The 1st rule of Geek Squad...



  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    1st rule of the Geek Squad:
    Always be faithful to your geekiness. No toning it down for the unwashed masses! They only wish they were as cool as we are.

    Firefly and Serenity are required watching. Although, really, how do you get in without having already seen them?

    Awesome! Totally agree!
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    Actually another question about Geek Squad...

    Do you want this group to be popular, or do you like it how it is? So..

    A) The more, the merrier
    B) Two's company, Three's a crowd

    I think as long as everyone stays respectful the more the merrier
  • sirtodd
    sirtodd Posts: 14 Member
    1st rule of geek squad is geek love for all!

    homework will be to brush up on your allan moore
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    The 1st rule of Geek Squad is... you do not talk about Geek Squad!

    The 2nd rule of Geek Squad is... YOU DO NOT TALK... No, sorry. I got that wrong. The second rule is... No smoking!

    Actually, ignore those rules. The question for this thread is..

    If The Geek Squad was like Fight Club, what would be your rules and home work assignments?

    (This is just for fun, there will be no rules for The Geek Squad apart from to play nice and be respectful to one another)

    Firstly massive props for the Spaced quote ;)

    On to the questions.. My rules would be...Be nice,it's not hard

    Home work assignment would be to get every one to watch's epic
  • DoBetterDrea
    DoBetterDrea Posts: 85 Member
    1st rule of the Geek Squad:
    Always be faithful to your geekiness. No toning it down for the unwashed masses! They only wish they were as cool as we are.

    Firefly and Serenity are required watching. Although, really, how do you get in without having already seen them?

    I haven't seen either [ducking], but they are in my Netflix que.

    My work ID is now officially hanging off my "Star Wars in Concert" lanyard, complete with mini light up lightsaber. Let's see how well this goes over at work. LOL

    I haven't seen either of them...either... *runs away*
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    The 1st rule of Geek Squad is my geek may not be your geek but all geek is great geek.

    This :)
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    I would say the first rule is not to bash on other people's geek groove. We all have different angles of geek culture that we love. Let the haters stay in the jock world ;)

    (Sorry to geek jocks - my exhubs was a major jock and was always hating on my geek-lore)

    On a happy note - I have decided to start wearing my work badge on my "Star Wars in Concert" lanyard, complete with mini lightsaber. Wonder if anyone will notice??

    Where can I get one of these amazing Star Wars lanyards with mini lightsaber?! Did you get it from I must have one!
  • twkelly
    twkelly Posts: 91 Member
    Actually another question about Geek Squad...

    Do you want this group to be popular, or do you like it how it is? So..

    A) The more, the merrier
    B) Two's company, Three's a crowd

    The more the merrier... as long as all remain respectful isn't really in question since in all my experience geeks get along with geeks. We all just get each other.

    All geeks feel free to add me as a friend... just add "Geek Squad" in your request and I won't decline.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I would say the first rule is not to bash on other people's geek groove. We all have different angles of geek culture that we love. Let the haters stay in the jock world ;)

  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    This weekend's assignment. Bring down Jersey Shore. It has no place in a civilized world. Shut it down. Shut it down forever!

    lol seriously.... I don't want to have to deal with 9 months of snooki pregnant... i might have to throw my tv away

    What??? They've allowed her to procreate???? *eyeroll*
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 664 Member
    2nd rule should be to keep this thread alive
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Jersey shore does not affect my life as I don't use my TV for anything but video games, dvds, and streaming.

    and I can't think of any rules. But I am here to say:

    Firefly is overrated. *dives into her bunker*

    Watch Futurama instead. And if you already have seen all of futurama (EVEN THE NEW ONES?) then go rewatch it. For your health.
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    first rule.... never be ashamed of your geek-self! Geeks rule!

    second rule... encourage others to unleash their inner geek... we all have one, it only takes a certain game, movie, TV seria or book to bring it out!

    homeworks assignment - destroy TOWIE, Geordie shore, Jersey shore and all the other fakerie factories!
  • siouan
    siouan Posts: 40 Member
    First rule of Geek Squad is that you must have vast knowledge of Adam West, Tom Baker and William Shatner! LOL!

    Your homework assignment...should you choose to accept it, is to educate those around you about anything geeky or related to geek pop culture.

    I've been spreading the geekdom this week! Got into a discussion about The IT Crowd with my boss during my appraisal so he now has my bos set to watch this weekend!
  • TheLukePhone
    TheLukePhone Posts: 30 Member
    I totally agree! Oh how I love Nathan Fillion! I have a poster of him hanging on the wall across from my cubicle!

    I actually ran into him in a motorcycle shop in Edmonton a few years back, nice guy. :)