand teabags). I find this is sweet enough to hold off the craving until morning.

    Hope this helps.
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks for the tips! its hard because I cant avoid not bringing them into the house because my boyfriend and I currently live with his parents because we are saving up for our own house and they bring bad foods into the house. I have started having light greek style yoghurt with berries to cure my sugar cravings. I love chai thats a great idea! and I do eat a lot of protein throughout the day by eating eggs and tuna etc which helps me feel full I am slowly getting on top of the cravings finally!
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    Last weekend I put fresh dates (I'm sure dried would be fine) and raw cashews in the food processor (separately) then mixed them together in a bowl into a smooshy dough, rolled them between two sheets of baking paper and cut out shapes with a cookie cutter. Then I individually wrapped the pieces in gladwrap and stored them in the freezer. At night time (after dinner, when watching tele, you know when the sweet craving starts up) I take one out of the freezer and nibble on it. Super sweet, hits the sweet spot, but no where near the damage of diving face first into a block of chocolate.

    I used 230g of dates plus 1/2 a cup of raw cashews and got 10 'cookies' out of the mixture at about 92cals each.
  • I've heard that if you sniff vanilla essence it can curb sweet cravings - but I've never tried it.
  • anaussie
    anaussie Posts: 88 Member
    Frozen berries.. sweeter.. healthier.. lighter.. cheaper..far more satisfying. I've a fistful if I wake up in the middle of the night.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Try sugar free jelly! Add a bit of fruit in it.
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    I am taking blackmore's sugar balance pills, helps stop the sugar cravings. Otherwise a cup of peppermint tea also does the trick.

    I get major sugar cravings about an hour after lunch.
  • My worst time of day for eating is night time, and with 5 kids I find it impossible to keep ALL of the "naughty" food out of the house, I have just started drinking peppermint tea and having a small mandarin, banana or orange after dinner when I would usually go looking for sweet treats. Working so far, will see what happens when it is TTOM :wink:
  • Midimed
    Midimed Posts: 1 Member
    I have come across 'Vitarium Sugar-Free Drinking Chocolate', (from Woolworths) it is only 8 calories for a cup, (made with a natural plant sweetener, nothing artificial). I find this drink of Hot Chocolate not only gives me a sugar burst but relieves my chocolate cravings and at 8 calories, I can even afford to have 2 drinks on some stressful days!
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    I have come across 'Vitarium Sugar-Free Drinking Chocolate', (from Woolworths) it is only 8 calories for a cup, (made with a natural plant sweetener, nothing artificial). I find this drink of Hot Chocolate not only gives me a sugar burst but relieves my chocolate cravings and at 8 calories, I can even afford to have 2 drinks on some stressful days!

    That stuff is amazing! Last night I heated up a cup of Blue Diamond's unsweetened almond milk and stirred in 4 teaspoons of the vitarium! It all came to 48 calories. It tasted so good and seemed to fill me up quite a bit which was a surprise... but it may have had something to do with the protein bar I ate a little earlier :P

    It is also available in strawberry and banana flavour although I wouldn't suggest having a 'hot strawberry' or 'hot banana' drink :P
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    Brush your teeth after you finish eating your dinner. Then you won't crave stuff, as you know it'll taste horrible alongside the toothpaste! :tongue:
  • lbowd2
    lbowd2 Posts: 12
    I'm just like you. What has worked for me is to earn your treat...then you don't feel guilty. Stick in a piece of chocolate cake into your MFP Food diary at the start of the day. Have a long hard look at how many calories it has and you know right from the start how much extra exercise you have to do before you get to eat that piece of cake. If you haven't earned it...then you can't eat it. If you have earned it then you get to eat it guilt free. If you get to the end of the day and don't feel like eating your treat, then delete it off your diary and feel awesome about's like this bonus. That works for me. I also soon as you put the sugary treat in your shopping trolley, you know it's going to end up in your stomach. Accept it and plan your exercise routine around it. You'll end up fitter and slimmer and you'll get to enjoy your treats.
  • mariagabriella
    mariagabriella Posts: 267 Member
    I'd actually say have something that's sweet, just a small amount of it and make sure you have enough calories for it.

    But I guess that's not what you're looking for... so I'd suggest yogurt (specifically tamar valley no added sugar). Add some frozen berries, or freeze the yogurt as it goes well. Milk has 12g of sugar and I find that helps with craving sugar.