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  • Sixtyby60
    Sixtyby60 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi - I'm Kathleen. I have had RA for 2 1/2 years and I am struggling with exercise and weight loss. When I was first diagnosed I lost t 20 + lbs, mostly because of marital stress and a decision to take care of myself. I've slowly put the weight back on and I've finally realized I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. Exercise is getting more difficult because if I do too much of anything I hurt alot for two days. I don't feel like exercising in the morning because I'm so stiff but if I don't exercise in the morning, I typically don't get around to it. the end they are all excuses and I have to find away around them. I'm hoping this program and some support will help me. I walked 2.5 miles on Saturday and Sunday and my hips hurt so badly Sunday afternoon I just had to sit down. I could barely do my grocery shopping . If I don't push myself, I generally don't hurt so exercise for me is like consciously stepping on tacks. I know it will feel better when I stop but it hurts to do it. I also have a very demanding profession and crazy hours, and still one child at home, and a very high maintainence, nonsupportive husband. These are all the variables that interfere with my stuggle to stay focused on myself and caring for me. I don't want to complain about this all the time. I just want to lay it out there. There are so many factors that interfere but I can't use them as excuses any more.,
    Namaste and looking forward to hearing from your all
  • Hi everyone,

    My name is Paul, I am 36 years old and I have been suffering with excruciating pains since I was 14 years old. The pain started in my fingers and hands and as I got older I began to get pains and stiffness elsewhere. Doctors could not prove it was RA but they 'accepted' that it probably is considering my family history of it.

    I hit my twenties and signed with a new Doctor who sent me for more tests. After many tests a specialist told me that I was making up the pains and just need to lose weight and stop bothering my Doctor. I never saw another Doctor until two weeks ago. I now have a new Doctor who has been kind so far and is investigating the pains I suffer without judging me.

    My pain has got so bad that I need help getting out of bed because my fingers are often stuck stiff in one position when I wake, and I can also barely walk first thing in the morning. I wanted to lose weight but I couldn't exercise with my pains and this pushed me into a cycle that pushed me down. Then in July last year I found and joined MFP but kept my pains to myself initially.

    I followed weight loss advice from other people and starting doing gentle exercises while walking more and adjusting my diet. I began to feel a little stronger and started doing an exercise DVD; very slowly at first.

    I encountered this group and let out a "yippee!". Now - I have so far lost 28lbs. My pains are no different but I feel stronger and I am so determined to lose another 25lbs or so and to continue exercising and keeping myself moving. Four friends, after seeing my weight loss and my determination, have all started losing weight and working out too.
  • hi my name is joanne, ive had ra since 2004, was put on methotraxate but the side effects were so bad had to come off it, the doctors tried other types of medication but had bad reactions to them all so am now on pain killers and anti inflammatories. At the moment im having a really bad flare up so finding it hard to exercise but need to lose weight, just got to get in the right frame of mind and stop eating chocolate lol. so glad to have found this group
  • dustidawn
    dustidawn Posts: 18 Member
    Hello! I've been diagnosed for 12 years...since I was 16 years old. I've been on MTX since diagnosis but have recently talked with my rheumy and decided to see how I do without meds. I have felt pretty good for the past 5-6 years at least. I don't know if what I feel now is RA or "normal" 29 year-old woman pain. ha! I have really changed my diet over the past 2 months and have felt the best I've felt in a long time and lost 10lbs (so far) as an added bonus. :) Glad to see a RA group!!
  • Hi my name is Jonna I am 46 years old and was diagnosed when I was 38. I joined MFP back in 2009 but really didnt use the site mainly used the weight ticker for another site I was on. Back in 2009 I had sucess with weight loss I lost 40 pounds but since then I have gained some of it back. On Dec. 27, 2011 I had mcp joint replacement in my right hand and have been on short term disability from work since then. Doctor said 3 months before I could go back to work. I go back to see him next week and I hope he will release me to return to work because just in these last 3 months I have gained almost 10 pounds. Well this past month I said enough is enough and I have been walking at the mall everyday for 3 miles and have lost 5 of those pounds. I have a very physical job I work in a warehouse picking orders for shipping lots of time on my feet and lots of lifting and bending. I have never let my RA limit me in what I want to do but I have to say some days are challenging.Looking for any suggestions on exercise thats easy on the joints.Hope everybody is having a great day! Thanks!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I've had RA at least since I was about 5 - I've also got Ehlers-Danos III (hypermobility) - so most of my childhood was spent with various joints either in bandages due to dislocations and sprains or because they were just swollen up like footballs. Never had any medication for it until the last 7 years, but I am either allergic to everything or I can't stomach the meds. Been too chicken to try the more serious medications.

    I've had enough of my steroid face and want to actually lose enough weight that they can't tell me it's being fat causing the pain, which some doctors and nurses, particularly, still say after all these years.

    The only thing that actually reduces the pain fast is to not eat at all - I found this out from the Rheumatologist when I was about 17, but never was daft enough to do it.

    But since I've been on MFP, I have noticed the swelling on the non weight bearing joints has gone down.

    The only way I can continue with playing bass is developing the ability to compensate for when I can't move my hands so well, using two fingers to support the fret, for example, plus taking advantage of such things as pain killing medications or the odd drink. Sometimes I will finish a gig and down several shots one after another to get the pain gone (I have to be 100% to perform, it's my Number 1 rule).

    I've been doing yoga for the last few weeks to try and undo some of the restriction in movement due to years of injury to hypermobile joints and to try and hold them in their proper place. But it's early days yet.
  • NicoleElen
    NicoleElen Posts: 86 Member
    Hello, I'm Nicole. I was diagnosed with RA in 2009 at age 33, much to my shock. I thought I had carpel tunnel syndrome. Turns out my inflammation was so bad it was cutting off the feeling to my hands. Right now I am doing ok, dealing with hand and foot pain nearly constantly. After 2 years of being denied by insurance due to pre existing conditions, I FINALLY got health insurance this month. I can not wait to go see a rheumatologist and get meds!
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    I just found out about this group today. Have been using MFP since January, only been on the forums for a couple of weeks though. I have sever RA and have since I was 19 I am 37 now. I live in Australia and am currently doing okayish. My cocktail of drugs is doing what is should be I guess.

    Oh and my name is Jackie.:flowerforyou:
  • Hello I'm Tania. I have a rare form of RA called idiopathic chondrolysis. I was diagnosed at 10 years old after suddenly not being able to bear any weight n my left leg. It affected just my left hip joint at the time. Since then the condition has begun to affect my entire body including my lower back and knees. Over the years I have battled with my weight, but it has been difficult because working out is not as easy for me as it is for people without joint pain. I am starting a diet and exercise plan in order to attempt to slowly lose some weight making the pain on my joints less so I can live a more comfortable life. Any suggestions from fellow RA sufferers is much appreciated. I was looking into trying Osteo-Biflex to gain some kind of flexibility in my hip joint while trying to find a workout routine that does not leave me couch-ridden for days. Good luck to everyone on their endeavors!
  • bethanyolivia
    bethanyolivia Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Beth. I've had RA since I was 4/5 and I'm now 18. I've lost 1st 6lb so far but still have 3st 8lb to go! I'm on a lot of medication so I can cope with my pain but it's by no means easy! I hope everyone is doing well, good luck! x
  • Hi I'm Claire, I'm 45 and was diagnosed with RA when I was 13. I have ups and downs, but weight has crept on me and I need to lose about 4 stone. I'm due to have an op on my foot later this year so know that it's crucial to lighten up a bit!

    My biggest frustration is when I know that exercise would make all the difference but my body just can't do it.
  • Harleene
    Harleene Posts: 5
    Hi -- I'm Helena (Harleene to those under the age of 4 who can't pronounce Helena). I was diagnosed with RA in December of 08. All the usual medications. Mostly I'm tired. Somedays I sleep 16 hrs a day. Yikes. Hoping the weight loss will help improve my energy level. Good to see so many fellow travelers on the journey -- my prayers are with you.
  • Harleene
    Harleene Posts: 5
    My physical therapist said that if the pain increases while you are exercising, then it's time to alter what you are doing. I have found that to be very useful when doing my aquatic exercises. Usually the warm pool and movement bring some relief -- even if the relief is just knowing that I have done one good thing for myself that day. Hope this helps.
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    Hi all, I've been a silent ninja for a while now but thought I'd best pop up and say hi! :-)

    I'm Loops and I was pointed towards your group by a friend who has RA (and is a member of this group I believe), I actually have PsA (Psoriatic Arthritis) but hope I'll still be welcome as a fellow AAD sufferer! My PsA came on around the beginning of 2010, and I was diagnosed a year later. It currently affects most of the joints down my right hand side (shoulder, elbow, wrist, ring finger, thumb, hip, knee, foot) and my neck, tho my arm is the worst and I have very little movement in the elbow.

    I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which has made my weight a constant struggle, I lost 7 stone about 6 years ago, but it all crept back on again and a little more so this time I need to get it off and make it stick! At 35 I feel like a creaky old lady and hoping that losing the weight will make things easier on my joints and give me back more mobility... Oh and it'd be nice to fit into all the nice clothes in the loft that don't fit me anymore!! ;-)
  • stinastudios
    stinastudios Posts: 117 Member
    Hello everyone.

    I've been on MFP for over a year, but after a month of unexplainable migratory joint pain, I was diagnosed last Monday with early Rheumatoid Arthritis. I've been put on Plaquenil, so hopefully that will work to help with things eventually.

    I'm currently trying to get back to where I was before the RA diagnosis, I was working out at the gym by my office five days a week, but haven't worked out consistently for a month now.

    So yeah, feel free to add me, I'm encouraged by the tone of support here.
  • Hi I'm Susan,
    I have had RA and osteo for 10 + years. On prednisone most of the time. Just had a reaction to orencia last week! Now what? I find it really difficult to exercise with our best friend, fatigue, balance issues and a back fusion last year. I used to do dressage and rode 3-5 days a week and had to stop about 7 years ago. I kept my Hanovarian as "yard art " until last summer. We moved back to Denver from a horse property in Texas and no acreage now. I couldn't stand the thought of him going back in a box so a friend adopted him and he's having a blast being worked and shown again! Miss him tons!
    The things we lose with this disease!! Being overweight sure doesn't help! So today is day one of my reinvention! No longer a victim to RA and would love friends along the way!!!

    Love the title!!!
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Brittany, I'm 27 years old and was diagnosed with RA at 19. I also have a little sister who was diagnosed with it at 19 as well. I recently rejoined MFP once I started boot camp with a group of ladies to help keep me accountable.

    In 2009, I broke my foot which then caused me to gain weight and of course make my RA worse. I have been struggling with losing weight the past few years (doesn't help my boyfriend is a rail and eats whatever he wants!) because of my bad knees. But now, I'm back on my meds, starting to eat healthy, and slowing working my way back up to hopefully running again. I miss it now that I can't do it.

    My goal is to lose 70lbs and be able to wear a bikini next year! :) I also have my 10 year high school reunion next year that I would love to go to looking and feeling good.

    I'm only a few days into tracking my calories and boy it is a wake up call! I've been walking and exercising for 2 weeks now. Although I don't have a scale I can feel it in my clothes. :D

    Good luck to you all!
  • ndbex
    ndbex Posts: 61 Member
    Hello. I've been diagnosed for three years. I had a baby five months ago and am still struggling to control my pain as well as drop about 10-15 lbs. I am really looking for people who can commiserate and understand what it's like to have this and to live with it every day. I also have fibro and endometriosis, all which cause pain. Therefore, nearly every day I have pain from one of these conditions. It's become the new normal!

    Anyways, I'd love to have group challenges because I need some motivation. Thank you and bless you all.
  • tillw412
    tillw412 Posts: 4
    Hi everyone, My name is Lisa, I am 46 years old Mother of two boys 27 & 22, Step-Mother of two more Boys 24 & 19 They have all kept me busy. For as long as I can remember I have always hurt! I would have little red dots on my legs after playing or running track in high school. From time to time I would go several days not being able to lift my arms or my back would feel like someone had hit me with a truck. I always figured I slept wrong, pulled something or just plane over did it. In March on 2011 after a long day with Family getting ready for bed I noticed I was seeing double and for the next hour it got wrost. Ok her is where you all know the routine. Next morning lets see my Ophthalmologist. This was the begining of the Prednisone. Right away he sent me straight to the ER:ohwell: now I am worried! Found nothing so now to the Neuro-Ophthalmologist. MRI's, CAT scans, MRI on my eyes (didnt even know they could do that) NOTHING but I still have double vison.
    In July, I decided to start P90X with my oldest son. The next day I could not move anything. Each day it got alittle bit better. After about a week I went for a massage (to help loosen things up). Just made matters wrost!:cry: . Went to my Family Dr:heart: . She is WONDERFUL. Right away seh wanted to do blood work and got with my Neuro-Ophthalmologist. Together they agreed get her to a Rheumatologist. (The day this was desided: The Best of the Best Rheumatologist Office in my area had an Office Fire that was arson and a Firefighter was lost his life:angry: Prayers are still accepted for his family. So they can't see new patients until Sept. First visit with all my blood work that my Family Dr had odered so that we could be ahead of visit 1 on my first visit was such a BIG help. That day I was given told "I would like for you to have three or four rounds of Citoxan which is chemo" I flipped out! :indifferent: My husband and I went home starting praying and talking about things. I did three rounds of chemo, three infusions of Steroids plus my daily does. Now I have gained 25 pounds:noway: After Christmas 2011 I am now on Methotrexate, Prednisone, Hydroxychoroquine, Humira, Tramadol oh and Lisinopril for High Blood! I now know that I am not a hypochondriac. I have RA and Vascultis ( they are still trying to figure out which of the Vascultis' that I have. Now I am up 45-50 pounds. Help, tell me it gets better and I can loose this weight! I want to be active and healthy.
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    Hi, I'm Paula and I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis on Wednesday. I was given a steroid jab at my appointment to take down the inflammation and started methotrexate on Friday. Apart from the obvious concerns about the disease I'm worried that the meds will make me gain weight as I've tried really hard to lose 45lbs since January. Nice to meet you all and so glad this group exists. Am I a ninja now?